

《綜合英語教程1(第2版)學習指南》是《綜合英語教程1(第二版)》(黃源深、虞蘇美總主編,鄒為誠主編)的教學輔助用書。該書分“說、讀、寫”三大板塊對《教程》的學習和使用進行輔導。在“說”板塊,編者根據《教程》的交際要求,編寫了兩篇以上模擬對話(Made-up Conversations),對話反映的內容與時俱進。在“讀”板塊,編者重點對學生閱讀能力的提高進行了“課文分析”(TextAnalysis)、“課文l背景注釋和語言難點中英文解釋”(Notes to the Text)、“語言點講解”(Language Points in the Text)、“課文參考譯文”(Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts)。在“寫”板塊,外籍參編人員根據《教程》要求就全書l 5個單元的句子寫作給出了參考答案並寫出了15篇以上短文(Sample Writing)。最後還提供了一些重要練習和有一定難度的練習的參考答案(Keys to the Exercises)。


  • 書名:綜合英語教程1學習指南
  • 出版社:西南交通大學出版社
  • 頁數:229頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:西南交通大學出版社
  • 作者:吳樹奇
  • 出版日期:2010年9月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787564308544




Unit 1 My First Job
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 2 American Homes and British Homes
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 3 What Is in a Name?
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 4 Doing Away With the King's English
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 5 England as Seen by Americans
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 6 The First Day at School
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 7 Computers .
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 8 The Missing Monarchs
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 9 The Risks of Life
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 10 Words Can Give You Power
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 11 The Transaction
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 12 The Message Behind the Smile
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 13 A Delightful Village
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 14 The Mystery of the White Gardenia
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises
Unit 15 For or Against Smoking in Public Places
Part I. Made-up Conversations (Try to speak more)
Part II. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities
Part III. Reference Chinese Versions of the Texts
Part IV. Sample Writing
Part V. Keys to the Exercises






