



  • 作者:俞希|主編
  • ISBN:9787305091384
  • 頁數:310
  • 定價:26.00元
  • 出版社:南京大學
  • 出版時間:2011-12
  • 副標題:精編英語背誦文選




Chapter One Tradition傳統 Tradition/傳統/3 Wings and Roots/翅與根/6 Fish Cheeks/魚腮/9 Patterns of Culture/文化模式/13 An Excerpt frall The Kite Rurrer/《追風箏的人》節選/18 Folk Cultures/民間文化/22Chapter Two Work工作 Choosing an Occupation/選擇職業/31 Find Something You Love and Enjoy/尋求你所愛/35 Work/工作/39 The Rage to Know/求知的熱情/43 To Be of Use/做有益的事/47 Work and Pleasure/工作與娛樂/50Chapter Three Courage勇氣 Courage/勇氣/59 An Excerpt from Braveheart/《勇敢的心》節選/62 Courage/勇氣/66 Awakening the Inner Warrior:Stoking the Fire within/ 喚醒心中的勇士:激發內心火種/69 An Excerpt from The Old Man and the Sea/《老人與海》節選/73 Justice Will Be Done/正義終將來臨/77Chapter Four Faith信仰 Growing Roots/成長的樹根/89 I Don't Play to the Grandstand/我不為譁眾取寵而戰/93 This Is My Hope This Is My Prayer/我的希望,我的祈禱/97 I've Been to the Mountaintop/我已登上山巔/101 Give Part of Yourself Away/樂於奉獻/106 If/如果/111Chapter Five Literature文學 Shakespeare/莎士比亞/119 Comedy/喜劇/122 The Influence of Literature/文學的影響/125 How Should One Read a Book/應該怎樣讀書/129 Speech at the Nobel Banquet/諾貝爾文學獎獲獎致辭/133 The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power/知識文學與力量文學/139Chapter Six Technology技術 The Shock of Recognition/認知之衝擊/151 An Excerpt from Three Stories from My Life/《我生命中的三個故事》節選/156 Telephone/電話/161 The Difference between a Brain and a Computer/人腦與電腦的區別/165 All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace/一切由電腦傾情看守/170. The Sacred RAC/神聖的RAC/173Chapter Seven Identity身份 Questions of Culture/文化問題/183 American Individualism/美國人的個人主義/188 ThFee New Yorks/三個紐約/192 Understanding Self Identity--Social Aspects of Your Individual Self/了解自我身份認同——個人的社會性/196 Expressing One's Individuality/表達個性/201 An Excerpt from The Invisible Man/《隱身人》節選/206Chapter Eight Environment環境 Illusions of Pastoral Peace/寧靜田園生活的遐想/217 Speech at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit/哥本哈根氣候變化峰會上的講話/221 Man and Nature/人與自然/227 A Fable for Tomorrow/明日的寓言/231 The Balance of Nature/自然界的平衡/237 Nature/自然/242Chapter Nine Communication溝通 The Politics of Language/語言的政治/251 Exploring an Alternate Universe: What Makes People Tick?/探索另一個宇宙:人們是如何行事的?/255 Alienation and the Internet/網路使人疏遠?/259 Customs/習俗/264 An Excerpt from Letter to His Son/《致子書》節選/268 Politics and the English Language/政治與英語語言/273Chapter Ten Ideals理想 Free to Soar/自由飛翔/283 Kindness:Living the Ideal/友愛:生活之理想/286 Public Service: The Task of Building Bridges/公益服務:架設生命之橋/290 Chinese Humanism/中國人的人文主義/294 Man Is Here for the Sake of Other Men/人是為了別人而活著/299 An Excerpt from The Great Gatsby/《了不起的蓋茨比》節選/303


