
《簡明實用英語》系列教材是根據教育部頒發的《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求》編寫的,包括《簡明實用英語——讀寫教程》、《簡明實用英語——聽說教程》、《簡明實用英語——教師用書》。本書為《簡明實用英語——聽說教程(第1冊)》,本書共有10個單元,每個單元由Section I.Intensive Reading、Section II.Grammar、Section III.Applied Writing和Section IV.Reading Practice等四部分組成。本書另配有錄音磁帶和光碟,內容包括每單元的“Previes”、“Test”、“Passage 1”和“Passage 2”的美音閱讀。 本書可作為高職高專三年制或兩年制公共英語教學教材,也可作為其他高等院校學生的參考讀物。


  • 書名:簡明實用英語讀寫教程
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 頁數:176頁
  • ISBN:7111170792
  • 品牌:機械工業出版社
  • 作者:崔秀敏 項新宇
  • 出版日期:2005年9月1日
  • 開本:16開
  • 定價:24.00
Unit One Foreign Language Leaning
Section I.Intensive Reading The Study English
Section II.Grammar The Article
Section III.Applied Writing English Letter & Envelope
Section IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Active Reading
Passage 2 Helping Remeber New Words
Unit Two Collage Life
Section I.Intensive Reading Save Money for Colloge on My Own
Section II.Grammar Plural of Nouns
Section III.Applied Writing Calling Card
Section IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 So Much to Learn
Passage 2 What Make a Teacher?
Unit Three Western Holidays
Section I.Intensive Reading The History of Thanking Day
Section II.Grammar 代詞
Section III.Applied Writing 賀卡
Section IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Valentine Traditions and Customs
Passage 2 Santa Claus :The Ture Story
Unit Four Famous Persons
Section I.Intensive Reading Jules Verne
Section II.Grammar 數詞
Section III.Applied Writing 便條和請假條
Section IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Bill Gates-A Story of Success
Passage 2 Bill Gates'11 rulles
Unit Five Studying Abroad
Section I.Intensive Reading Experience of Studying Abroad
Section II.Grammar 介詞和連詞
Section III.Applied Writing 傳真
Section IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 My First Time in China
Passage 2 A Letter to Wangmei
Unit Six Generation Gap
Section I.Intensive Reading The Breach
Section II.Grammar 形容詞和副詞的比較等級
Section III.Applied Writing 電子郵件
Section IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Generation Gap
Passage 2 It Gets Easier…and then They Leave!
Unit Seven Friendship and Love
Section I.Intensive Reading Friendship in Different Cultures
Section II.Grammar 動詞
Section III.Applied Writing 畢業證書
Section IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 My Doctor,My Sister,An Encounter with an Angel
Passage 2 Second Chance
Unit Eight Birth Control and Social Problems
Unit Nine Computer and Life
Unit Ten Music and Entertainment
Final Test


