- 書名:編寫有效用例
- 作者: Cockburn
- 出版社: 機械工業出版社
- 出版時間:2002-7
頁數: 270
定價: 25.0
裝幀: 平裝
ISBN: 9787111105374
Highlights of the book include: A thorough discussion of the key elements;of use cases-actors. stakeholders.design scope. scenarios, and more A use case style guide with action steps and suggested formats An extensive list of time-saving use case writing tips A helpful presentation of use case templates. with commentary on when and where they should be employed A proven methodology for taking advantage of use cases With this book as your guide. you will learn the essential elements of use Case writing. Improve your use case writing skills, and be well on your way to employing use cases effectively for your next development project