

《線上混合實驗進展——理論與套用》是一本潘鵬 王濤 中島正愛編制,由清華大學出版社出版的書籍。


  • 書名:線上混合實驗進展——理論與套用
  • 作者:潘鵬 王濤 中島正愛
  • ISBN:9787302335412
  • 類別:工業技術
  • 頁數:211
  • 定價:68元
  • 出版社清華大學出版社
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 開本:大16開
  • 字數:285000




Computer simulations play an important role in modern seismic design of structures, while experiments are commonly used to gain better insight into the structure behavior, and further to validate or calibrate the analytical models used in the computer simulations. This is the traditional understanding of computer and experiment. Recent years, however, an entirely new method to reproduce the seismic behavior of structures, which combines the computer simulations with the physical tests interactively,is developed. This method solves the dynamics of a structure in the computer domain using stepbystep time integration algorithms, while obtaining restoring forces from a physical specimen. The computer provides displacements to the specimen as the loading target, and the measured restoring forces are fed back to the computer to update the dynamic state. This interaction continues repeatedly until the end of the simulation. Because of the online communication and updating, this simulation technique is called the online hybrid test. Several benefits can be expected from this method. First, the inertial effect is simulated numerically in a computer. There’s no need to construct massive physical payload on a specimen as it is loaded quasistatically. Therefore, a largescale specimen can be implemented. Second, because the loading rate is quite slow, one can closely observe the initiation and development of damages on the specimen, which is very important for better understanding on the seismic behavior. Finally, the online hybrid test can be realized by conventional load devices instead of sophisticated facilities such as shaking tables. This makes it rapidly developed in the past thirty years and become one of the standard approaches to examine the seismic performance of structures.
Recent development of online hybrid tests is classified into two categories, namely, realtime online hybrid test and substructure online hybrid test. Realtime online hybrid test requires very prompt response of loading devices. The dynamic interaction between the loading facility and the specimen must be considered explicitly because the response delay of the loading device may lead to divergence of the entire dynamic system. To compensate the delay is thus the key problem of the realtime online hybrid test, which is essentially a hydromechanical control problem. The discussion of realtime online hybrid test is beyond the scope of this book and will not be discussed hereafter. Substructure online hybrid test takes the most critical part of a structure as the experimental substructure while the rest with wellunderstood performance is numerically analyzed. The substructures are often distributed to different locations and connected through Network, thus being able to utilize resources of multiple laboratories. Substructure and Network render online hybrid test capability to investigate the seismic behavior of largescale structures, as reported lately that the seismic responses of longspan bridges, braced frames, and concrete wall structures are reproduced.
In spite of the rapid growth of online hybrid test, little has been published in book form to guide the practitioner. The purpose of this book has been to provide comprehensive treatments of several topics pertinent to substructure online hybrid test. Emphasis has been placed on three frameworks, i.e., hoststation framework, separated model framework and peertopeer(pzp) framework. They have been developed within Internet environment and particularly suitable for distributed hybrid testing. In order to help the readers to understand the essence of the online hybrid test and further to build up their own system, an engineering practice has been introduced at the end of this book with the source code appended. We address ourselves primarily to the readers with some background in structural dynamics, finite elements, and computer science. Efforts have been made to consolidate and simplify material that has ever appeared only in journal articles, and to provide the reader with a perspective of the state of the art.
August, 2013


