- 中文名:羅小三
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:環境地學與健康
- 任職院校:南京信息工程大學
2017-2018,美國加州大學戴維斯分校(UC Davis),健康與環境中心/空氣品質研究中心,國家公派訪問學者
2012,瑞士聯邦理工學院(ETH Zürich),陸地生態系統研究所,SSSTC訪問學者
1999.9-2003.7,蘇州科技大學 ,化學系,學士學位。
擔任江蘇省土壤學會土壤污染防控與修復專業委員會委員,國家自然科學基金青年、面上項目函評專家,中國博士後基金評審專家,波蘭國家科學中心評審專家、智利國家科學基金評審專家,SCI期刊Journal of Chemistry環境化學專刊客座主編,生態環境和地球化學及健康領域30種SCI和5種核心期刊的審稿專家(Environmental Geochemistry and Health連續授予2017、2016年度傑出審稿人獎);第三版《中國大百科全書》農業資源與環境學科大氣質量相關詞條及《中國環境地球化學學科發展史》“城市環境地球化學簡史”的編寫者。
1. 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫重點項目(合作):大氣細顆粒物對人肺細胞複合毒性效應及其關鍵毒性組分的識別——長三角及珠三角城市群對比。
3. 中國科學院土壤環境與污染修復重點實驗室2014年度開放基金課題:地表土壤和灰塵對大氣重金屬的貢獻及其風險評價。
4. 南京信息工程大學人才啟動項目:氣候變化對典型糧食作物的品質影響研究。
5. 2015年度南京市科協學會學術重點項目:氣候變化與農業環境青年科學家論壇,執行主席。
6. 江蘇省“六大人才高峰”第十一批高層次人才選拔培養資助項目:農產品產地重金屬污染的修復技術研發。
已發表學術論文40多篇(SCI引用844次,Google scholar引用1429次,1篇入選Environment/Ecology領域Top1% ESI高被引論文),中、英文專著4章,授權專利2項。主持國家自然科學基金等項目;
11.Jiawen Xie, Ling Jin,Xiaosan Luo, Zhen Zhao, Xiangdong Li. Seasonal disparities in airborne bacteria and associated antibiotic resistance genes in PM2.5between urban and rural sites.Environmental Science & Technology Letters,2018,5 (2): 74-79.
10.Haijian Bing, Jun Zhou, Yanhong Wu,Xiaosan Luo, Zhongxiang Xiang,Hongyang Sun, Jipeng Wang, He Zhu. Barrier effects of remote high mountain onatmospheric metal transport in the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 628-629:687-696.
9.Xiao-San Luo*, Zhen Zhao, Yan Chen, Xinlei Ge, Yu Huang, Chen Suo, Xue Sun, Dan Zhang. Effects of emission control and meteorological parameters on urban air quality showed by the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in China.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, 26(7): 4798-4807.
8. Ling Jin,Xiaosan Luo, Pingqing Fu, Xiangdong Li. Airborne particulate matter pollution in urban China: A chemical mixture perspective from sources to impacts.National Science Review, 2017, 4: 593-610.
7. 孫雪,羅小三*,陳燕,趙朕,徐江兵,張丹,索晨,丁燁毅.環境管理強化後南京市2013-2016年大氣污染物的時空特徵和氣象影響.地球環境學報, 2017, 8(6):506-515.
6. 趙朕,羅小三*,索晨,吳笛,陳燕,張丹.大氣PM2.5中重金屬研究進展.環境與健康雜誌, 2017, 34(3): 273-277.
5. 杜悅,蔡一鳴,羅小三*,索晨,趙朕,徐江兵,孫雪. 植物葉表大氣降塵的採集和定量分析方法研究.環境科學與技術, 2017, S2.(本科生論文)
4. 丁燁毅, 楊棟, 陳鑫磊, 黃鶴樓,羅小三*.楊梅降水氣象指數保險產品設計--以慈谿市為例.浙江農業學報,2017,29(12): 2032-2037.
3.Xiao-San Luo*, Dereba Muleta, Zhenghua Hu, Haoye Tang, Zhen Zhao, Shuanghe Shen, Byong-Lyol Lee. Inclusive development and agricultural adaptation to climate change.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2017, 24: 78-83.
2. Zhuanxi Luo, Meirong Gao,Xiaosan Luo, Changzhou Yan.National pattern for heavy metal contamination of topsoil in remote farmland impacted by haze pollution in China.Atmospheric Research, 2016, 170: 34-40.
1.LuoXS, IpCCM, LiW, TaoS, LiXD. Spatial-temporal variations, sources, and transport of airborne inhalable metals (PM10) in urban and rural areas of northern China.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2014,14, 13133-13165.
