《經濟學專業英語教程(第二版·上)》是2008年中國人民大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是宋利芳、 高宏存。
- 書名:經濟學專業英語教程(第二版·上)
- 作者:宋利芳、 高宏存
- ISBN:9787300091464
- 頁數:294
- 定價:35.00元
- 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
- 出版時間:2008-5
《經濟學專業英語教程》(第2版)(上)是《經濟學專業英語教程》 (第2版)的上,《經濟學專業英語教程》 (第2版)共分上、下兩冊。上冊共設計14單元,每一單元包括主課文和副課文,系統介紹了經濟學方面的基礎知識和基本理論,具有較強的系統性和完整性,涵蓋了個體經濟學和總量經濟學的主要內容。
Unit One
Text: What Is Economics?
Additional Text: The Economic Problem
Unit Two
Text: Demand and Supply
Additional Text: Supply and Demand and Odd Yellow Fruit
Unit Three
Text: Price Elasticities of Demand and Supply
Additional Text: How Landlords Respond to Rent Control:The Case of New York City
Unit Four
Text: Cost of Production
Additional Text: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Unit Five
Text: Monopoly
Additional Text: Perfect Competition
Unit Six
Text: Oligopoly
Additional Text: Monopolistic Competition
Unit Seven
Text: What Is Economics?
Additional Text: The Economic Problem
Unit Two
Text: Demand and Supply
Additional Text: Supply and Demand and Odd Yellow Fruit
Unit Three
Text: Price Elasticities of Demand and Supply
Additional Text: How Landlords Respond to Rent Control:The Case of New York City
Unit Four
Text: Cost of Production
Additional Text: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Unit Five
Text: Monopoly
Additional Text: Perfect Competition
Unit Six
Text: Oligopoly
Additional Text: Monopolistic Competition
Unit Seven