- 中文名:羅志達
- 畢業院校:中山大學
- 職業:教師
1. Zhida LUO, Husserl and the Problem of Empathy, Ph.D. Dissertation, University ofCopenhagen, 2014;
2. 羅志達,“胡塞爾論同情的意向結構”,載《哲學分析》,2014年第6期 ,頁20-33(《人大復 印刊》全文轉載,2015年4月);
3. 羅志達,“具身性與互動主體性”,載《中國現象學與哲學評論》(CSSCI核心刊物),2016年第2期;
4. 羅志達,“胡塞爾論符號意向及其修訂”,載《現代哲學》(CSSCI核心期刊),2016年第7期;
5. 羅志達,“論陀思妥耶夫斯基《宗教大法官》中的思辨與啟示”,載《基督教文化學刊》(CSSCI 核心刊物),2008(19):245—266;
6. Zhida LUO, “Motivating Empathy: the Issue of Similarity in Husserl”, Husserl Studies (A&HCI journal), forthcoming;
7. 羅志達, “人格主義抑或自然主義?——胡塞爾的他者理論及其批評”,《哲學與文化》(A&HCI期刊),待刊;
1. LUO, Z., “Image consciousness and empathic intentionality: an analogous proposal,” at “At the Limits of Phenomenology: 12 annual meeting of NoSP conference,” University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;
2. LUO, Z., “Affection and Empathy,” at “The 10 Annual Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP),” University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway;
3. LUO, Z., “McDowell on the other-minds problem and a Husserlian rejoinder,” at Workshop “Mind and World—McDowell in between analytical Philosophy and Phenomenology,” Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai;
1. 羅志達(獨立),貝蘭德,“《自然權利與歷史》中所引用的盧梭作品”,載《施特勞斯與現代性危機》,上海:華東師範大學出版社,2010;
2. 羅志達(參與),密爾,《論歸納》(《密爾全集》(第7卷)),約九萬字;
1. 《新世代的現象學家:丹·扎哈維》,載《中國社會科學報》,2016.3.29。
1. 2015.12.04,“具身性與互動主體性”,“第 二十一屆中國現象學年會”,中山大學,廣州;
2. 2015.10.14,“具身性與互動主體性”,“第六屆華東青年現象學論壇”,安 徽大學,安徽;
3. 2015. 10.16, “McDowell on the other-minds problem and a Husserlian rejoinder,” at Workshop “Mind and World—McDowell in between analytical Philosophy and Phenomenology,” SHJU, Shanghai;
4.2014.05.29, “社會認知:歷史、徑路與現狀”(受邀報告),邏輯與認知研究所,中山大學,廣州;
5. 2014.05.17, “胡塞爾論符號意向及其修訂”,“北大-上海交大工作坊:從《邏輯研究》談起”,上海交通大學,上海;
6. 2014.03.25, “Similarity and two-fold bodily manifestation: Husserl’s theory of analogizing apperception revisited,” at “Phenomenological Research Seminars,” Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen, Denmark;
7. 2014.03.03, “Image consciousness and empathic intentionality: an analogous proposal,” at “Multicentered Phenomenological Workshop,” University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark;
8. 2013.07.25, “Vergegenwärtigung and double empathic intentionality,” at “Cologne-Leuven Summer-School in Phenomenology,” Cologne University, Cologne, Germany;
9. 2012.08.03, “On watching movies: an intentional analysis,” at “Phenomenology of Art: the 6 Symposia Phaenomenologica Asiatica,” Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
10. 2012.04.18, “Husserl and transcendental intersubjective experience,” at “Empathy Workshop,” Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen, Denmark;
11. 2010.12.05, “胡塞爾論邏輯活動的三重劃分”,“南北五校博士論壇”,武漢大學哲學學院,武漢;
1. 羅志達,作為主要參與者,參加由Dan Zahavi教授主持的Velux項目“Empathy and Interpersonal Understanding”(2011-2014),完成博士論文;
2. 羅志達, 作為第二參與者,參加2014年度國家社會科學基金重大項目(第 二批“歐洲生命哲學的新發展”(批准號14ZDB018))之子課題“德國現象學與生命哲學的新發展”(其他成員為蔡文菁副教授、陳勇博士);