



  • 中文名:緱迅傑
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:四川大學,西班牙格拉納達大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:不確定決策、數據分析、智慧型最佳化算法、工業工程
  • 職 稱:特聘副研究員


主持四川省哲學社會科學項目、市廳級項目、校級項目等6項。主研參與國家自然科學基金項目等科研項目10餘項;在Springer出版英文專著1部;在《系統工程理論與實踐》、《中國管理科學》、《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《Journal of the Operational Research Society》、《Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making》、《Computers & Industrial Engineering》、《Information Sciences》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《Information Fusion》、《Technological and Economic Development of Economy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja》、《International Journal of Intelligence Systems》、《International Journal of Strategic Property Management》等國內外權威期刊發表學術論文40餘篇,SSCI/SCI收錄30餘篇,ESI高被引論文7篇,ESI熱點論文5篇;論著被引1690餘次,H指數17。
擔任《Mathematical Problems in Engineering》期刊編委。擔任《European Journal of Operational Research》、《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part B》、《Information Sciences》、《Applied Soft Computing》、《Journal of the Operational Research Society》等30餘份期刊的匿名審稿人。


1. X.J. Gou, Z.S. Xu.Double Hierarchy LinguisticTerm Set and Its Extensions: Theory and Methods. Springer, 2021.
2. X.J. Gou, H.C. Liao, X.X. Wang, Z.S. Xu*, F. Herrera, Consensus based on multiplicative consistent doublehierarchy linguistic preferences: venture capital in real estate market. InternationalJournal of Strategic Property Management, vol. 42, no.1, pp. 1-23, 2020. (高被引論文)
3. X.J. Gou, Z.S. Xu*, H.C. Liao, Groupdecision making with compatibility measures of hesitant fuzzy linguisticpreference relations. Soft Computing,vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1511-1527, 2019. (高被引論文)
4. X.J. Gou, Z.S. Xu*, F. Herrera, Consensus reaching process for large-scale groupdecision making with double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic preferencerelations. Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 157, pp. 20-33, 2018. (高被引論文)
5. X.J. Gou, H.C. Liao, Z.S. Xu*, F. Herrera, Double hierarchy hesitantfuzzy linguistic term set and MULTIMOORA method: A case of study to evaluatethe implementation status of haze controlling measures. Information Fusion, vol. 38, pp. 22-34, 2017. (高被引論文,熱點論文)
6. X.J. Gou, Z.S. Xu*, H.C. Liao, Hesitant fuzzy linguistic entropy andcross-entropy measures and alternative queuing method for multiple criteriadecision making. Information Sciences, vol.388-389, pp. 225-246, 2017.(高被引論文,熱點論文)
7. X.J. Gou, Z.S. Xu*, H.C. Liao, Multiple criteria decision makingbased on Bonferroni means with hesitant fuzzy linguistic information, Soft Computing, vol. 21, no. 21, pp. 6515-6529, 2017. (高被引論文,熱點論文)
8. X.J. Gou, Z.S. Xu*, Novel basic operational laws forlinguistic terms, hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and probabilisticlinguistic term sets. InformationSciences, vol. 372, pp. 407-427, 2016. (高被引論文,熱點論文)
9. X.J. Gou, Z.S. Xu*, P.J. Ren, The properties of continuous Pythagorean fuzzy information. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 401-424, 2016. (高被引論文)
10. P.J. Ren, Z.S. Xu*, X.J.Gou, Pythagorean fuzzy TODIM approach to multi-criteria decision making. Applied Soft Computing, vol. 42, pp.246-259, 2016 (高被引論文,熱點論文)


