《統計推斷原理》是2009年人民郵電出版社出版的圖書,作者是(英國) 考克斯 (Cox.D.R.)。
- 書名:統計推斷原理
- 頁數:219頁
- 出版社:人民郵電出版社
- 裝幀:平裝
第1版 (2009年8月1日)
外文書名: Principles of Statistical Inference
叢書名: 圖靈原版數字·統計學系列
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787115210746
條形碼: 9787115210746
尺寸: 23.4 x 16.6 x 1.2 cm
重量: 399 g
作者:(英國) 考克斯 (Cox.D.R.)
——Ronaid Christensen。Journal of the American StatisticaI Association
——Davtd Hand(倫敦大學帝國學院)
1 Preliminaries
1.1 Starting point
1.2 Role of formal theory of inference
1.3 Some simple models
1.4 Formulation of objectives
1.5 Two broad approaches to statistical inference
1.6 Some further discussion
1.7 Parameters
Notes 1
2 Some concepts and simple applications
2.1 Likelihood
2.2 Sufficiency
2.3 Exponential family
2.4 Choice of priors for exponential family problems
2.5 Simple frequentist discussion
2.6 Pivots
Notes 2
3 Significance tests
3.1 General remarks
3.2 Simple significance test
3.3 One- and two-sided tests
3.4 Relation with acceptance and rejection
3.5 Formulation of alternatives and test statistics
3.6 Relation with interval estimation
3.7 Interpretation of significance tests
3.8 Bayesian testing
Notes 3
4 More complicated situations
4.1 General remarks
4.2 General Bayesian formulation
4.3 Frequentist analysis
4.4 Some more general frequentist developments
4.5 Some further Bayesian examples
Notes 4
5 Interpretations of uncertainty
5.1 General remarks
5.2 Broad roles of probability
5.3 Frequentist interpretation of upper limits
5.4 Neyman-Pearson operational criteria
5.5 Some general aspects of the frequentist approach
5.6 Yet more on the frequentist approach
5.7 Personalistic probability
5.8 Impersonal degree of belief
5.9 Reference priors
5.10 Temporal coherency
5.11 Degree of belief and frequency
5.12 Statistical implementation of Bayesian analysis
5.13 Model uncertainty
5.14 Consistency of data and prior
5.15 Relevance of frequentist assessment
5.16 Sequential stopping
5.17 A simple classification problem
Notes 5
6 Asymptotic theory
6.1 General remarks
6.2 Scalar parameter
6.3 Multidimensional parameter
6.4 Nuisance parameters
6.5 Tests and model reduction
6.6 Comparative discussion
6.7 Profile likelihood as an information summarizer
6.8 Constrained estimation
6.9 Semi-asymptotic arguments
6.10 Numerical-analytic aspects
6.11 Higher-order asymptotics
Notes 6
7 Further aspects of maximum likelihood
7.1 Multimodal likelihoods
7.2 Irregular form
7.3 Singular information matrix
7.4 Failure of model
7.5 Unusual parameter space
7.6 Modified likelihoods
Notes 7
8 Additional objectives
8.1 Prediction
8.2 Decision analysis
8.3 Point estimation
8.4 Non-likelihood-based methods
Notes 8
9 Randomization-based analysis
9.1 General remarks
9.2 Sampling a finite population
9.3 Design of experiments
Notes 9
Appendix A: A brief history
Appendix B: A personal view
Author index
Subject index