1. Chien, Chen-Fu, Liu, C.-W., and Chuang, S.-C. (forthcoming), "Analysing semiconductor manufacturing big data for root cause detection of excursion for yield enhancement," International Journal of Production Research, DOI:10.1080/00207543.2015.1109153. (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477) (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC 102-2221-E-007-057-MY3; NSC102-2622-E-007-013; MOST 103-2218-E-007-023)
2. Chien, Chen-Fu, Peng, J.-T., and Yu, H.-G. (forthcoming), "Building Energy Saving Performance Indices for Cleaner Semiconductor Manufacturing and An Empirical Study," Computers & Industrial Engineering, DOI:10.1016/j.cie.2015.11.004. (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.783)
3. Zhao, L., Chien, Chen-Fu, Gen, M. (forthcoming), "A bi-objective genetic algorithm for intelligent rehabilitation scheduling considering therapy precedence constraints," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-015-1149-y (NSC 102-2221-E-007-057-MY3; MOST 103-2218-E-007-023; MOST 104-2911-I-007-502) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
4. Chen, Y.-J., Chien, Chen-Fu, Huang, H.-M. (forthcoming), "Constructing a Data Mining Framework for Analyzing Defect Patterns in Color Filter and Microlens (建構彩色濾光膜及微透鏡缺陷樣型分析之資料挖礦架構)," Journal of Information Management. (資訊管理學報) (NSC 102-2221-E-007-057-MY3; MOST 103-2218-E-007-023; MOST 104-2622-E-007-002; 101A51; 104N2074E1) (TSSCI)
5. Chamnanlor, C., Sethanan, K., Gen, M., and Chien, Chen-Fu (forthcoming), "Embedding Ant System in Genetic Algorithm for Re-entrant Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with Time Window Constraints," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-015-1078-9. (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
6. Zheng, J.-N., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Gen, M. (forthcoming), “Multi-objective Multi-population Biased Random-key Genetic Algorithm for the 3-D Container Loading Problem," Computers & Industrial Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2014.07.012. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC 102-2221-E-007-057-MY3; NSC 102-2811-E-007-005; 103N2075E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.783)
7. Lin, Y.-H., Chien, Chen-Fu, Yu, C.-M. (2015), "UNISON Decision Analysis Framework for Workforce Planning for Semiconductor Fabs and an Empirical Study," International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 22(5). (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 0.396)
8. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chu, P.-C., Zhao, L. (2015), "Overall Resource Effectiveness (ORE) Indices for Total Resource Management and Case Studies," International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 22(5). (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 0.396)
9. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, Y.-J., and Hsu, C.-Y. (2015), “A Novel Approach to Hedge and Compensate the Critical Dimension Variation of the Developed-and-Etched Circuit Patterns for Yield Enhancement in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Computers & Operations Research, 53, 309-318. (NSC100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC101-2811-E-007-004; NSC102-2622-E-007-013; 101N2073E1; 102N2075E1; 102A26) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.861)
10. Fu, K.-N., Lin, K.-S., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2015), "Constructing on the Industrial Safety Performance Index Framework and an Empirical Study for Semiconductor Industry (建構工業安全績效指標-以半導體廠為例)," Journal for SME Development, 35, 29-70. (中小企業發展季刊)
11. Hsu, C.-Y., Lin, S.-C., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2015), "A Back-propagation Neural Network with a Distributed Lag Model for Semiconductor Vendor-Managed Inventory," Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 32(3), 149-161. (NSC100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; MOST 103-2221-E-155-029-MY2; MOST 104-2622-E-007-002) (EI/TSSCI)
12. Jamrus, T., Chien, Chen-Fu, Gen, M., and Sethanan, K. (2015), "Multistage Production Distribution under Uncertain Demands with Integrated Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization and Extended Priority-based Hybrid Genetic Algorithm," Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 14(3), 265-287, DOI: 10.1007/s10700-014-9200-6. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC 101-2811-E-007-004; NSC 102-2622-E-007-013; NSC 102-2811-E-007-005; 102N2075E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.163)
13. Wang, H.-K., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Gen, M. (2015), "An Algorithm of Multi-subpopulation Parameters with Hybrid Estimation of Distribution for Semiconductor Scheduling with Constrained Waiting Time," IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 28(3), 353-366, DOI: 10.1109/TSM.2015.2439054. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; MOST 103-2218-E-007-023; NSC 102-2622-E-007-013; 104N2074E1; 102A26) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.000)
14. Chien, Chen-Fu and Chuang, S.-C. (2014), "A Framework for Root Cause Detection of Sub-Batch Processing System for Semiconductor Manufacturing Big Data Analytics," IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 27(4), 475-488. (NSC100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC103-2622-E-007-002; 102N2075E1; 102A26) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.000)
15. Hao, X.-C., Wu, J.-Z., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Gen, M. (2014), “The Cooperative Estimation of Distribution Algorithm: A Novel Approach for Semiconductor Final Test Scheduling Problems,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25(5), 867-879. (NSC101-2811-E-007-004; NSC100-2410-H-031-011-MY2; NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; 101N2073E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
16. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chang, K.-H., and Wang, W.-C. (2014), “An Empirical Study of Design-of-Experiment Data Mining for Yield-Loss Diagnosis for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25(5), 961-972. (NSC 99-2221-E-007-047-MY3; NSC 102-2622-E-007-013; 101N2073E1; 93A0309J8) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
17. Yu, H.-C., Lin, K.-Y., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2014), “Hierarchical Indices to Detect Equipment Condition Changes with High Dimensional Data for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25(5), 933-943. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC 102-2622-E-007-013; 100A0259JC; 101N2074E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
18. Chien, Chen-Fu, Zheng, J.-N., and Lin, Y.-J. (2014), “Determining the Operator-Machine Assignment for Machine interference Problem and an Empirical Study in Semiconductor Test Facility,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25(5), 899-911. (NSC 99-2221-E-007-047-MY3; 101N2074E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
19. Chou, C.-W., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Gen, M. (2014), “A Multiobjective Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for TFT-LCD Module Assembly Scheduling,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(3), 692-705. (NSC 96-2221-E-007-048; NSC 102-2622-E-007-013; NSC 103-2622-E-007-002; NSC 102-2221-E-007-057-MY3; 102A26; 102N2075E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.428)
20. Liao, C.-S., Hsieh, T.-J., Huang, Y.-S., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2014), “Similarity Searching for Defective Wafer Bin Maps in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(3), 692-705. (NSC 100-2221-E-007-108-MY3; NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC 102-2221-E-007-075-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.428)
21. Chien, Chen-Fu, Diaz, A.C., and Lan, Y.-B. (2014), "A Data Mining Approach for Analyzing Semiconductor MES and FDC Data to Enhance Overall Usage Effectiveness (OUE)," International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 7 (Supplement 2), 52-65. (NSC103-2622-E-007-002; NSC100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; 102A26; 102N2075E1; 103N2075E1; 96A0279J8) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 0.574)
22. Lee, C.-Y. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2014), “Stochastic Programming for Vendor Portfolio Selection and Order Allocation Under Delivery Uncertainty,” OR Spectrum, 36(3), 761-797. (NSC 99-2221-E-007-047-MY3; NSC 102-2622-E-007-013; 101N2073E1; 101A53) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 0.987)
23. Chien, Chen-Fu, Lin, K.-Y., and Yu, A. P.-I. (2014), "User-experience of tablet operating system: An experimental investigation of Windows 8, iOS 6, and Android 4.2," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 73, 75-84. (NSC100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC102-2622-E-007-013; 102N2075E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.783)
24. Chien, Chen-Fu and Hsu, C.-Y. (2014), "Data Mining for Optimizing IC Feature Designs to Enhance Overall Wafer Effectiveness," IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 27(1), 71-82. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC101-2221-E-155-035; NSC 102-2622-E-007-013; 102A26) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.000)
25. Chamnanlor, C., Sethanan, K., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Gen, M. (2014), “Re-Entrant Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Time Windows Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Based on Auto-Tuning Strategy,” International Journal of Production Research, 52(9), 2612-2629. (NSC 101-2811-E-007-004; NSC 101-2811-E-007-005; NSC100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NTHU 101N2073E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
26. Hsieh, L. Y., Chang, K-H., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2014), “Efficient Development of Cycle Time Response Surfaces Using Progressive Simulation Metamodeling,” International Journal of Production Research, 52(10), 3097-3109. (NSC 101-2628-E-007-010-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
27. Lee, C.-Y., and Chen, C.-H., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2014), “A Simulation Analysis for Evaluating TFT-LCD Fab Capacity Expansion with a Distant Transportation Problem,” International Journal of Production Research, 52(6), 1868-1885. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
28. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, Y.-J., Hsu, C.-Y., and Wang, H.-K. (2014), “Overlay Error Compensation Using Advanced Process Control with Dynamically Adjusted Proportional-Integral R2R Controller,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(2), 473-484. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC 100-2218-E-155-003) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.428)
29. Li, X., Chien, Chen-Fu, Yang, L., and Gao, Z. (2014), “The Train Fueling Cost Minimization Problem with Fuzzy Fuel Prices,” Flexible Service and Manufacturing Journal, 26(1-2), 249-267. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; 101N2074E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.872)
30. Chamnanlor, C., Sethanan, K., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Gen, M. (2013), “Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Solving Reentrant Flow-Shop Scheduling with Time Windows,” Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 12(4), 306-316. (NSC 101-2811-E-007-004; NSC 101-2811-E-007-005; NSC100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NTHU 101N2073E1)
31. Chen, C.-P., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Lin, C.-T. (2013), “Cluster Policies and Industry Development in the Hsinchu Science Park: A Retrospective Review after 30 Years,” Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 15(4), 416-436. (NSC99-3011-P007-001; 98e-012) (SSCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 0.513)
