- 書名:紡織機電專業英語
- 作者:單敏
- 出版社:中國紡織出版社
- 出版時間:2009年05月
- 定價:35 元
- 開本:16 開
- ISBN:9787506455763
Part Ⅰ Mechanics(機械)
1.1 Connecting Bar Mechanism(連桿機構)
1.1.1 Hinge Joint Four—bar Mechanism(鉸接四桿機構)
1.1.2 Slider—crank Mechanism(曲柄滑塊機構)
1.1.3 Guide—bar Mechanism and Swing—block Mechanism(導桿機構和搖塊機構)
1.2 Gear Mechanism(齒輪機構)
1.2.1 Names and Symbols of Different Gear Parts(齒輪各部分名稱和符號)
1.2.2 Correct Meshing Conditions of the Involute Straight Tooth Column
1.3 Shafts and Bearings(軸與軸承)
1.3.1 Shaft(軸)
1.3.2 Sliding Bearings(滑動軸承)
1.3.3 Rolling Bearings(滾動軸承)
1.4 Mould Technology(模具技術)
1.4.1 An Introduction to Injection Moulds(注射模具概述)
1.4.2 Downsprue,Cross gate and Ingate(直澆道、橫澆道與內澆道)
Part Ⅱ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology(機電技術)
2.1 Electro—engineering Elements(電工基礎)
2.1.1 Circuit and Its Ideal Circuit Components(電路及其理想電路元件)
2.1.2 Simple Sinusoidal Ahemating Circuit and Three—phase Circuit(正弦交流電路及三相交流電路)
2.2 Electric Motors(電動機)
2.2.1 The Classification and Usage of Electric Motors(電動機的分類及使用)
2.2.2 Structures and Working Principles of the Three—phase Asynchronous Motor(三相異步電動機的結構及工作原理)
2.2.3 Structures and Working Principles of the Direct—current Motor(直流電動機的結構及工作原理)
2.2.4 Control Motor(控制電動機)
2.3 Single Chip Computers(單片機)
2.3.1 The Development Process of Single Chip Computers(單片機的發展歷程)
2.3.2 The Interior Structure of Single Chip Computers(單片機的內部結構)
2.3.3 The Features and Application of Single Chip Computers(單片機的特點及套用)
2.4 The Programmable Logical Controller(可程式序控制器)
2.4.1 Names,Definitions,Generation and Development of the Program—
mable Logical Controller(可程式序控制器的名稱、定義、產生
2.4.2 Components and Principles of the Programmable Logical Controller
2.4.3 Functions.Features and an Application Summary of the Program—
mable Logical Controller(可程式序控制器的功能、特點及套用
Part Ⅲ Textile Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology(紡織機電技術)
3.1 Spinning Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology(紡紗機電技術)
3.1.1 On—line Detection and Elimination Apparatus of HeterogeneousFibers(異性纖維線上檢測和清除裝置)
3.1.2 Self—control Regulating Systems(自調勻整裝置)
3.1.3 Air—operated Pressure Equipment(氣動加壓裝置)
3.1.4 Electronic Fixed Length Apparatus(電子式定長裝置)
3.2 Weaving Preparation Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology(織造準備機電技術)
3.2.1 The Cheese Winding Tension Control System(絡筒張力控制系統)
3.2.2 Electrical End Breakage Automatic Stop Equipment(電子式斷頭自停裝置)
3.2.3 Automatic Control of the Drying Cylinder Temperature(烘筒溫度
3.3 Electrical Opening Mechanism(電子開口機構)
3.3.1 A Brief Introduction to Electrical Opening(電子開口概述)
3.3.2 Gyre Type Electrical Dobby Machines(迴轉式電子多臂機)
3.3.3 Working Principles of Electrical Jacquard Weaving(電子提花的
3.4 Electrical Let—off(電子送經)
3.4.1 Working Principles of Electrical Let—off(電子送經的工作原理)
3.4.2 Working Principles of the Chaine Tension—detecting Apparatus
Adopting On—off Approaching Switch(開關量式經紗張力檢測
3.4.3 The Chaine Tension Collection System of the Strain Foil Type(應變片式經紗張力檢測系統)
3.4.4 Fabric Axle Driving Equipment(織軸驅動裝置)
Part Ⅳ Numerical Control Machines(數控工具機)
4.1 A Brief Introduction to Numerical Control Machines(數控工具機簡介)
4.2 Common Numerical Control Machines(普通數控工具機)
4.2.1 The Numerical Control Drilling Machine(數控鑽床)
4.2.2 The Numerical Control Lathes(數控車床)
4.2.3 The Numerical Control Milling Machine(數控銑床)
4.2.4 Milling Ways of the Numerical Control Milling Machines(數控銑床的銑削方法)
4.3 Numerical Control Machines of Processing Centers(數控加工中心工具機)
4.3.1 Processing Center(力口工中心)
4.3.2 Turning Center(車削中心)