







1. 基於概念格的屬性約簡與知識獲取方法研究,國家自然科學基金(NO:60773174)負責人,2008-2010. 29萬。
2. 概念格屬性約簡方法與知識獲取,河北省自然科學基金(NO:A2006000129)負責人,2006.1-2008.12,3萬。


現任中國人工智慧學會粗糙集與軟計算專業委員會委員,國際期刊主編,多個國內、國際學術會議程式委員會委員。主要研究興趣:粗糙集、概念格、近似推理。近幾年在國際學術期刊《Information Sciences》、《International Journal of General Systems》、《International Journal of Intelligent Systems》、《International Journal of Approximate Reasoning》、《Computer & Mathematics with Applications 》、《Fuzzy Set and Systems》,國核心心學術期刊如《計算機學報》、《模式識別與人工智慧》等和國際重要學術會議發表學術論文40餘篇,其中13篇被SCI收錄,20餘篇被EI收錄。


[1] Ju-Sheng Mi, Yee Leung, Hui-Yin Zhao, Tao Feng, Generalized fuzzy rough sets determined by a triangular norm, Information Sciences, 2008. SCI.
[2] Ju-Sheng Mi, Yee Leung, and Wei-Zhi Wu, An uncertainty measure in partition-based fuzzy rough sets, International Journal of General Systems 34, (2005): 77-90. SCI, EI
[3] Ju-Sheng Mi, Wei-Zhi Wu, and Wen-Xiu Zhang, Approaches to knowledge reduction based on variable precision rough sets model, Information Sciences 159(3-4), (2004) 255-272. SCI, EI.
[4] Ju-Sheng Mi, Wen-Xiu Zhang, An axiomatic characterization of a fuzzy generalization of rough sets, Information Sciences 160(1-4) 235-249. 2004. SCI, EI.
[5] Yee Leung, Manfred M. Fischer, Wei-Zhi Wu, Ju-Sheng Mi, A rough set approach for the discovery of classification rules in interval-valued information systems, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 47(2) 2008, SCI, EI
[6] Mi Ju-Sheng, Li Xiu-Min, Zhao, Hui-Yin, Feng Tao, Information-theoretic measure of uncertainty in generalized fuzzy rough sets. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4482: 63-70, 2007. ISTP, EI.
[7] HUI-YIN ZHAO, JU-SHENG MI, THE UNIFIED LOWER AND UPPER APPROXIMATIONS BASED ON A FUZZY IDEAL, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Hong Kong, 19-22 August 2007. 1226-1231. EI
[8] Yee Leung; Tung Fung; Ju-Sheng Mi; Wei-Zhi Wu, A rough set approach to the discovery of classification rules in spatial data, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21(9), 2007, 1033–1058. SCI, EI.
[9] Mi, Ju-Sheng; Leung, Yee; Zhao, Hui-Yin, The minimal sets of axioms characterizing rough fuzzy approximation operators. Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2006, August, 1138-1143. EI
[10] Wu Wei-Zhi, Mi Ju-Sheng, Knowledge reduction in incomplete information systems based on Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, In: Wang G., Peters J. F., Skowron A., Yao Y. Y.(Eds.), The 1st International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4062(2006): 254-261. EI, ISTP.
[11] Feng Tao, Mi Ju-Sheng, Wu Wei-Zhi, Covering-based generalized rough fuzzy sets, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4062(2006): 208-215. ISSN 0302-9743;2006年9月; SCI, EI
[12] Wei-Zhi Wu, Yee Leung, and Ju-Sheng Mi, On characterizations of (I, T)-fuzzy rough approximation operators, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 154 (1), (2005): 76-102.
[13] Wei-Zhi Wu, Mei Zhang, Huai-Zu Li, and Ju-Sheng Mi,Knowledge reduction in random information systems via Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, Information Sciences 2005,174 (3-4): 143-164, SCI, EI.
[14] Ju-Sheng Mi, Zeng-Xiao Guo, Tao Feng, Hui-Yin Zhao, Uncertainty in Generalized Fuzzy Rough Sets, Proceedings of IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GRANULAR COMPUTING, 213-216, 2005. JULY, Beijing China. EI, ISTP
[15] Wen-Xiu Zhang, and Ju-Sheng Mi, Incomplete information system and its optimal selections, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 48(5-6): 691-698 SEP 2004. SCI, EI.
[16] Ju-Sheng. Mi, Dega. Chen, Wen-Xiu Zhang, Stochastic Aumann Integral, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., (2004), 27, 851-860.
[17] WEI-ZHI WU, JU-SHENG MI, HUAI-ZU LI,A GENERAL VERSION OF KNOWLEDGE REDUCTION IN R-INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 26-29 August 2004. EI.
[18] 米據生,張文修,吳偉志,基於變精度粗糙集理論的知識約簡方法,系統工程理論與實踐2004 (1).76-82. EI.
[19] Ju-Sheng Mi, Wei-Zhi Wu, and Wen-Xiu Zhang, Approaches to Approximation Reducts in Inconsistent Decision Tables. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2639. SCI, EI.
[20] Wen-Xiu Zhang, Ju-Sheng Mi, and Wei-Zhi Wu, Approaches to knowledge reductions in inconsistent systems, International Journal of Intelligent Systems,18 (2003), 989-1000. SCI, EI.