32. Chen, Y.-J., Lin, T.-H., Chang, K.-H., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2013), “Feature Extraction for Defect Classification and Yield Enhancement in Color Filter and Micro-Lens Manufacturing and an Empirical Study,” Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 30(8), 510-517. (101A51; NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC 101-2811-E-007-004; NSC 102-2622-E-007-013; 102N2075E1) (EI/TSSCI)
33. Chou, M.-H., Chen, W.-C., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2013), “Research for Constructing the Inter-Fab Performance Evaluation Model to Enhance the Resource Allocation Decision Quality,” (建構半導體廠跨廠績效評估以提昇資源分配決策品質之研究) Journal of Quality, 20(4), 427-444. (NSC 99-2221-E-007-047-MY3; 96A0279J8; 101N2073E1) (EI) (in Chinese)
34. Xie, Y., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Tang, R.-Z. (2013), “A Method for Estimating the Cycle Time of Business Processes with Many-to-Many Relationships among the Resources and Activities Based on Individual Worklists,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(2), 194-206. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; 101N2074E1) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.783)
35. Chien, Chen-Fu, Wu, J.-Z., and Wu, C.-C. (2013), “A Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Approach for New Tape-Out Allocation Decisions for Demand Fulfillment Planning in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 25(3), 286-309. (SCI) (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3; NSC 100-2410-H-031-011-MY2; NSC99RA13) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.872)
36. Chien, Chen-Fu and Kuo, R.-T. (2013), “Beyond Make-or-Buy: Cross-Company Short-Term Capacity Backup in Semiconductor Industry Ecosystem,” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 25(3), 310-342. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.872)
37. Chien, Chen-Fu, and Kuo, R.-T. (2013), “Service-embedded Manufacturing and TSMC Way for Wafer Foundry Service,” Industrial Engineering, 16(2), 1-10. (in Chinese)
38. Chien, Chen-Fu, Zhao, L., and Chu, P.-C. (2013), “Research and Application of Industrial Engineering to Hospital Management in Taiwan,” Industrial Engineering, 16(1), 1-8. (in Chinese)
39. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, C.-P., and Lin, K.-Y. (2013), “An Investigation of Planning a Research Park in Hsinchu Science Park Area,” (在新竹科學工業園區及周邊規劃研究園區之研究) Journal of Management and Systems, 20(2), 227-255. (NSC 99-3011-P007-001、98e-012) (TSSCI)
40. Chien, Chen-Fu, Hsu, C.-Y., and Chen, P.-L. (2013), “Semiconductor Fault Detection and Classification for Yield Enhancement and Manufacturing Intelligence,” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 25(3), 367-388. (NSC 99-2221-E-007-047-MY3; NSC 100-2410-H-155-048) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.872)
41. Chien, Chen-Fu, Hsu C.-Y., and Chang, K.-H. (2013), “Overall Wafer Effectiveness (OWE): A Novel Industry Standard for Semiconductor Ecosystem as a Whole,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(1), 117-127. (NSC 99-2221-E-007-047-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.783)
42. Chien, Chen-Fu, Peng, J.-T., and Hsu, C.-Y. (2013), “Research on Framework of University-Industry Collaboration for Enhancing Sustainable Growth for NSC Science Park”, (產學合作模式之研究-以科學工業園區固本精進產學合作計畫為例) Journal of Management and Systems, 20(1), 27-54. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (TSSCI) (管理與系統)
43. Liu, C.-W. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2013), “An Intelligent System for Wafer Bin Map Defect Diagnosis: An Empirical Study for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(5-6), 1479-1486. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.207)
44. Chien, Chen-Fu, Hsu, S.-C., and Chen, Y.-J. (2013), “A System for Online Detection and Classification of Wafer Bin Map Defect Patterns for Manufacturing Intelligence,” International Journal of Production Research, 51(8), 2324-2338. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
45. Jin, H., Wang, Z., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2012), “A Cut-to-Order Strategy for One-Dimensional Cable Cutting and a Case Study,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 29(8), 572-586. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3) (EI/TSSCI) (工業工程學刊)
46. Hsu, C.-Y., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Chen, P. (2012), “Manufacturing Intelligence for Early Warning of Key Equipment Excursion for Advanced Equipment Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineer, 29(5), 303-313. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; NSC: 100-2218-E-155-003) (EI/TSSCI) (工業工程學刊)
47. Huang, Y.-C., Zheng, J.-N., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2012), “Decision Support System for Rehabilitation Scheduling to Enhance the Service Quality and Resource Effectiveness of Health Care,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineer, 29(5), 348-363. (NSC 100-2628-E-007-017-MY3; 101N2705E1) (EI/TSSCI) (工業工程學刊)
48. Chien, Chen-Fu, Wu C., and Chiang, Y. (2012), “Coordinated Capacity Migration and Expansion Planning for Semiconductor Manufacturing under Demand Uncertainties,” International Journal of Production Economics, 135(2), 860-869. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.752)
49. Chien, Chen-Fu and Lin, K. (2012), “Manufacturing Intelligence for Hsinchu Science Park Semiconductor Sales Prediction,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 29(2), 98-110. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3, 99RA13, NSC 99-2911-I-007-033) (EI/TSSCI) (工業工程學刊)
50. Wu, J.-Z., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Gen, M. (2012), “Coordinating Strategic Outsourcing Decisions for Semiconductor Assembly Using a Bi-Objective Genetic Algorithm,” International Journal of Production Research, 50(1), 235-260. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
51. Li, X., Chien, Chen-Fu, Li, L., Gao, Z., and Yang, L. (2012), “Energy-Constraint Operation Strategy for High-Speed Railway,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 8(10A), 6569-6583 (EI).
