



  • 軟體名稱:美國骨科協會
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:22.77MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
攻角的應用程式把流行AOA資源在您的指尖。 AOA成員只需要登錄一次,以獲得專屬會員的內容,像他們的CME報告和JAOA的最新版本。還不是會員?使用AOA應用程式來搜尋一個骨科醫生( DO)在您的地區,搜尋即將舉行的活動或只是了解更多關於骨科醫學。 AOA新聞 - 刷上對骨科醫學界的最新訊息,包括深入分析了影響骨科醫生及骨科醫學生中的溶解氧的問題。 美國整骨療法協會JAOA - 雜誌 - 閱讀的AOA每月同行評議的科學期刊特色的骨科醫學研究當前的問題。 找到一個DO - 由名,州,城市,郵政編碼和/或醫學專業搜尋快速查找您所在地區的骨科醫生。 CME的報告 - 訪問您最新的醫學繼續教育的報告瞬間。 聯繫方式 - 獲取與合適的人接觸的第一次使用迎角的主要聯繫人列表。 合作 - 以由AOA成員提供福利的優勢:電子健康記錄,信用卡,支付處理,保險,參考軟體,移動服務和汽車租賃服務。 宣傳 - 了解你可以如何參與或留在AOA的聯邦基層立法努力了最新的。 活動 - 通過當前和未來的骨科事件,包括芝加哥商品交易所的會議和認證考試的完整列表瀏覽。 The AOA app puts popular AOA resources at your fingertips. AOA members need only log in once to gain access to exclusive member content, like their CME reports and the latest edition of the JAOA. Not a member Use the AOA app to search for an osteopathic physician (DO) in your area, search for upcoming events or simply learn more about osteopathic medicine. AOA News – Brush up on the latest news about the osteopathic medical profession, including in-depth analyses of issues affecting osteopathic physicians and osteopathic medical students in The DO. JAOA—The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association – Read current issues of the AOA’s monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal featuring osteopathic medical research. Find a DO – Quickly find an osteopathic physician in your area by searching by name, state, city, ZIP code and/or medical specialty. CME Report – Access your latest continuing medical education report instantly. Contacts – Get in touch with the right person the first time using the AOA’s key contacts list. Partnerships – Take advantage of member benefits offered by the AOA: electronic health records, credit cards, payment processing, insurance, reference software, mobile services and car rentals. Advocacy – Learn how you can get involved or stay up-to-date on the AOA’s federal grassroots legislative efforts. Events – Browse through a complete list of current and future osteopathic events, including CME meetings and certification exams.


