姓 名: 羅春玲
性 別: 女
職 務: 無
職 稱: 研究員
學 歷: 研究生
通訊地址: 廣州市天河區五山科華街511號中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所
羅春玲研究員2008年3月-9月在密西根州立大學土木環境工程系進行合作研究。2010年7月入選中國科學院“百人計畫”。研究方向主要圍繞重金屬、有機污染物在土壤-植物系統中的形態轉化、遷移及轉運過程。目前已在Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Plant and Soil, Environmental Pollution,Environmental Science and Technology 等刊物上發表論文26篇 (第一作者11篇),SCI刊物他人引用200餘次,第一作者單篇他引90次,進入到Top 1%高引用論文行列。作為主要參加者,獲2009年度教育部自然科學獎二等獎一項,獲國家發明專利1項。目前主要研究方向是“基於污染物監測和控制的生物地球化學”,具體包括:重金屬污染土壤的植物修復技術、有機污染物的生物降解以及功能微生物的生態學研究。
1. Luo, C.L., Liu, C.P., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Li, F.B., Zhang, G., Li, X.D., 2010. Heavy metal contamination in soils and vegetables near an e-waste processing site, south China. Journal of Hazardous Materials
2. Sun, W.M., Xie, S.G., Luo, C.L., Cupples, A.M., 2010. Direct link between toluene degradation in contaminated-site microcosms and a Plaromonas strain. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
3. Luo, C.L., Xie, S.G., Sun, W.M, Li, X.D., Cupples, A.M., 2009. Identification of a novel toluene-degrading bacterium from the candidate Phylum TM7 determined by DNA-stable isotope probing. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
4. Luo, C.L., Shen, Z.G., Li, X.D., 2008. Root exudates increase metal accumulation in mixed cultures: implications for naturally enhanced phytoextraction. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
5. Peng, K.J., Luo, C.L., Lou, L.Q., Li, X.D., Shen, Z.G., 2008. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by aquatic plants Potamogeton pectinatus L. and Potamogeton malaianus Miq. and their potential use for contamination indicators and in wastewater treatment. Science of the Total Environment
6. Wei, L., Luo, C.L., Wang, C.C., Li, X.D., Shen, Z.G., 2006. EDDS reduces uptake of copper through alleviating the physiological damage of copper to the roots of Chrysanthemum coronarium L. from hydroponical experiments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
7. Luo, C.L., Shen, Z.G., Li, X.D., Baker, A.J.M., 2006. The role of root damage in the EDTA-enhanced accumulation of lead by Indian mustard plants. International Journal of Phytoremediation
8. Luo, C.L., Shen, Z.G., Baker, A.J.M., Li, X.D., 2006. A novel strategy for chemically enhanced phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils. Plant and Soil
9. Luo, C.L., Shen, Z.G., Lou, L.Q., Li, X.D., 2006. EDDS and EDTA-enhanced phytoextraction of metals from artificially contaminated soil and residual effects of chelant compounds. Environmental Pollution
10. Luo, C.L., Shen, Z.G., Li, X.D., 2005. Enhanced phytoextraction of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd with EDTA and EDDS. Chemosphere