52. Wu, J.-Z., Hao, X.-C., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Gen, M. (2012), “A Novel Bi-Vector Encoding Genetic Algorithm for the Simultaneous Multiple Resources Scheduling Problem,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(6), 2255-2270. (SCI) (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3; NSC: 99RA13; NSC 99-2410-H-031-002) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
53. Chien, Chen-Fu and Zheng, J.-N. (2012), “Mini-Max Regret Strategy for Robust Capacity Expansion Decisions in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(6), 2151-2159. (SCI) (NSC 97-2221-E- 007-111-MY3; NSC 99RA13) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
54. Ko, C., Peng, J.-T., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2012), “Analyzing Competitive Strategy of Networking ODM - An Illustration of LAN Product (網路通訊代工廠之競爭策略分析:以區域網路為例),” Journal for SME Development, 26, 1-45. (NSC 99-2221-E-007 -047-MY3)(中小企業發展季刊)
55. Chien, Chen-Fu, Hsu C.-Y., and Hsiao, C. (2012), “Manufacturing Intelligence to Forecast and Reduce Semiconductor Cycle Time,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(6), 2281-2294. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
56. Lin, Y.-W., Yu, C.-M., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2011), “A Linkage Analysis of Industry Trend and Macroeconomic Leading Indicators for Small and Medium-Sized High-Tech Companies in Taiwan - An Empirical Study in LED Industry (台灣中小型高科技公司之產業發展趨勢預測分析-以LED為例),” Journal for SME Development, 22, 127-152. (NSC 99-2221-E-007-047-MY3) (中小企業發展季刊)
57. Chien, Chen-Fu and Hu, C.-H. (2011), “Total Resource Management Framework: An Empirical Study of Semiconductor Fab,” Journal of Quality, 18(6), 581-607. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (EI) (品質學報)
58. Chien, Chen-Fu and Hsu, C.-Y. (2011), “UNISON Analysis to Model and Reduce Step-and-Scan Overlay Errors for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 22(3), 399-412. (NSC 96-2628-E-007-035-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
59. Chen, W. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2011), “Measuring Relative Performance of Wafer Fabrication Operations: A Case Study,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 22(3), 447-457. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
60. Chen, L.-F. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2011), “Manufacturing Intelligence for Class Prediction and Rule Generation to Support Human Capital Decisions for High-Tech Industries,” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 23(3), 263-289. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.872)
61. Chien, Chen-Fu, and Kuo, R.-T. (2011), “Industrial Engineering is Shifting Paradigm in Taiwan’s Industry,” Industrial Engineering, 14(4), 1-10. (in Chinese)
62. Chien, Chen-Fu, Dauzere-Peres, S., Ehm, H., Fowler, J. W., Jiang, Z., Krishnaswamy, S., Lee, T.-E., Moench, L., and Uzsoy, R. (2011), “Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing in a Shrinking World: Challenges and Successes,” European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 5(3), 254-271. (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 0.763)
63. Chien, Chen-Fu and Hu, C.-H. (2011), “Macronix International Company Limited-Manufacturing Strategic Decision Making,” Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 19(1), 11-41. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (TSSCI)
64. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, J., and Wei, C. (2011), “Constructing a Comprehensive Modular Fuzzy Ranking Framework and Illustrations,” Journal of Quality, 18(4), 333-350. (NSC 99-2221-E-007-047-MY3) (EI)
65. Chen, W.-C. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2011), “Evaluating Capacity Pooling Strategy in Semiconductor Manufacturing: A Productivity Perspective Study,” International Journal of Production Research, 49(12), 3635-3652. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
66. Kuo, C.-J., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Chen, C.-D. (2011), “Manufacturing Intelligence to Exploit the Value of Production and Tool Data to Reduce Cycle Time,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 8(1), 103-111. (NSC 96-2628-E-007-035-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.428)
67. Chien, Chen-Fu, Wu, J.-Z., and Weng, Y.-D. (2010), “Modeling Order Assignment for Semiconductor Assembly Hierarchical Outsourcing and Developing the Decision Support System,” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 22(1-2), 109-139. (NSC97-2221-E-007-111-MY3; NSC99-2410-H-031-002) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.872)
68. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, W., and Hsu, S. (2010), “Requirement Estimation for Indirect Workforce Allocation in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” International Journal of Production Research, 48(23), 6959-6976. (NSC 97-2221-E-007-111-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
69. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, Y.-J., and Peng, J.-T. (2010), “Manufacturing Intelligence for Semiconductor Demand Forecast Based on Technology Diffusion and Product Life Cycle,” International Journal of Production Economics, 128(2), 496-509.(NSC 96-2628-E-007-035-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.752)
71. Hsu, C.-Y., Chien, Chen-Fu, Lin, K.-Y., and Chien, C. (2010), “Data Mining for Yield Enhancement in TFT-LCD Manufacturing and an Empirical Study,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 27(2), 140-156. (NSC 96-2221-E-007-048) (EI/TSSCI).
