



  • 中文名:美國歷史文化讀本
  • 出版時間:2009年03月
  • 出版社四川大學出版社
  • 作 者王鵬飛
  • ISBN:9787561442371
  • 開本:: 16開
  • 定價:38.00 元




Unit One Colonial Period
Key Words
Text One The Mayflower Compact
Text Two Leah and Rachel, Or, the Two Fruitful Sisters: Virginia and Mary-land
Text Three What Is an American?
Text Four Poor Richard's Almanac
Unit Two Revolutionary Period
Key Words
Text One The Declaration of Independence
Text Two The Crisis
Text Three The Spirit of Liberty
Unit Three The Westward Expansion
Key Words
Text One Who Is There to Mourn for Logan?
Text Two The Significance of the Frontier on the National Character
Text Three Self-reliance
Text Four Where I Lived and What I Lived for
Text Five Woman in the Nineteenth Century
Unit Four The Civil War
Key Words
Text One The Life of Olaudah Equiano
Text Two Negro Slavery
Text Three Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Unit Five Reconstruction and the Rise of Industrialization
Key Words
Text One The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today
Text Two The American
Unit Six World War I
Key Words
Text One The New Nationalism
Text Two Sister Carrie
Unit Seven Post-World War I and the Great Depression
Key Words
Text One The Great Gatsby
Text Two A Farewell to Arms
Text Three Brother, Can You Spare Me a Dime?
Unit Eight World War II
Key Words
Text One Quarantine Speech
Text Two The Indispensable Opposition
Unit Nine Post-World War II
Key Words
Text One Howl
Text Two Opinion in the Case of Brown vs. Board of Education of, Topeka
Text Three Where Do We Go from Here?
Text Four The Feminine Mystique
Unit Ten Contemporary
Key Words
Text One Addresses before the Congress Following the Moon Landing
Text Two September 11: Before and After


