在近幾年的科研工作中,曾先後主要從事蛋白質合成及蛋白質與核酸相互作用的調節研究、苯並[a]芘與紫外光誘發皮膚癌的研究、染料木黃酮抑制黑色素瘤的研究、過亞硝酸根與生物大分子反應及其抑制作用的研究等項目。先後承擔或負責了美國NIH、中國國家自然科學基金、北京市自然科學基金和北京市科技新星等項目,發表論文50餘篇,參與一部英漢譯著與一部中文教材的編寫,SCI/EI收錄論文40餘篇,包括Journal of Biological Chemistry和Free Radical Biology &Medicine 等國際權威雜誌,論文引用200多次。
1. Yunjing Luo and Dixie J. Goss, Homeostasis in mRNA Initiation: Wheat Germ Poly(A)-Binding Protein Lowers the Activation Energy Barrier to Initiation Complex Formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2001, 276(46): 43083-43086
2. Dayuan Gao, Yunjing Luo, Denise Guevara, Yongyin Wang, et al., Benzo[a]pyrene and its metabolites combined with ultraviolet A synergistically induce 8-hydroxy-2`-deoxyuanosine via reactive oxygen species . Free Radical Biology & Medicine , 2005, 39(9): 1177-1183
3. Yunjing Luo, Jing Dai, Rugang Zhong, Yuanbin She, Rui Liu, Huachen Wei, Production of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Metabolites From A Peroxynitrite/Iron (III) Porphyrin Biomimetic Model and their Mutagenicities, Environ.Toxicol.Chem.2011, 30(3): 723–729
4. Gert C. Scheper, Barbara van Kollenburg, Jianzhong Hu, Yunjing Luo, Dixie J. Goss, and Christopher G. Proud, Phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E markedly reduces its affinity for capped mRNA . Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002, 277(5): 3303-3309
5. Yunjing Luo, Hanxi Shen, Study on Acridine Orange dimer as a new fluorescent probe for the Determination of Protein. Analytical Communication, 1999, 36(4): 135-137
6. Wei Zhang, Yunjing Luo, Rugang Zhong, Kinetics Studies of Cobalt Salts Effects on TyrosineNitration Induced by Peroxynitrite, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett.,2008, 94(1): 131-137
7. Wei Zhang, Yunjing Luo, Rugang Zhong, Dawei Zheng, Yuanbin She, Study on the Catalysis of Peroxynitrite Decomposition by Cobalt Tetraphenylporphyrin Compounds. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2007, 65(5): 557-560
8. Yunhai Wang,Yunjing Luo, Rugang Zhong, Dayuan Gao, Shuang Cui, Identification of Site(s) of Insulin Nitration by Peroxynitrite and Characterization of Its Structural Change, Protein and Peptide Letters, 2008, 10(15): 1063-1067
9. Yunjing Luo, Jinglin Pan, Yanshu Pan, Zhiguo Han, Rugang Zhong, Evalution of the Protective Effects of Chinese Herbs against Biomolecule Damage Induced by Peroxynitrite, Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem., 2010, 74(7):1350-1354
10. Yunjing Luo, Congxiao Zhang, Yuanbin She, Rugang Zhong, Peng Wei, Kinetic and theoretical study on peroxynitrite decomposition catalyzed by iron porphyrins, Reac. Kinet.Mech.Cat., 2010,101: 291-300