- 書名:粒子物理學家用非阿貝爾離散對稱導論(影印版)
- 作者:(日)石森一等
- ISBN:978-7-301-25184-3
- 頁數:304
- 定價:¥51.00
- 出版時間:2014-12-29
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開
書號: 25184 ISBN: 978-7-301-25184-3
作者: (日)石森一等 版次: 1
開本: 16開 裝訂: 平
字數: 362 千字 頁數:304 定價: ¥51.00
瀏覽次數: 220
出版日期: 2014-12-29 叢書名: 中外物理學精品書系
1 References
2 Basics of Finite Groups
3 SN
3.1 S3
3.2 S4
4 AN
4.1 A4
4.2 A5
5 T _
5.1 ConjugacyClasses
5.2 Characters andRepresentations
5.3 Tensor Products
6 DN
6.1 DN with N Even
6.2 DN with N Odd
6.3 D4
6.4 D5
7 QN
7.1 QN with N = 4n
7.2 QN with N = 4n+2
7.3 Q4
7.4 Q6
8 QD2N
8.1 Generic Aspects
8.2 QD16
9 Σ(2N2)
9.1 Generic Aspects
9.2 Σ(18)
9.3 Σ(32)
9.4 Σ(50)
10 Δ(3N2)
10.1 Δ(3N2) with N/3 _= Integer
10.2 Δ(3N2) with N/3 Integer
10.3 Δ(27)
11 TN
11.1 Generic Aspects
11.2 T7
11.3 T13
11.4 T19
12 Σ(3N3)
12.1 Generic Aspects
12.2 Σ(81)
13 Δ(6N2)
13.1 Δ(6N2) with N/3 _= Integer
13.2 Δ(6N2) with N/3 Integer
13.3 Δ(54)
14 Subgroups and Decompositions of Multiplets
14.1 S3
14.2 S4
14.3 A4
14.4 A5
14.5 T _
14.6 General DN
14.7 D4
14.8 General QN
14.9 Q4
14.10 QD2N
14.11 General Σ(2N2)
14.12 Σ(32)
14.13 General Δ(3N2)
14.14 Δ(27)
14.15 General TN
14.16 T7
14.17 General Σ(3N3)
14.18 Σ(81)
14.19 General Δ(6N2)
14.20 Δ(54)
15 Anomalies
15.1 Generic Aspects
15.2 ExplicitCalculations
15.3 CommentsonAnomalies
16 Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetry in Quark/Lepton Flavor Models
16.1 NeutrinoFlavorMixingandNeutrinoMassMatrix
16.2 A4 FlavorSymmetry
16.3 S4 Flavor Model
16.4 AlternativeFlavorMixing
16.5 CommentsonOtherApplications
16.6 CommentonOriginsofFlavorSymmetries
Appendix A Useful Theorems
Appendix B Representations of S4 in Different Bases
Appendix C Representations of A4 in Different Bases
Appendix D Representations of A5 in Different Bases
Appendix E Representations of T _ in Different Bases
Appendix F Other Smaller Groups