72. Chien, Chen-Fu, Lee, C., Huang, Y., and Wu, W. (2009), “An Efficient Computational Procedure for Determining the Container Loading Pattern,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56(3), 965-978. (NSC88-2213-E-007-045; NSC95-2221-E-007-126) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.783)
73. Chien, Chen-Fu, Yu, C.-M., and Hsu, S.-C. (2009), “UNISON Decision Analysis Framework for Constructing the Workforce Planning Decision Model for Semiconductor Manufacturing Fab,” Journal of Management and Systems, 16(2), 157-180. (NSC 96-2628-E-007-035-MY3) (TSSCI)
74. Chien, Chen-Fu, Huang, Y., and Hu, C. (2009), “A Hybrid Approach of Data Mining and Genetic Algorithm for Rehabilitation Scheduling,” International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 16(1/2), 76-100. (NSC 93-2213-E-007-008)
75. Chen, C.-P. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2009), "What Constitutes ‘A Quality Decision’?," Journal of Quality, 16(2), 87-94. (EI)
76. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, C.-P., and Chen, C.-H. (2009), “Designing Performance Indices and a Novel Mechanism for Evaluating Government R&D Projects,” Journal of Quality, 16(2), 119-135. (NSC90-3012-P-007-001; NSC96-2628-E-007-035-MY3) (EI)
77. Wang, K., Lin, Y.-S., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Chen, J.-C. (2009), “A Fuzzy-Knowledge Resource-Allocation Model of the Semiconductor Final Test Industry,” Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 25(1), 32-41. (NSC 96-2628-E-007-035-MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.305)
78. Lin, K. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2009), “Cluster Analysis of Genome-Wide Expression Data for Feature Extraction,” Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2), 3327-3335. (NSC 94-2213-E-007-049; NSC 95-2221-E-007-126) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.240)
79. Chien, Chen-Fu, Tseng, F., and Chen, C. (2008), “An Evolutionary Approach to Rehabilitation Patient Scheduling: a Case Study,” European Journal of Operational Research, 189(3), 1234-1253. (NSC92-2213-E-007-090; NSC93-2213-E-007-033) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.358)
80. Chien, Chen-Fu, Lin, Y., and Cheng, J. (2008), “Construct Fuzzy Decision Tree for Mining Interrelated Semiconductor Manufacturing Data for Yield Enhancement,” Journal of Quality, 15(3), 193-210. (NSC 95-2221-E-007-125) (EI)
81. Chien, Chen-Fu and Chen, L. (2008), “Data Mining to Improve Personnel Selection and Enhance Human Capital: A Case Study in High-Technology Industry,” Expert Systems with Applications, 34(1), 280-290. (NSC94-2213-E-007-050) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.240) (Award of Expert Systems with Applications Most Cited Articles 2008)
82. Chien, Chen-Fu, Hu, C., and Lin, C. (2008), “Analysing Inspection Frequency for Wafer Bumping Process and an Empirical Study of UNISON Decision Framework,” International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 14(1/2), 130-144. (NSC 91-2622-E-007-035-CC3)
83. Wu, J. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2008), “Modeling Semiconductor Testing Job Scheduling and Dynamic Testing Machine Configuration,” Expert Systems with Applications, 35(1-2), 485-496. (NSC95-2221-E-007-125; NSC 96-2213-E-007-002) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.240)
84. Lin, C., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Hu, C. (2008), “UNISON Decision Analysis Framework for Constructing the Process Validation Model for Liquid Crystal Manufacturing Plant,” Journal of Quality, 15(5), 313-326. (NSC94-2213-E-007-050; NSC 95-2221-E-007-125) (EI)
85. Wu, J. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2008), “Modeling Strategic Semiconductor Assembly Outsourcing Decisions Based on Empirical Settings,” OR Spectrum, 30(3), 401-430. (NSC 96-2628-E-007 -035 -MY3) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 0.987)
86. Chien, Chen-Fu and Chen, L. (2007), “Using Rough Set Theory to Recruit and Retain High-Potential Talents for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 20(4), 528-541. (NSC94-2213-E-007-050) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.000)
87. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, W., Lo, F.-Y., and Lin, Y. (2007), “A Case Study to Evaluate the Productivity Changes of the Thermal Power Plants of the Taiwan Power Company,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 22(3), 680-688. (NSC91-2218- E-007-007) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 3.353)
88. Chien, Chen-Fu (2007), “Made in Taiwan: Shifting Paradigms in High-Tech Industries,” Industrial Engineer, 39(2), 47-49. (SCI) (invited feature article based on my keynote speech in IEEM 2006, Weihai, China)
89. Chien, Chen-Fu, Wang, H., and Wang, M. (2007), “A UNISON Framework for Analyzing Alternative Strategies of IC Final Testing for Enhancing Overall Operational Effectiveness,” International Journal of Production Economics, 107(1), 20-30. (NSC NSC87-2213-E-007-047; NSC94-2213-E-007-050) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.752)
