1825年,卡露絲洗染坊誕生。“上海露麗洗滌設備有限公司”依靠專業熱情周到的服務,贏得消費者的信任。如今,已成長為洗衣連鎖超級巨人的美國卡露絲國際集團,更以經營擁有自主智慧財產權的“COLORS”牌洗滌設備,洗染助劑及卡露絲洗衣國際連鎖店為主要業務,憑藉全新的國際化、品牌化、專業化的戰略管理模式,引領全球洗衣潮流。 在卡露絲國際,一批著名的高級洗滌設備研發工程師、洗衣師、高級培訓師、高級職業經理人,傾力打造卡露絲“健康到家”“乾淨到家”的洗衣文化。 遍布世界的5000多家卡露絲洗衣連鎖店,既成就萬名成功投資者,更為消費者提供無與倫比的“只為優質生活”的精神享受。 讓加盟商“低投入、高產出、快發展”是卡露絲國際融合中國文化的全新征盟方針,“打造中國乾洗連鎖第一創業品牌”使卡露絲在中國擁有一片新的天地。資源整合,統一標識、品牌共享、優質服務的卡露絲(中國),誠邀有識之士,共襄盛舉。 In 1825, Colors Laundry came into being and earned consumers’ trust through professional, enthusiastic and considerate services. Nowadays USA Colors International Laundry Group, which has grown as a laundry chain superman, mainly operates “Colors” brand washing equipment, washing & dyeing agent and Colors laundry international chain stores and relying on brand new strategic management mode oriented towards internationalization, brand and specialization, guides the tide of the global laundry. In Colors International, a batch of famous senior washing equipment R & D engineers, laundry personnel, senior trainers and senior professional managers are striving for laundry culture of “bringing both health and cleanliness home”. Over 5,000 Colors laundry chain stores throughout the world not only make thousands of investors successful but also provide matchless spiritual enjoyment of “living for high quality only”. Making franchisees enjoy “low investment, high output and rapid development” is brand new policy on franchise that Colors International integrates the Chinese culture. It is necessary to make Colors have new market in China through “creating No. 1 entrepreneurship brand in Chinese dry-cleaning chain”. Colors (China) with resource integration, uniform identifier, brand sharing and excellent service sincerely invites people of vision for a common success.