編號 NFG-98-07
拉丁菌名 Puccinia commelinae-benghalensis J.Y.Zhuang nom. nov.
中文菌名 繁縷柱隔孢
定名人 王英祥 王學英
Nomencla Zhuang Jianyun
發表文章 柱隔孢屬一新種和二新記錄種
Article Notes on Puccinia commelinae-benghalensis nom. nov.
作者 王英祥 王學英 李 華 曾千春
Author Zhuang Jianyun
作者單位 雲南 農業大學植物病理研究所, 昆明 650201
報導柱隔孢屬一新種:繁縷柱隔 孢 (Ramularia malachii Y.X.Wang et X.Y.Wang) 和二 新記錄種:顛茄柱隔孢 (Ramularia atropae Allesch), 夏枯草柱隔孢 (Ramularia baeumleriana Moesz).新種作 了漢文和拉丁文描述, 並附有形態圖, 同時討論了與相近 種之間的區別, 對新記錄種進行了漢文描述. 標本保存於 雲南農業大學植物病理研究所, 真菌標本室 (MHYAU).
Abstract An investigation of a spcies of Puccinia attacking plant belonging to Commelinaceae in China has led to a study of its nomenclature. The speciesappears to be identical to one described by Durrieu (1979) as Puccinia commelinae from Nepal. The name Puccinia commelinae Durrieu was inadmissable under theInternational Code of Botanical Nomenclature because it was a later homonym of Puccinia commelinae Holway (1904). Later, a new name Puccinia durrieui wasproposed by Ono (1990). Unfortunately, the new name is also illegitimate because it is a later homonym of Puccinia durrieui Mayor (1972) on Endressia pyrenaica J.Gay(Umbelliferae) from France. It becomes necessary, therefore, to repropose a new name for this rust.
關鍵字 柱隔孢屬, 繁縷柱隔孢, 顛茄柱隔 孢, 夏枯草柱隔孢
期刊 菌物系統 16(4):250-252, 1997
Publication MYCOSYSTEMA (ACTA MYCOLOGICA SINICA), 17(1):pp.95-96, 1998
分享省市 遼寧省沈 陽市
Place Nyalam County, Tibet Autonomous Region,
採集地 石竹科植物牛繁縷帶有園形白色病斑的葉片
Environment The rust grown on the leaves of Commelina maculata Edgew. of family Commelinaceae collected from Zhangmugou Natural Protection Region.
生態環境 溫帶大陸性季風氣候植物園林
寄主 石竹科植物牛繁縷的葉片
Habitat upland template monsoon climate broad-leaf forest zone
Host on the leaves of Commelina maculata Edgew. of family Commelinaceae
採集人 王英祥 李 華
Isolation Person Zhuang Jianyun
雲南農業大學植物病理研究所真菌標本室, 昆明 650201
Preservation Unit Mycological Herbarium, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Speciman No.
Note (1) Paratype specimen (HMAS 67536) deposited on Mycological Herbarium, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China(2) The fungi causes ill phytopathogen for Commelina maculata Edgew. of family Commelinaceae. The plant is a chinese medicine to use detumescence, diyresis and detoxicating, prescription for reducing fever.
該 菌是植物石竹科植物牛繁縷的病原性真菌