紀士東,研究員,工學博士。1994年畢業於西北輕工業學院(現陝西科技大學)矽酸鹽工程系,獲碩士學位。2011年畢業於日本名古屋工業大學Department of scientific and engineering simulation,獲博士學位。1994~2007年工作於南京工業大學材料學院,2007年起留學日本,先後在日本東北大學、日本產業技術綜合研究所、名古屋工業大學、廣島大學從事訪問、學習與研究工作。2012年5月應聘進入中科院上海矽酸鹽研究所工業陶瓷研究中心,致力於溫控智慧型節能材料的套用基礎研究及產業化的研究與開發工作。
1. Shidong Ji, M. Tanaka, S. Zhang, S. Yamanaka, High Pressure Synthesis and Superconductivity of the Ternary Compounds Mg(Mg1-xAlx)Si with the Anticotunnite Structure, Inorg. Chem
2. Shidong Ji, F. Zhang, P. Jin, Formation mechanisms and crystallographic characteristics of metastable VO2(A) nanofiber hydrothermally synthesised in V2O5-H2C2O4-H2O system, J. Phys. Chem. Solids
3. Shidong Ji, F. Zhang, P. Jin, Preparation of high performance pure single phase VO2 nanopowder by hydrothermally reducing the V2O5 gel, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells
4. Shidong Ji, F. Zhang, P. Jin, Selective formation of VO2(A) or VO2(R) polymorph by controlling the hydrothermal pressure, J. Solid State Chem
5. Shidong Ji, F. Zhang, P. Jin, Unexpected phase transformation from VO2(R) to VO2(A) during hydrothermal treatment in V2O5-H2C2O4-H2O system, Research on Chemical Intermediates
6. Shidong Ji, Y. Zhao, F. Zhang, P. Jin, Phase transition of single crystal VO2(R) nanorods in solution revealed by reversible change in surface charge state and structure, Mater. Letters
7. Shidong Ji, Y. Zhao, F. Zhang, P. Jin, Synthesis and phase transition behavior of w-doped VO2(A) nanorods, J. Ceramic Soc. Jpn
8. Shidong Ji, Y. Zhao, F. Zhang, P. Jin, Direct formation of single crystal VO2(R) nanorod by one-step hydrothermal treatment, J. Crystal Growth
9. Shidong Ji, S. Murakami, M. Kamitakahara, K. Ioku, Fabrication of titania/hydroxyapatite composite granules for photo-catalyst, Mater. Res. Bull