經典室內設計(Interior Splendour by Pierre-Yves Rochon)

經典室內設計(Interior Splendour by Pierre-Yves Rochon)

《經典室內設計(Interior Splendour by Pierre-Yves Rochon)》是一本Dane McDowell編制,由 Flammarion在 2010-09-20齣版的書籍。


  • 書名:經典室內設計(Interior Splendour by Pierre-Yves Rochon)
  • 又名:無
  • 作者:Author: Dane McDowell
  • 出版社:Publisher: Flammarion


作 者/Author: Dane McDowell(丹·麥克道威爾),Christian Sarramon(克里斯汀·薩拉蒙) 著
出 版 社/Publisher: Flammarion
中文書名/Chinese Title: 經典室內設計 ISBN: 9782080301499
出版時間/Publication Date: 2010-09-20
頁 數/Pages: 256
裝 幀/Format: 精裝
正文語種/Language: 英文


Is there a signature Rochon style? At first, it is difficult to tell because the designer always adapts his work to the environment in which it unfolds, bringing out the locations unique spirit. A great traveler, he blends international styles, borrowing from both modern and classical influences. Hailed as a visionary designer and master of grand luxe by the Financial Times How To Spend It, Rochons most prestigious commissions include Four Seasons Hotelsin Paris, Florence, Washington, and Cairo, for exampleand restaurants for several Michelin-starred chefs. This monographRochons firstreveals the designers trademark approach to interior splendor. For him, the quality of the object and the hand that made it is essential for creating a sumptuous interior. He devotes attention to every detail, from the architecture, to the furniture, the lighting, the fabrics, and art objects. Where he inserts a new structure into a space, such as a fireplace or a column, it feels like it has always been there. His interiors thus exude harmony and comfort, while retaining a strong sense of the locations culture, geography, and history. The genius of this designer lies in his ability to make each interior feel like a second home. From bedrooms to living rooms, and from bathrooms to spas, Pierre-Yves Rochon creates comfortable and intimate interiors that show us how we might create our own luxurious décors in our homes. The address book compiled by Rochon brings together the very best artisans with whom he has worked for many years: cabinet makers, bronze makers, lighting experts, upholsterers, and more.


