




  • 中文名:美國華裔文學作品選
  • 作者:郭英劍、付軍嶺、劉向輝
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年9月
  • 定價:58 元
  • ISBN:9787300261171




1. 容閎(Yung Wing, 1828— 1912)
My Life in China and America
2. 李恩富(Yan Phou Lee, 1861— 1938)
When I Was a Boy in China
The Chinese Must Stay
3. 伊迪絲· 莫德· 伊頓(Edith Maud Eaton, 1865— 1914)
Mrs. Spring Fragrance
In the Land of the Free
4. 《埃侖詩集》無名氏集體作者
Island: Pertry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel Island,1910-1940
5. 雷霆超(Louis Chu, 1915— 1970)
Eat a Bowl of Tea
6. 黃玉雪(Jade Snow Wong, 1922— 2006)
Fifth Chinese Daughter
7. 趙健秀(Frank Chin, 1940— )
The Chickencoop Chinaman
Donald Duk
8. 湯亭亭(Maxine Hong Kingston, 1940—)
The Woman Warrior
The Fifth Book of Peace
9. 林永得(Wing Tek Lum, 1946— )
The Nanjing Massacre: Poems
10. 葉祥添(Laurence Yep, 1948— )
11. 徐忠雄(Shawn Hsu Wong, 1949— )
American Knees
12. 梁志英(Russell Leong, 1950— )
Your Tongzhi Body
13. 譚恩美(Amy Tan, 1952— )
The Valley of Amazement
Where the Past Begins: A Writer’s Memoir
14. 裘小龍(Qiu Xiaolong, 1953— )
Death of a Red Heroine
A Case of Two Cities
15. 雷祖威(David Wong Louie, 1954— )
Pangs of Love
Eat, Memory: A Life without Food
16. 陳美玲(Marilyn Chin, 1955— )
Song of the Sad Guitar
Get Rid of the X
Formosan Elegy
17. 鄺麗莎(Lisa See, 1955— )
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
Dreams of Joy
18. 任璧蓮(Gish Jen, 1955— )
Typical American
World and Town
19. 哈金(Ha Jin, 1956— )
Nanjing Requiem
20. 蕭錦榮(Siu Kam Wen, 1956— )
A Journey to Ithaca
The Map and the Sword
21. 閔安琪(Anchee Min, 1957— )
Pearl of China
22. 黃哲倫(David Henry Hwang, 1957— )
M. Butterfly
23. 謝耀(Chay Yew, 1965— )
24. 姜峯楠(Ted Chiang, 1967— )
Tower of Babylon
Story of Your Life
25. 張純如(Iris Chang, 1968— 2004)
The Rape of Nanking
26. 李翊雲(Li Yiyun, 1972— )
A Thousand Years of Good Prayers
A Man Like Him
27. 劉宇昆(Ken Liu, 1976— )
The Grace of Kings
The Paper Menagerie
28. 伍綺詩(Celeste Ng, 1980— )
Everything I Never Told You
Little Fires Everywhere
29. 黃頤銘(Eddie Huang, 1982— )
Fresh off the Boat: A Memoir
30. 林韜(Tao Lin, 1983— )
Love is the Indifferent God of the Religion in which Universe is Church


