- 中文名:羅來馬
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:浙江大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
2007/9 - 2010/6,浙江大學,博士;
2004/9 - 2007/7,貴州大學,碩士;
2000/9 - 2004/7,貴州大學,學士。
2014/10 - 2015/10,日本京都大學核反應堆研究所,國家公派訪問學者;
2010/07 - 至今,合肥工業大學材料科學與工程學院,教學科研工作。
先後主持科技部重點研發計畫磁約束核聚變能發展專項子課題、國家自然基金面上項目、青年基金、博士後特別資助基金、安徽省自然基金等省部級項目;以第一作者或通訊作者在Powder. Tech.,J. Nucl. Mater.,Surf. Coat. Tech.,Fusion. Eng. Des.,J. Alloy. Compd.,Sci. Rep.等發表SCI論文70餘篇,申請國家發明專利20餘項,授權10餘項。
1.Hong-Yu Chen, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Xiang Zan, Qiu Xu, Kazutoshi Tokunaga, Jia-Qin Liu, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Ji-Gui Cheng, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Thermal shock behavior of W-ZrC/Sc2O3 composites under two different transient events by electron and laser irradiation. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, 499: 248-255.
2.Dong-Guang Liu, Liang Zheng, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Xiang Zan, Jiu-Peng Song, Qiu Xu, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Yu-Cheng Wu. An overview of oxidation-resistant tungsten alloys for nuclear fusion. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 765 (2018) 299-312.
3.Jin-Shan Lin, Yu-Chen Hao, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Mei-Ling Zhao, Qiu Xu, Xiang Zan, Xiao-Yong Zhu , Yu-Cheng Wu*. Microstructure and performances of W-TiC-Y2O3 composites prepared by mechano-chemical and wet-chemical methods. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 732: 871-879.
4.Gang Yao, Xiao-Yue Tan, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Xiang Zan, Jia-Qin Liu, Qiu Xu, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Repair behavior of He+-irradiated W-Y2O3 composites after different temperature-isochronal annealing experiments. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, 2018, 415(B): 82-88.
5.Jing Shi, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Shuang Wang, Wei-Qi Pan, Qiu Xu, Xiang Zan, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Ji-Gui Cheng, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Preparation of TiC-doped W-Ti alloy and heat flux performance test under laser beam facility, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2018, 126: 79-86.
6.Hong-Yu Chen, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Xiang Zan, Qiu Xu, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Investigation of W–B behavior during short transient events by laser irradiation. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 121: 130–136.
7.Jing-Bo Chen, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Jin-Shan Lin, Xiang Zan, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Guang-Nan Luo, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Influence of ball milling processing on the microstructure and characteristic of W-Nb alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 694: 905-913.通訊作者
8.Shi, Jing, Luo Lai-Ma∗, Lin Jin-shan, Zan Xiang, Zhu Xiao-yong, Xu Qiu, Wu, Yu-Cheng∗. Damage behavior of REE-doped W-based material exposed to high-flux transient heat loads. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016, 113: 92-101.
9.Chen Jing-Bo, Luo Lai-Ma∗, Zhao Mei-Ling, Xu Qiu, Zan Xiang, Wu, Yu-Cheng∗. Investigation of microstructure and irradiation behavior of W-Nb/Ti composites prepared by spark plasma sintering. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016, 112: 349-354.
10.Shuang Wang, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Jing Shi, Xiang Zan, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Guang-Nan Luo, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Effect of mechanical alloying on the microstructure and properties of W–Ti alloys fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Powder Technology, 2016, 302: 1-7.
11.Hongyu Chen, Laima Luo∗, Jingbo Chen, Xiang Zan, Xiaoyong Zhu, Qiu Xu, Guangnan Luo, Junling Chen, Yucheng Wu*. Effects of zirconium element on the microstructure and deuterium retention of W–Zr/Sc2O3 composites. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 32678.
12.Laima Luo*, Jing Shi, Jinshan Lin, Xiang Zan, Xiaoyong Zhu, Qiu Xu, Yucheng Wu*.Microstructure and performance of rare earth element-strengthened plasma-facing tungsten material. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 32701.
13.Shuang Wang, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Mei-Ling Zhao, Xiang Zan, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Guang-Nan Luo, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Microstructure and properties of TiN-reinforced W–Ti alloys prepared by spark plasma sintering. Powder Technology, 2016, 294: 301-306.