90. Chien, Chen-Fu and Chen, C. (2007), “A Novel Timetabling Algorithm for a Furnace Process for Semiconductor Fabrication with Constrained Waiting and Frequency-based Setups,” OR Spectrum, 29(3), 391-419. (NSC93-2213-E-007-008) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 0.987)
91. Chien, Chen-Fu and Chen, C. (2007), “Using GA and CTPN for Modeling the Optimization-based Schedule Generator of a Generic Production Scheduling System,” International Journal of Production Research, 45(8), 1763-1789. (NSC93-2213-E-007-008) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
92. Chien, Chen-Fu, Wang, W., and Cheng, J. (2007), “Data Mining for Yield Enhancement in Semiconductor Manufacturing and an Empirical Study,” Expert Systems with Applications, 33(1), 192-198. (NSC93-2213-E-007-008) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.240)
93. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, H., Wu, J., and Hu, C. (2007), “Construct the OGE for Promoting Tool Group Productivity in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” International Journal of Production Research, 45(3), 509-524. (NSC93-2213-E-007-008; NSC94-2213-E-007-050) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
94. Leachman, R., Ding, S., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2007), “Economic Efficiency Analysis of Wafer Fabrication,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 4(4), 501-512. (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.428)
95. Hsu, S. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2007), “Hybrid Data Mining Approach for Pattern Extraction from Wafer Bin Map to Improve Yield in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” International Journal of Production Economics, 107(1), 88-103. (NSC93-2213-E-007-008) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.752)
96. Chien, Chen-Fu, Li, H.C., and Jiang, A. (2006), “Data Mining for Improving the Solder Bumping Process in the Semiconductor Packaging Industry,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 14(1-2), 43-57. (NSC 91-2622-E-007-035-CC3)
97. Chien, Chen-Fu and Lin, K. (2006), “A Data Mining Framework for Binary cDNA Bio-Chip Data Analysis and its Validation,” Journal of Information Management, 13(4), 133-159. (NSC93-2213-E-007-033; NSC94-2213-E-007-049) (TSSCI)
98. Chien, Chen-Fu and Hsu, C.-Y. (2006), “A Novel Method for Determining Machine Subgroups and Backups with an Empirical Study for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 17(4), 429-439. (NSC93-2213-E-007-008) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.731)
99. Chien, Chen-Fu, Peng, J., Huang, K., and Chou, K. (2006), “A Portfolio Decision Study for Customer Relationship Management: An Empirical Study on the Selection of Songs for Selected Album,” Journal of Quality, 13(2), 185-200. (in Chinese) (NSC 92-2213-E-007-090) (EI) (品質學報)
100. Chien, Chen-Fu (2005), “Modifying the Inconsistency of Bayesian Network and a Comparison Study for Fault Location on Electricity Distribution Feeder,” International Journal of Operational Research, 1(1-2), 188-203. (NSC93-2213-E-007-008)
101. Chien, Chen-Fu, Wang, I., and Chen, L.-F. (2005), “Using Data Mining to Improve the Quality of Human Resource Management of Operators in Semiconductor Manufactures,” Journal of Quality, 12(1), 9-28. (in Chinese) (NSC90-2218-E-007-050; NSC91-2213-E-007-019; NSC92-2213-E-007-090) (EI)
102. Wang, H., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Liu, C. (2005), “Demand Forecasting Using Bayesian Experiment with Non-Homogenous Poisson Process Model,” International Journal of Operations Research, 2(1), 21-30. (NSC93-2213-E-007-008)
103. Peng, J., Chang, S., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Yang, J. (2005), “Constructing a Data Mining Framework of Association Rule and an Empirical Study for Fault Location,” Journal of Information Management, 12(4), 121-141. (NSC 87-TPC-E-007-009;NSC91-2213-E-007-050) (TSSCI)
104. Wei, J.-C., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Wang, M.-J. (2005), “An AHP-based Approach to ERP System Selection,” International Journal of Production Economics, 96(1), 47-62. (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.752)
105. Chien, Chen-Fu, Hsiao, A., and Wang, I. (2004), “Constructing Semiconductor Manufacturing Performance Indexes and Applying Data Mining for Manufacturing Data Analysis,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 21(4), 313-327. (NSC90-2218-E-007-050; NSC91-2213-E-007-019; NSC92-2213-E-007-090) (EI/TSSCI)
106. Chien, Chen-Fu and Shi, Y. (2004), “Global Manufacturing Network and Supply Chain Management for the Electronics Industry,” International Journal of Business, 9(4), 327-328. (NSC 92-2911-I-007-009; NSC 93-2911-I-007-002)
107. Chien, Chen-Fu and Deng, J. (2004), “A Container Packing Support System for Determining and Visualizing Container Packing Patterns,” Decision Support Systems, 37(1), 23-34. (NSC89-2213-E-007-029) (SCI/SSCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.313)