CHAPTER 1Introduction
1.1Background, objective, and challenge
CHAPTER 2Basics of Time Integration Algorithms
2.2Principle of time integration algorithms and properties
2.3Development of time integration algorithms
2.3.1Linear multistep methods
2.3.2Newmark’s family methods
2.3.3Collocation methods
2.3.4αfamily methods
2.3.5ρfamily methods
2.3.6Mixed implicitexplicit methods
2.4Numerical characteristics analysis of time integration algorithms
2.4.1Spectral stability
2.4.2Accuracy analysis
CHAPTER 3Typical Time Integration Algorithms
3.2Analysis of typical time integration algorithms
3.2.1Central difference method
3.2.2Newmark’s method
3.2.3HilberHughesTaylor (HHT)αmethod
3.2.5Implicitexplicit method
3.2.6Modal truncation technique
3.2.7Integral form of existing algorithms
3.2.8State space procedure
3.3Applications for online hybrid test (pseudodynamic test)
3.3.1Applications of central difference method
3.3.2Hardwaredependent iterative scheme
3.3.3Newton iterative scheme based on HHTαmethod
3.3.4αoperatorsplitting (OS) method
3.3.5Predictorcorrector implementation of generalizedαmethod (IPCρ∞)
3.3.6Ghaboussi predictorcorrector method
CHAPTER 4Online Hybrid Test Using Mixed Control
4.2Presentation of the online test system
4.2.1Loading system
4.2.2Baseisolated structure model
4.2.3Test Setup
4.3Displacementforce Combined control
4.3.1Static test for combined control
4.3.2Algorithm of online test using displacementforce combined control
4.3.3Online test using displacementforce combined control
4.4Forcedisplacement switching control
4.4.1Static test for displacementforce switching control
4.4.2Algorithm of displacementforce switching control
4.4.3Online test using displacementforce switching control
CHAPTER 5Internet Online Hybrid Test Using HostStation Framework
5.2Presentation of the Internet online test system
5.2.1System framework
5.2.2Internet data exchange interface
5.3Accommodation with implicit finite element program
5.3.1Importance of stiffness prediction
5.3.2Proposed prediction method
5.4Internet online test of baseisolated structure
5.4.1Baseisolated structure model
5.4.2Test setup and test specimen
5.4.3Test Results
CHAPTER 6Internet Online Hybrid Test Using SeparatedModel Framework
6.2Development of separatedmodel framework
6.2.1Design of separatedmodel framework
6.2.2System implementation
6.2.3Highspeed data exchange scheme using socket mechanism
6.2.4Incorporation of finite element programs using restart capability
6.3Preliminary investigations of separatedmodel framework
6.3.1Seismic simulation of an onestory braced frame
6.3.2Seismic simulation of a threestory braced frame
6.4Distributed online hybrid test on a baseisolated building
6.4.1Prototype structure
6.4.2Numerical simulation of superstructure
6.4.3Specimen for base isolation layer
6.4.4Specimen for retaining walls
6.4.5Test environment design
6.4.6Elastic properties of structure
6.4.7Pushover analysis
6.4.8Quasistatic test
6.4.9Earthquake response simulation
6.4.10Time efficiency of experiment
CHAPTER 7Internet Online Hybrid Test Using PeertoPeer Framework
7.2Development of peertopeer (P2P) framework
7.2.1Design of P2P framework
7.2.2Iteration by quasiNewton method
7.2.3P2P Internet onlinehybrid test scheme
7.2.4Incorporation of generalpurpose finite element (FEM) program
7.3Verification test of baseisolated structure
7.3.1Structure model and substructuring
7.3.2Internet online hybrid test environment
7.3.3Test setup and test specimen
7.3.4Test results
7.4Convergence criteria on P2P Internet online hybrid test system involving structural Nonlinearities
7.4.2Investigation of convergence criteria and tolerance
7.4.3Examination on type of divisions into substructures
7.4.4Number of degrees of freedom on boundaries
7.4.5Investigation on initial stiffness
7.5Numerical characteristics of P2P predictorcorrector procedure
7.5.2Recursive matrix of tworound quasiNewton test scheme
7.5.3Stability characteristics
7.5.4Accuracy characteristics
CHAPTER 8Application of online hybrid test in engineering practice
8.2Application example of conventional online hybrid test
8.2.1Project brief
8.2.2Prototype and substructures
8.2.3Dynamics of the retrofitted structure
8.2.4Configuration of the hybrid test system
8.2.5Loading scheme
8.2.6Input ground motions and intensity
8.2.7Measurement scheme
8.2.8Test results
8.3Application example of P2P Internet online hybrid test
8.3.1Project brief
8.3.2Target Structure
8.3.4Improved test scheme of P2P framework
8.3.5Numerical analyses by P2P framework
8.3.6Distributed test environment
8.3.7Implementation of tested substructures
8.3.8Distributed test
8.3.9Verification of P2P framework
8.3.10Efficiency of P2P framework
8.3.11Practical evaluation of collapse limit of the frame
8.3.12Complex behavior of column bases
CHAPTER 9Summary and Conclusions
9.1Summary and conclusions
9.2Time integration algorithms
9.3Online hybrid test using mixed control
9.4Internet Online Hybrid Test Using HostStation Framework
9.5Separatedmodel framework and its demonstration examples
9.6Peertopeer framework and its preliminary demonstration test
9.7Application of online hybrid test in engineering practice
APPENDIX ⅠList of Exiting Time Integration Algorithms
APPENDIX ⅡImplementation of OS Method