14.Hongyu Chen, Laima Luo∗, Jun Zhang, Xiang Zan, Xiaoyong Zhu, Guangnan Luo, Yucheng Wu*. Investigation on W/Fe diffusion bonding using Ti foil and Ti powder interlayer by SPS. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2015, 467: 566–571.
15.Xiaoyue Tan, Ping Li,Lai-Ma Luo∗, Hong-Yu Chen, Xiang Zan,Xiao-Yong Zhu, Guang-Nan Luo, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Effect of mechanical milling on the microstructure of tungsten under He+irradiation condition. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2015,100: 571–575.Zhu
16.Xiao-Yue Tan, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Hong-Yu Chen, Ping Li, Guang-Nan Luo, Xiang Zan, Ji-Gui Cheng, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Synthesis and formation mechanism of W/TiC composite powders by a wet chemical route. Powder Technology, 2015, 280: 83-88.
17.Xiaoyue Tan, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Hongyu Chen, Xiaoyong Zhu, Xiang Zan, Guangnan Luo, Junling Chen, Ping Li, Jigui Cheng, Dongping Liu, Yucheng Wu*. Mechanical properties and microstructural change of W–Y2O3 alloy under helium irradiation. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:12755.
18.Li-Mei Huang,Lai-Ma Luo∗, Ji-Gui Cheng, Xiao-Yong Zhu, Yu-Cheng Wu*. The influence of TiB2 content on microstructure and properties of W-30Cu composites prepared by electroless plating and powder Metallurgy. Advanced Powder Technology, 2015, 26: 1058-1063.
19.Hongyu Chen, Laima Luo∗, Jingbo Chen, Ping Li, Guangnan Luo, Jigui Cheng, Yucheng Wu*. Effect of Sc2O3 particles on the microstructure and properties of tungsten alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2015,462: 496–501.
20.Lai-Ma Luo∗, Xiao–Yue Tan, Hong–Yu Chen, Guang–Nan Luo, Xiao–Yong Zhu, Ji–Gui Cheng, Yu–Cheng Wu*. Preparation and characteristics of W–1wt.%TiC alloy via a novel chemical method and spark plasma sintering. Powder Technology, 2015, 273: 8-12.
21.Ze–Long Lu,Lai-Ma Luo∗, Jing–Bo Chen, Xin–Min Huang, Ji–Gui Cheng, Yu–Cheng Wu*. Fabrication of W–Cu/CeO2 composites with excellent electric conductivity and high strength prepared from copper–coated tungsten and ceria powders. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 626: 61-66.
22.Xiaoyu Ding, Laima Luo∗, Limei Huang, Guangnan Luo, Xiaoyong Zhu, Jigui Cheng, Yucheng Wu*. Preparation of TiC/W core–shell structured powders by one-step activation and chemical reduction process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 619:704–708.
23.Xiao-Yue Tan, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Ze-Long Lu, Guang-Nan Luo, Xiang Zan, Ji-Gui Cheng, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Development of tungsten as plasma-facing materials by doping tantalum carbide nanoparticles. Powder Technology, 2015, 269: 437-442.
24.Xiao-Yu Ding, Lai-Ma Luo∗, Li-Mei Huang, Xiao-Yue Tan, Hao Li, Guang-Nan Luo, Xiang Zan, Yu Hong, Ji-Gui Cheng, Yu-Cheng Wu*. Study on activated W powders by chemical activation pretreatment and its sintering behavior. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2014, 47: 12–17.
25.Laima Luo∗, Zelong Lu, Xinmin Huang, Xiaoyue Tan, Xiaoyu Ding, Jigui Cheng, Zhu Liu, Yucheng Wu*. Electroless copper plating on PC engineering plastic with a novel palladium free surface activation process. Surface Coating &Technology, 2014, 251: 69–73.
26.Li-Mei Huang, Lai-Ma Luo∗, XiaoYu Ding, GuangNan Luo, Xiang Zan, JiGui Cheng, YuCheng Wu*. Effects of simplified pretreatment process on the morphology of W–Cu composite powder prepared by electroless plating and its sintering characterization. Powder Technology, 2014,258: 216–221.
27.Lai-Ma Luo∗, Ze-Long Lu, Xiao-Yue Tan, Xiao-Yu Ding, Li-Mei Huang, Ji-Gui Cheng, Liu Zhu, Yu-Cheng Wu*. A specific chemical activation pretreatment for electroless nickel plating on SiC ceramic powders. Powder Technology, 2013, 249: 431-435.