30. Gang Li, Guo-Xin Sun, Yin Ren,Xiao-San Luo, Yong-Guan Zhu. Urban soil and human health: A review.European Journal of Soil Science, 2018, 69, 196-215.
29. Jiangbing Xu,Xiaosan Luo, Yanling Wang, Youzhi Feng. Evaluation of zinc oxide nanoparticles on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) growth and soil bacterial community.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018, 25: 6026-6035.
28. Di Zhao, Albert L. Juhasz, Jun Luo, Lei Huang,Xiaosan Luo, Hong-bo Li, Lena Q. Ma. Mineral dietary supplements to decrease cadmium relative bioavailability in rice based on a mouse bioassay.Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(21): 12123-12130.
27. 徐江兵,王艷玲,羅小三,馮有智.納米氧化鋅對堆肥過程中細菌群落演替的影響.套用與環境生物學報,2017,23 ( 6 ) : 1166-1171.
26. 徐江兵,王艷玲,羅小三,馮有智. 納米Fe3O4對生菜生長及土壤細菌群落結構的影響.套用生態學報,2017,28( 9) : 3003-3010.
25. Jiangbing Xu, Youzhi Feng, Yanling Wang,Xiaosan Luo, Jianwu Tang, Xiangui Lin.The foliar spray of Rhodopseudomonas palustris grown under Stevia residue extract promotes plant growth via changing soil microbial community.Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2016, 16(3): 916-923.
24.Xiao-San Luo*, Yuan-Shu Jing, Ping Li, Xiang-Hua Xu, Bo Xu. Effects of major cations on copper uptake by rice seedlings.Advances in Food Sciences, 2015, 37(3): 126-131.
23. Jing Ding, Shen Yu,Xiaosan Luo, Jun Ma, Bo Xu. Sedimentary organic-C revealed dispersal patterns ofSpartina alternifloraintra- and inter-estuary in China.Ecological Engineering, 2015, 85: 95-102.
22.Xiao-San Luo*,Yan Xue, Yan-Ling Wang, Long Cang, Bo Xu, Jing Ding. Source identification and apportionment of heavy metals in urban soil profiles.Chemosphere, 2015, 127: 152-157.
21.Xiao-san Luo,Shen Yu, Yong-guan Zhu, Xiang-dong Li. Trace metal contamination in urban soils of China.Science of the Total Environment,2012, 421-422: 17-30.
20.Xiao-San Luo, Jing Ding, Bo Xu, Yi-Jie Wang, Hong-Bo Li, Shen Yu. Incorporating bioaccessibility into human health risk assessments of heavy metals in urban parksoils.Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 424: 88-96.
19.Xiao-san Luo,Shen Yu, Xiang-dong Li. The mobility, bioavailability, and human bioaccessibility of trace metals in urban soils of Hong Kong.Applied Geochemistry, 2012, 27(5): 995-1004.
18.Xiao-san Luo,Shen Yu, Xiang-dong Li. Distribution, availability, and sources of trace metals in different particle size fractions of urban soils in Hong Kong: Implications for assessing the risk to human health.Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159(5): 1317-1326.
17. Hong-bo Li, Shen Yu, Gui-lin Li, Hong Deng,Xiao-san Luo.Contamination and source differentiation of Pb in park soils along an urban-rural gradient in Shanghai.Environmental Pollution,2011, 159(12): 3536-3544.
16. Yu GB, Liu Y, Yu S, Wu SC, Leung AOW,Luo XS, Xu B, Li HB, Wong MH. Inconsistency and comprehensiveness of risk assessments for heavy metals in urban surface sediments.Chemosphere, 2011, 85 (6):1080-1087.
15. Peng Wang, Dong-Mei Zhou, Lian-Zhen Li,Xiao-San Luo. Evaluating the biotic ligand model for toxicity and the alleviation of toxicity in terms of cell membrane surface potential.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2010, 29(7): 1503-1511.
14. 王鳳花,羅小三,林愛軍,李曉亮.土壤鉻(VI)污染及微生物修復研究進展.生態毒理學報, 2010, 5(2): 153-161.
13. Wang P, Zhou DM,Luo XS, Li LZ. Effects of Zn-complexes on zinc uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum) roots: a comprehensive consideration of physical, chemical and biological processes on biouptake.Plant and Soil, 2009, 316(1-2): 177-192.
12.Xiao-San Luo,Lian-Zhen Li, Dong-Mei Zhou. Effect of cations on copper toxicity to wheat root: Implications for the Biotic Ligand Model.Chemosphere, 2008, 73(3): 401-406.