108. Huang, Y., Chen, Y., and Chien, Chen-Fu (2004), “Constructing the Network Medicine Order System for Hsinchu Science Park and Empirical Study,” The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics, 13(2), 35-46. (in Chinese)
109. Peng, J.-T., Chien, Chen-Fu, and Tseng, B. (2004), “Rough Set Theory for Data Mining for Fault Diagnosis on Distribution Feeder,” IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission, and Distributions, 151(6), 689-697. (NSC91-2213-E-007-050) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.353)
110. Chen, C.-T., Chien, Chen-Fu, Lin, M.-H. and Wang, J.-T.(2004), “Using DEA to Evaluate R&D Performance of the Computers and Peripherals Firms in Taiwan,” International Journal of Business, 9(4), 347-359. (NSC 92-2911-I-007-009; NSC 93-2911-I-007-002)
111. Huang, Y., Chien, Chen-Fu, Liu, C.-M., Lai, W.-C., and Liu, S.-C. (2004), “Constructing Web-based Hospital Executive Information System and an Empirical Study,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 21(2), 101-112. (NSC90-2218-E-007-050; NSC91-2213-E-007-019; NSC92-2213-E-007-090) (EI/TSSCI)
112. Chien, Chen-Fu and Wu, J. (2003), “Analyzing Repair Decisions in the Site Imbalance Problem of Semiconductor Test Machines,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16(4), 704-711. (NSC89-2213-E-007-118) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.000)
113. Chien, Chen-Fu, Lee, P., and Peng, C. (2003), “Semiconductor Manufacturing Data Mining for Clustering and Feature Extraction,” Journal of Information Management, 10(1), 63-84. (in Chinese) (NSC89-2213-E-007-118) (TSSCI)
114. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chang, K., and Chen, C. (2003), “Design of Sampling Strategy for Measuring and Compensating Overlay Errors in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” International Journal of Production Research, 41(11), 2547-2561. (NSC89-2213-E-007-118) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.477)
115. Chien, Chen-Fu, Lo, F.-Y., and Lin, J.T. (2003), “Using DEA to Measure the Relative Efficiency of the Service Center and Improve Operation Efficiency through Reorganization,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 18(1), 366-373. (NSC89-2213-E-007-003) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.814)
116. Wang, K.-M. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2003), “A Retrospective Study of the Development of Theories of Industrial Engineering and its Application in Taiwan,” Industrial Engineering and Management, 8(3), 1-5.
117. Peng, C. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2003), “Data Value Development to Enhance Yield and Maintain Competitive Advantage for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” International Journal of Service Technology and Management, 4(4-6), 365-383. (NSC89-2213-E-007-118)
118. Chang, P. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2003), “Managing Technologies to Enhance and Enrich Services in High-Tech Industry,” International Journal of Service Technology and Management, 4(4-6), 323-330.
119. Wang, K. and Chien, Chen-Fu (2003), “Designing an Internet-Based Group Decision Support System,” Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 19(1-2), 65-77. (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.305)
121. Chien, Chen-Fu, Chen, S., and Lin, Y. (2002), “Using Bayesian Network for Fault Location on Distribution Feeder,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 17(13), 785-793. (NSC 87-TPC-E-007-009) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.733)
122. Chien, Chen-Fu, Lin, D., Liu, Q., Peng, C., Hsu, C., and Huang, C. (2002), “Developing a Data Mining Method for Wafer Bin Map Clustering and An Empirical Study in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Fab,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 19(2), 23-38. (NSC89-2213-E-007-118) (EI/TSSCI) (in Chinese)
123. Lin, J., Chien, Chen-Fu, Peng, J., Wu, T., Lee, C., and Lin, C. (2002), “Research on the Human Resource Supply for the Integrated Manufacturing Logistics and E-Commerce,” Management Research, 2(1), 103-126. (in Chinese)
124. Wang, H., Chien, Chen-Fu., Hsu, S., and Lee, P. (2002), “A Data Mining Framework and an Empirical Study of Decision Tree Analysis in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Journal of Technology Management, 7(1), 137-160. (NSC89-2213-E-007-118) (in Chinese) (科技管理學刊)
125. Chien, Chen-Fu and Deng, J. (2001), “Optimization of Wafer Exposure Patterns Using a Two-Dimensional Cutting Algorithm,” International Transactions in Operational Research, 8(5), 535-545. (NSC89-2213-E-007-029)
126. Chien, Chen-Fu., Lu, Y., Chang, S., Kuo, C., and Chen, H. (2001), “Constructing the Indexes for Evaluating Radio Spectrum Use Efficiency,” Journal of Technology Management, 6(1), 55-70. (NSC89-2213-E-007-003) (in Chinese) (科技管理學刊)
