2006.03 - 2006.06 比利時校際微電子研究中心(IMEC),骨幹教師積體電路培訓
1998.03-2004.06 電子科技大學,電路與系統專業,博士學位
1986.07-1990.06 重慶大學,自動控制專業,學士學位
2001.01-今 電子科技大學微電子與固體電子學院,副教授、教授、博導
2002.08 - 2003.03 美國喬治亞理工學院,訪問學者
1993.04-2000.12 電子科技大學機械電子工程學院,助教、講師、副教授
IEEETransactions on PowerElectronics 審稿人
IEEETransactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 審稿人
IEEETransactions on PowerElectronics 審稿人
Journal of Semiconductors審稿人
Journal ofPowerElectronics 審稿人
VLSI-SoC2014,”Low-Power andThermal-aware Design”track chair
1. 高效功率變換PSM調製模式研究
提出脈衝跨周PSM(Power Skip Modulatiion) 模式;進行PSM調製模式系統理論研究;
提出基於狀態機的最佳化PSM調製模式和基於模糊控制的FPSM(Fuzzy Power Skip Modulatiion) 模式,研究其調製性能和實現電路.
2. 電源管理積體電路設計
3. 能量模型與能量管理策略研究
提出基於分段功率驅動的最小能量追蹤MEPT( Minimum Energy Piont Tracking)策略,研究最優分段方法;
4. 面向SoC/CPU的低壓低功耗設計
設計SoC電源管理單元PMU(Power Management Unit) 電路;
設計具有動態電壓調節DVS(Dynamic Voltage Scale)功能的DC-DC電路;
研究自適應電壓調節AVS(Adaptive Voltage Scale)功能的實現驗證方法,設計具有AVS功能的DC-DC電路;
研究面向SoC/CPU的 其他 低壓低功耗設計 技術
5. LED照明電源模組設計
1. 羅萍,張為編著,《積體電路設計導論》,清華大學出版社,2010.5.
2. 賀雅娟、羅萍等譯,《積體電路電源完整性分析與管理》,電子工業出版社,2013.11.
1. Ping Luo, Shaowei Zhen, et al.. Digital Assistant Power Integrated Technologies for PMU in Scaling CMOS Process. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics.Vol.29(7).July 2014. pp. 3798-3807.
2. Ping Luo, Jianluo Chen,et al.. Digital assistant current sensor for PWM DC-DC converter with segmented output stage. Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), 2013 International Conference on. vol.2 2013. 358-361.
3. Pengfei Liao, Ping Luo,et al..Embedded advanced capacitor multiplier compensation for two-stage amplifier with large capacitive loads. Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), 2013 International Conference on. vol.2 2013. 362-365.
4. Hangbiao Li, Bo Zhang, Ping Luo, et al.. Adaptive duty ratio modulation technique in switching DC–DC converter operating in discontinuous conduction mode[J]. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 78(2): 361-371.
5. Hangbiao Li, Bo Zhang, Ping Luo, et al.. A compact ADPLL based on symmetrical binary frequency searching with the same circuit. International Journal of Electronics.
6. 李航標, 張波, 羅萍, 等. 開關DC-DC變換器的自適應占空比跨周期控制方法. 電子與信息學報.
7. Hangbiao Li, Ping Luo, Bo Zhang, et al. Fully digital adaptive DC-DC converter based on improved PSM in 90 nm CMOS. IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Xi'an, 2012, 1-3.
8. Ping Luo, Jianluo Chen,et al..Digital Assistant Current Sensor for PWM DC-DC Converter with Segmented Output Stage. ICCCAS13. 15-17, Dec. 2013. Chengdu.
9. Pengfei Liao, Ping Luo,et al..Embedded Advanced Capacitor Multiplier Compensation for Two-stage Amplifier with Large Capacitive Loads. ICCCAS13. 15-17, Dec. 2013. Chengdu.
10. Liao Pengfei, Luo Ping,et al.. Single capacitor with current amplifier compensation for ultra-large capacitive load three-stage amplifier. Microelectronics Journal, v 44, n 8, p 712-717, August 2013.
11. Zhen Shaowei, Zhu Xiaohui, Luo PIng,et al.. Digital error corrector for phase lead-compensated buck converter in DVS applications. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,v 21, n 9,p 1747-1751,2013.
12. Liao PEngfei, Luo Ping,et al..Split compensation for inverter-based two-stage amplifier. Microelectronics Journal,v 44, n 8,p 683-687,August 2013.
13. Luo Ping, Geng Xiang, et al.. Minimum energy point tracking circuit based on PSM for digital loads. ICSICT 2012 - 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings,2012,
14. Luo Ming, Luo Ping,et al..An adaptive segment output stage for PWM DC-DC converter.ICSICT 2012 - 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings,2012
15. 羅萍,王曾,CCM下新型前置功率因數校正電路分析與設計,電子科技大學學報,第41卷 2012年第4期. Vol.41, No.4.
16. Liao Pengfei, Luo Ping,et al.. Embedded current amplifier compensation for large-capacitive-load low-power two-stage amplifier.ICSICT 2012 - 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings,2012,.
