



  • 書名:高等學校英語專業規劃教材
  • 頁數:232頁
  • 出版社:華中科技大學出版社
  • 裝幀:平裝


出版社: 華中科技大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年12月1日)
叢書名: 高等學校英語專業規劃教材
平裝: 232頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787560967325, 7560967329
條形碼: 9787560967325
尺寸: 25.8 x 18.2 x 1.2 cm
重量: 481 g




Part One A General Introduction to the United States of America
Chapter 1 Geographical Situation and Topographical Features
l.l Situation, size, region and time zones
1.2 Plains and mountains
1.3 Rivers and lakes
Chapter2 The Immigrant Nation
2.1 Population
2.2 Ethnics
2.3 Main cities
Chapter 3 History (1)
3.1 Discovery of America
3.2 British colonies in North America
3.3 The revolution of American Independence
Chapter4 History (2)
4.1 Expansion of American territories
4.2 The American Civil War
4.3 America and the two World Wars ~
Chapter 5 Political System
5.l The U.S.Constitution
5.2 Separation of powers
Chapter 6 The Two-Party System and the Election of American President.
6.l The Two-Party System
6.2 The election of American President
Chapter 7 American Economy
7.1 Features of American economy
7.2 Sectors in US economy
7.3 American agriculture
Part Two American Culture
Chapter 8 American Cultural Values
8.1 Multicultural heritage
8.2 Traditional American values and beliefs
8.3 Cultural regions
Chapter 9 Education in the United Stales
9.1 A brief introduction
9.2 Orientation and characteristics
9.3 Education system
9.4 Problems in education
Chapter 10 Science and Technology
10.1 Development of science and technology in America
10.2 Research institutions and scientists
Chapter 11 American literature ..
11.1 A panorama of American literature
11.2 Poetry
11.3 Fiction
11.4 Drama
Chapter 12 American Art
12.1 The fine arts
12.2 Film
Chapter 13 Sports and Games in America
13.1 Sports and American values ,
13.2 Popular sports in the United States
13.3 Recreations and individual Sports
Chapter 14 Mass Media in America
14.1 Newspapers and magazines
14.2 Radio, television and intemet
Chapter 15 Religions and Beliefs
15.1 Religion and society
15.2 Religion and politics
15.3 Major religious sects in America
Chapter 16 Social Life .
16.1 American family and family problems
16.2 Food and drinks
16.3 Etiquettes at dinner table
16.4 Some social etiquettes
Chapter 17 Holidays and Festival Customs
17.1 Federal holidays
17.2 Other holidays or festivals


