- 書名:維吉尼亞·伍爾夫歷史觀研究
- 作者:朱海峰
- ISBN:9787520306263
- 頁數:228
- 定價:CNY 68.00
- 出版社:中國社會科學出版社
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開

List of Abbreviations
1 Literature Review
1.1 Woolf Studies Abroad
1.2 Woolf Studies in China
2 Research Argument
3 Research Purpose, Scope and Methodology
Chapter One Virginia Woolf's View of History and
1 Woolies View of History
2 Woolfs View of Historiography
Chapter Two Historical Factuality in Woolf's Real World
1 The Historical Factuality of Family Members
1.1 Leslie Stephen
1.2 Julia Stephen
1.3 Siblings
2 The Historical Factuality of Social Movements
2.1 Feminism
2.2 Lesbianism
2.3 Class Conflict
3 The Historical Factuality of Imperial Crises
3.1 Colonial Independence
3.2 Destruction of Wars
Chapter ThreeHistoriography in Woolf's Novels
1 The Historiography of Family Members in To the Lighthouse
1.1 Mr. Ramsay
1.2 Mrs. Ramsay
1.3 Lily Briseoe and Others
2 The Historiography of Social Movements in Mrs. Dalloway
2.1 The Story of Clarissa as a Feminist
2.2 The Stories of Sally Seton and Clarissa, Elizabeth and Doris Kilman as Lesbians
2.3 The Story of Septimus and Bradshaw as the Oppressed and the Oppressor
3 The Historiography of Imperial Crises in The Years
3.1 Colonial Independence Witnessed by the Pargiters
3.2 Destruction of the First World War Represented by German Air Raids
Chapter Four Woolf's Political Intention of Historiography
1 Speaking the Unspeakable
1.1 Cultural Taboos
1.2 Government Censorship
2 Representing the Powers of Subversion and Containment in Her Times
2.1 Subversion and Containment of Family Patriarchy
2.2 Subversion and Containment of Social Conventions
2.3 Subversion and Containment of British Imperialism
Works Cited