17. Mo Yikun, Luo Ping,et al..A flexible pulse skip modulation buck DC-DC converter enabling Minimum energy point tracking.ICSICT 2012 - 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings.
18. Ma Xiao, Luo Ping,et al..A dual-mode digitally controlled converter for synchronous buck converters operating over wide ranges of load currents.ICSICT 2012 - 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings.
19. Li Hangbiao, Luo Ping,et al..Fully digital adaptive DC-DC converter based on improved PSM in 90 nm CMOS.ICSICT 2012 - 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology.
20. Liao Pengfei, Luo Ping,et al..A high linearity current mode multiplier /divider with a wide dynamic range.Journal of Semiconductors,v 33, n 12,December 2012.
21. 羅萍,楊康等,0.13um標準CMOS工藝電源管理單元的設計與實現,電子科技大學學報,第40卷 增刊2. 63-67.
22. Xiaohui Zhu, Ping Luo, et al.. A Voltage Mode Power Converter with the Function of Digitally Duty Cycle Tuning. The 19th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC) , Hong Kong. 3-5. Oct. 2011.
23. Ping Luo, Lei Shenet al..A High Speed Current Output Stage with Digital Assistant Circuit,2010 International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, Chengdu, China, July.28-30,2010. ICCCAS 2010:510 - 513.
24. Deng Wenjun, Luo Pinget al.. Efficiency Analysis of PSM Boost Converter by Energy Balance Model. International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, Chengdu, China, July.23-25, 2009. pp 670-673.
25. Luo Ping, Deng Wenjunet al.. A High Energy Efficiency PSM/PWM Dual-Mode for DC-DC Converter in Portable Applications. International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, pp 702-706.
26. 羅萍,甄少偉等. DCM模態下PSM Boost變換器的能量模型和分岔規律. 電工技術學報. 2009. Vo1.24(2). pp. 67-72.
27. Luo Ping, Li Zhaojiet al..Self-Tuning PSM Controller Based on State Machine, 2008 IEEE ASIA Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems- APCCAS 2008, Nov.30 – Dec.3, 2008, Macao, China, 906-909.
28. Luo Ping, Zhen Shaowei,et al..Study of Bifurcation Rules of PSM Converter in DCM Based on Energy Balance Model, 2008 International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, Xiamen, China, May,25-27, 2008, pp.1442-1446.
29. Luo Ping, Zhen Shaowei, Li Zhaoji, A picewise PSM modulation mode based on load status. The Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology. 2008. Vo1.4(2). pp. 439-443.
30. 羅萍,甄少偉等. 不同調製模式下Boost變換器DCM模態的能量模型與穩定性分析. 中國電機工程學報,2008,Vol.28(6). pp.49-54.
31. Luo Ping, Ming Xin,et al..Analysis of the Stability and Ripple of PSM Converter in DCM by EB Model, 2007 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, Kohura, Fukuoka, Japan, July, 11-13, 2007, pp.1240-1243.
32. 羅萍,李肇基等,一種基於負載狀態的分段式PSM調製模式,電工技術學報,2006,Vol.21(10), pp.101-105.
33. Ping Luo, Zhaoji Li, et al.. A novel improved PSM mode in DC-DC converter based on energy balance,Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006,PESC’06,37th IEEE, Jeju, Korea, June 18~22, 2006:1-4
34. Ping Luo, Zhaoji Li, et al, A Novel High Output Resistance Current Source Based on Negative Resistance, 半導體學報, 2006,Vol.27(3), pp.443-447.
35. 羅萍,熊富貴等,功率變換器的模糊型跨周調製模式. 電子與信息學報,2005,Vol.27(5),pp.838-840.
1. 羅萍等. 一種具有極高輸出阻抗的電流源. 中國發明專利. 授權號:ZL 2005 1 0021122.X
2.羅萍等.一種脈衝跨周期調製開關穩壓電源控制器. 中國發明專利. 授權號:ZL 2006 1 0020916.9
3.羅萍等.一種隔離式通用照明LED驅動電路,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 2008 1 0045290.6
4. 羅萍等.具有負載短路保護功能的電流沉恆流輸出驅動電路,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 2008 1 0045687.5
5. 羅萍等.一種高速恆流輸出驅動電路, 中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 2008 1 0147820.8
6.羅萍等.功率變換器的PSM或PWM雙模調製切換方法, 中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 200910058521.1
7. 羅萍等.一種數字式自適應死區時間控制電路,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 2009 1 0167955.5
8.羅萍等.一種數模轉換電路,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 201010107621.1
9.羅萍等.一種具有智慧型調光功能的反激式路燈照明LED恆流驅動電源,授權號:ZL 201010185844.X
10.羅萍等. 一種具有自動調光功能的照明LED恆流驅動電源,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 2010 1 0268935.X
12. 羅萍等.具有負載最小能量消耗點追蹤電路的降壓式穩壓電路,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL201110040743.8
13.羅萍等.一種自適應功率管調節電路及方法,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 2011 1 0109227.6
14. 羅萍等. 一種帶有自校準輸出的電流模式變換器,中國發明專利,授權號:ZL 2011 1 0109300.X