



  • 軟體名稱:簽名理髮
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:7.63MB
  • 支持版本:iOSiPhone_3_2_0
理髮師秘密的優勢產業和小費透露,通過一步一步的教學視頻現在是一個應用程式的iPhone或iPod,iPad和任何智慧型手機。 BLE工作時,在客戶端上觀看影片。 我們教給學生,理髮師和美容師許可的藝術與主剪下割的秘密,同時展示了許多在學校沒有教的技巧和技術。該產品的講授先進的剪,切割技術在一個易於遵循的格式。明確和詳細的一步一步的教程,理髮的許多領域。最重要的是,您將學習如何削減所有技術頭髮型和紋理的精度和準確度。您將學習剪下割技巧和如何淡出真正的理髮技術指導員。我們如何來套用顏色,一步一步讓你的表,手放在一邊看教學視頻教給我們的客戶進行相反的。我們的教學視頻,將有初級,中級和專家,這將使你在自己的步伐學習。觀看很多時候,只要你想落在你的網上申購,新的教程將增加每周。由我們提供免費視頻,訂閱視頻,產品,技巧,部落格和新聞周刊。現在容易為學生和專業理髮師贏得更多的客戶,提高他們的技能和速度,增加利潤。因此,準備為任何客戶,任何等級的頭髮和風格......任何簽名,理髮城市的複雜性是在你手裡, The top barber industries secrets and tip revealed through step by step instructional videos is now an app for Iphone or ipod, ipad and any smart phone. Now able to view videos while working on a client. We teach students, licensed barbers and cosmetologists the art and secrets to master clipper cutting, while demonstrating many tricks and techniques not taught in schools. This Product teaches the most advanced clipper cutting techniques in an easy to follow format. Clear and detailed step-by-step tutorials, on many areas of barbering. Most importantly, you will learn techniques to cut all hair types and textures with precision and accuracy. You will learn clipper cutting tips and how to fade techniques from real barber instructors. We also teach our clients how to apply color, step by step so that your able to be hands on while watching the instructional video. With our instructional videos, There will be beginner, intermediate and expert which will allow you to learn at your own pace. Watch as many times as you want during your online subscription, New tutorials will be added weekly. Our features consist of free videos, subscription videos, products, tips, blogs and weekly news. Now made easy for students and professional barbers to improve their skills and speed, increase profits by gaining additional customers. So be ready for any client, any grade of hair and any style....Signature barbering urban sophistication is at your hands


