《綠色設施:工業和商業建築的LEED認證》是2014年哈爾濱工業大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是溫克勒 (Greg Winkler)。
- 中文名:綠色設施:工業和商業建築的LEED認證
- 作者:溫克勒 (Greg Winkler)
- 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學出版社
- 出版時間:2014年6月1日
- 頁數:233 頁
- 開本:16 開
- ISBN:9787560344980
- 外文名:Green Facilities Industrial and Commercial Leed Certification
- 類型:英語與其他外語
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
《綠色設施:工業和商業建築的LEED認證(影印版)(英文)》內容簡介:This GreenSource book is a valuable strategy and planning resource for saving money and energy by implementing sustainable production and business operations. Green Facilities: Industrial and Commercial LEED Certification examines a wide range of sustainability factors and reveals how to control costs through focused attention on reduced energy consumption, enhanced equipment efficiency, consistent maintenance, and more-flexible building and human resource management.Specific industry resources for each strategy are included in this practical guide.
Chapter 1 Green Facilities
What Is Sustainability? 2
The Benefits of Sustainability 2
The ICC and Sustainability 4
LEED Certification 6
Other Sustainability Programs 11
Payback and Return on Investment 12
Energy Calculators and Software 14
Endnotes 17
Chapter 2 Indoor Health and Thermal Comfort
Heating 20
Cooling 25
Ventilation and Air Movement 26
Indoor Air Quality 28
Air Intake Economizers 34
Systems Control and Monitoring 35
Special Systems and Strategies 36
Waste Heat Recovery Systems 42
Tobacco Smoke Control 42
PCB Removal 43
Endnotes 45
Chapter 3 Utilities
Electric Usage 47
Natural Gas Usage 50
Water Usage 55
Renewable Energy 62
On-Site Energy Generation 66
Wastewater 69
Energy Management Systems 71
Endnotes 77
Chapter 4 Operations
Indoor Vehicles 79
Indoor Chemicals 81
Water Management and Recycling 84
Equipment Efficiency 89
Lighting 90
Operations and Maintenance 96
Commissioning 96
Cleaning 97
Shifts and Scheduling 99
Carpooling and Transportation 100
Continuous Improvement 105
Construction Activities 107
Endnotes 108
Chapter 5 Building Features
Automatic Entry Doors 111
Vestibules and Airlocks 112
Overhead Doors 113
Loading Docks 115
Lighting 116
Daylighting 119
Windows and Glazing 120
Building Insulation 122
Air Infiltration 123
, Toilets 126
Coolers and Freezers 126
Space and Capacity Utilization 128
Optimize Energy Performance 129
Endnotes 132
Chapter 6 Equipment
Boilers and Pressure Vessels 133
Chillers 133
Motor-Driven Equipment 136
Spray Booths 137
Ovens 139
Conveying Equipment 141
Vacuum Equipment 143
Welding Equipment 144
Grinding Equipment 144
Drying Equipment 145
Computers and Office Equipment 147
Compressed Air 149
Endnotes 151
Chapter 7 Exterior
Landscaping 153
Paving and Surfacing 158
Stormwater 160
Shading 163
Cladding and Siding Materials 167
Roofing Materials and Green Roofs 170
Site Lighting 177
Site Design 178
Heat Island Reduction 181
Site Disturbance 183
Endnotes 184
~hapter 8 Resources
Manufacturers 187
Incentives and Resources 188
Software and Calculators 188
Government and Nonprofit Programs 194
Utility Programs 201
作者:(美國)溫克勒(Greg Winkler)