127. Lo, F.Y., Chien, Chen-Fu., and Lin, J.T. (2001), “A DEA Study to Evaluate the Relative Efficiency and Investigate the District Reorganization of the Taiwan Power Company,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 16(1), 170-178. (NSC 88-2213-E-007-009) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 2.814)
128. Chien, Chen-Fu., Lin, D., Peng, C., and Hsu, C. (2001), “Developing Data Mining Framework and Methods for Diagnosing Semiconductor Manufacturing Defects and an Empirical Study of Wafer Acceptance Test Data in a Wafer Fab”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 18(4), 37-48. (NSC89-2213-E-007-118) (in Chinese) (EI/TSSCI) (工業工程學刊)
129. Chien, Chen-Fu., Chang, K., and Chen, C. (2001), “Modeling Overlay Errors and Sampling Strategies to Improve Yield,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 18(4), 95-103. (NSC 87-2213-E-007-047) (中國工業工程學會90年度「工業工程論文獎」, 中國工程師學會91年度「工程論文獎」) (EI/TSSCI) (工業工程學刊)
130. Chien, Chen-Fu and Hsueh, C. (2001), “Grey Multiattribute Evaluation and an Empirical Study of Selecting Preventive Maintenance Operations for Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU),” Rapid Transit Systems & Technology, 24, 300-312. (NSC89-2213-E-007-003) (in Chinese) (捷運季刊)
131. Chien, Chen-Fu., Huang, S., and Weng, D. (2001), “A Decision Analysis Framework for Determining the Optimal Power Contract Capacity and An Empirical Study in a Semiconductor Fab,” Management Research, 1(1), 55-68. (NSC89-2213-E-007-118) (in Chinese) (管理研究學報)
132. Chien, Chen-Fu., Hsu, S., and Deng, J. (2001), “A Cutting Algorithm for Optimizing the Wafer Exposure Pattern,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 14(2), 157-162. (NSC88-2213-E-007-045) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.000)
133. Wang, H and Chien, Chen-Fu. (2000), “A Proposed Bayesian Inference Framework and the Property of the Likelihood Function,” Journal of Management and Systems, 7(3), 305-326. (NSC87-2213-E-007-047) (TSSCI) (管理與系統)
134. Chien, Chen-Fu., Liu, C., Wen, U., and Hsueh, C. (2000), “Research on Constructing Maintenance Performance Evaluation Indexes for the Peitou Depot, TRTC,” Rapid Transit Systems & Technology, 22, 71-78. (in Chinese) (捷運季刊)
135. Fang, G., Chien, Chen-Fu., Wang, H., Hsu, S., Huang, D., and Chen, C. (2000), “Constructing a FMEA Framework for Improving the Manufacturing Processes in Semiconductor Industry and its Illustrations,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 17(2), 133-146. (NSC87-2213-E-007-047) (in Chinese) (EI/TSSCI) (工業工程學刊)
136. Chien, Chen-Fu., Lin, J. T., Peng, J., and Wu, S. (2000), “A Study on the Customer Satisfaction of the Service Quality of a Service System: An Empirical Study of a University Library,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 17(1), 1-13. (NSC87-2213-E-007-021) (in Chinese) (EI/TSSCI) (工業工程學刊)
137. Chien, Chen-Fu and Wu, W. (1999), “A Framework of Modularized Heuristics for Determining the Container Loading Patterns,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 37(1-2), 339-342. (NSC88-2213-E-007-045) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.783)
138. Chien, Chen-Fu., Hsu, S., and Chen, C. (1999) “An Iterative Cutting Procedure for Determining the Optimal Wafer Exposure Pattern,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 12(3), 375-377. (NSC87-2213-E-007-047) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.000)
139. Chien, Chen-Fu and Wu, W. (1998), “A Recursive Computational Procedure for Container Loading,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 35(1), 319-322. (NSC86-2221-E-007-059-T) (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.783)
140. Liu, C., Chien, Chen-Fu., and Ho, I. (1998), “An Object-oriented Analysis and Design Method for Shop Floor Control Systems,” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 11(5), 379-400. (SCI) (2014 Impact Factor: 1.012)
141. Chien, Chen-Fu and Jan, B. (1998) “A Decision Analysis Framework and an Illustration of Strategic Decision Making in a Semiconductor Fab,” Journal of Technology Management, 3(1), 137-156. (NSC86-2221-E-007-059-T) (in Chinese) (科技管理學刊)
142. Chien, Chen-Fu and Sainfort, F. (1998), “Evaluating the Desirability of Meals: An Illustrative Multiattribute Decision Analysis Procedure to Assess Portfolios with Interdependent Items,” Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 7(4), 230-238.
143. Chien, Chen-Fu and Wu, W. (1997), “Medical Decision Making: An Illustration of Down Syndrome Diagnosis,” The Journal of China Association Medical Informatics, 6, 39-53. (醫療資訊雜誌)
144. Lin, J. T., Chien, Chen-Fu., Peng, J., and Wu, S. (1997), “Comparing the Service Use of University Library and the Readers’ Service Involvement: An Empirical Study of the NTHU Library,” Bulletin of the Library Association of China, 59, 75-97. (in Chinese) (中華民國圖書館學會會報)
145. Chien, Chen-Fu (1997), “The Development and Impact of a Health Support System: Lessons from the CHESS Experience,” The Journal of China Association Medical Informatics, 5, 1-11. (in Chinese) (醫療資訊雜誌)