11. Peng Wang, Dongmei Zhou, Thomas B. Kinraide,Xiaosan Luo, Lianzhen Li, Dandan Li, Hailin Zhang. Cell membrane surface potential (Ψ0) plays a dominant role in the phytotoxicity of copper and arsenate.Plant Physiology, 2008, 148: 2134-2143.
10. Lian-Zhen Li, Dong-Mei Zhou,Xiao-San Luo, Peng Wang, Quan-Ying Wang. Effect of major cations and pH on the acute toxicity of cadmium to earthwormEisenia fetida: implications for the Biotic Ligand Model approach.Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2008, 55: 70-77.
9. Lian-Zhen Li, Dong-Mei Zhou, Peng Wang,Xiao-San Luo. Subcellular distribution of Cd and Pb in earthwormEisenia fetidaas affected by Caions and Cd-Pb interaction.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2008, 71(3): 632-637.
8.羅小三,周東美,李連禎,陳懷滿.水、沉積物和土壤中重金屬生物有效性/毒性的生物配體模型研究進展.土壤學報, 2008, 45(3): 535-543.
7.羅小三,李連禎,周東美.陸地生物配體模型(t-BLM)初探:鎂離子降低銅離子對小麥根的毒性.生態毒理學報, 2007, 2(1): 41-48.
6.羅小三,倉龍,郝秀珍,李連禎,周東美.原位土壤溶液採樣及可溶性有機碳(DOC)的紫外吸收光譜直接測定探討.土壤, 2007, 39(6): 943-947.
5. 李連禎,羅小三,周東美.土壤溶液中Ca降低Cd對赤子愛勝蚓的毒性.中國環境科學, 2007,27(5): 681-685.
4.Xiao-San Luo, Dong-Mei Zhou, Xiao-Hong Liu, Yu-Jun Wang. Solid/solution partitioning and speciation of heavy metals in the contaminated agricultural soils around a copper mine in eastern Nanjing city, China.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006, 131(1-3): 19-27.
3.LUO Xiao-san,ZHOU Dong-mei, WANG Yu-jun.Free cupric ions in contaminated agricultural soils around a copper mine in eastern Nanjing city, China.Journal of Environmental Sciences,2006, 18(5): 927-931.
2. WANG Yu-jun, ZHOU Dong-mei,LUO Xiao-san,SUN Rui-juan, CHEN Huai-man. Cadmiumadsorption in montmorillonite as affected by glyphosate.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(6): 881-884.
1. Dong-Mei Zhou, Yu-Jun Wang, Long Cang, Xiu-Zhen Hao,Xiao-San Luo. Adsorption and cosorption of cadmium and glyphosate on two soils with different characteristics.Chemosphere, 2004, 57(10): 1237-1244.
1. 李向東,羅小三.城市環境地球化學簡史.見:劉叢強,洪業湯等編著,中國環境地球化學學科發展史, 2017,出版中.
2. 李剛,羅小三,劉超翔,任引,朱永官.城市表層地球系統.見:劉叢強等編著,地球表層系統科學,2017,出版中.
3.羅小三,周東美,汪鵬,李連禎,俞慎, 2010.天然有機質對金屬毒性和生物有效性的影響機理及其模型.見:吳豐昌,邢寶山等編著,天然有機質在環境中的作用機理(第一卷),北京:地質出版社, 135-142.
4. 周東美,羅小三,李連禎,汪鵬,王玉軍,王全英.土壤中重金屬生物有效性和毒性的模型預測.見:駱永明等著.土壤環境與生態安全.北京:科學出版社, 2009: 80-112.
5.Luo Xiaosan, Zhou Dongmei, Li Lianzhen, Wang Peng, 2009.Model Prediction of the Speciation, Toxicity and Bioavailability of Trace Metals in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter (NOM). In: Wu Fengchang and Xing Baoshan (eds.)Natural Organic Matter and its Significance in the Environment. Science Press: Beijing, China, pp. 135-163.
6. 羅小三, 2008.土壤(溶液)中重金屬的化學形態和植物有效性及毒性研究.中國科學院南京土壤研究所博士學位論文.
1. 羅小三等. 一種用於鎘污染酸化土壤改良的調理劑及其製備和使用方法. 發明專利,申請號201711391967.7
2. 羅小三等. 一種長效型改良酸化土壤的複合肥料及其製備和使用方法. 發明專利,申請號201711391958.8
3. 羅小三等. 一種基於玉米秸稈的酸化紅壤改良劑及其製備和使用方法. 發明專利,申請號201711392321.0
4. 羅小三等. 一種長期持續自動供水的土壤盆栽裝置. 201520228378.7(授權).
5. 朱永官,羅小三. 一種用生物廢料還原水中六價鉻的方法. ZL 200810160897.9(授權).