



  • 書名:簡明大學英語寫作教程
  • ISBN:9787564007423
  • 頁數:334頁
  • 出版社:北京理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年9月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16
  • 正文語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • 尺寸:22.8 x 18.4 x 1.4 cm
  • 重量:540 g


全書由四部分組成,第一部分為說明文(Exposition)。該部分以段落寫作為起點,從學習段落的基本結構開始,而後逐一展開介紹說明文段落的主要技巧,同時指導學生反覆練習段落的寫作,最後在段落寫作的基礎上進行各種技巧的短文寫作訓練。第二部分為議論文(Argumentation)。該部分首先介紹如何構思、準備議論文的寫作,而後講授如何運用描寫、敘述和說明的技巧展開論證,然後講解論說的技巧,並指導學生逐一運用這些技巧練習寫作議論文,最後進行各種目的的議論文的寫作訓練。第三部分為英語專業四、八級作文和非英語專業四、六級作文應試指南(Practice Writing),主要包括英語專業四級作文與便條、英語專業八級作文和非英語專業四、六級作文的應試技巧。第四部分為研究論文寫作(The Research Paper)。該部分包括論文的準備階段、論文的寫作和論文寫作中引用文獻資料的兩種常用體例(MIA和APA)的詳盡介紹。


Unit One Exposition
PartⅠParagraph Writing
Lecture One Transitions
Lecture TwO Subordination
Lecture Three Parallelism
Lecture Four Topic Sentence
Lecture Five Controlling Idea
Lecture Six Unity
Lecture Seven Coherence
PartⅡDeveloping from Paragraph to Essay with Expository Techniques
Lecture One Paragraph Development by Listing
Lecture Two Paragraph Development by Examples
Lecture Three Essay Development by Examples
Lecture Four Paragraph Development by Comparison
Lecture Five Paragraph Development by Contrast
Lecture Six Essay Development by Comparison and Contrast
Lecture Seven Paragraph Development by Definition
Lecture Eight Paragraph Development by Classification
Lecture Nine Essay Development by Definition and Classification
Lecture Ten Paragraph Development by Space and Time
Lecture Eleven Paragraph Development by Process Description
Lecture Twelve Essay Development by Time,Space,and Process
Lecture Thirteen Paragraph Development by Cause and Effect
Lecture Fourteen Paragraph Development by Generalization
Lecture Fifteen Essay Development by Various Means
Unit Two Argumentation
PartⅠMaterial Shaping
Lecture One Preliminary Steps in Writing
Lecture Two The Introduction
Lecture Three The Body and the Ending
PartⅡStrategies of Description,Narration,and Exposition
Lecture One Description and Narration
Lecture Two Developing by Examples
Lecture Three Developing by Comparison and Contrast
Lecture Four Developing by Division and Classification
Lecture Five Developing by Cause and Effect
PartⅢArgumentative Strategies
Lecture One Argumentation and General Claim
Lecture Two Specific Evidence(1)
Lecture Three Specific Evidence(2)
Lecture Four Induction and Deduction
Lecture Five The Combination of Induction and Deduction
Lecture Six Making Concessions and Appealing to Emotions
Part Ⅳ Argumentative Writing Activities
Lecture One Taking a Position
Lecture Two Proposing Solutions
Lecture Three Speculating about Causes
Lecture Four Making Evaluation
Lecture Five Interpretation
Unit Three Practice Writing
PartⅠTEM-4 Composition
Lecture One TEM-4 Composition(2002)
Lecture Two TEM-4 Composition(2003)
Lecture Three TEM-4 Composition(2004)
Lecture Four TEM-4 Composition(2005)
PartⅡTEM-4 Note-Writing
Lecture One Basic Format of the English Letter
Lecture Two Basic Format of the English Note
Lecture Three TEM-4 Note-Writing
Part Ⅲ TEM-8 Composition
Lecture One TEM-8 Composition(2002)
Lecture Two TEM-8 Composition(2003)
Lecture Three TEM-8 Composition(2004)
Lecture Four TEM-8 Composition(2005)
Lecture Five TEM-8 Composition(2006)
Part Ⅳ Guide to CET-4/6 Writing
Unit Four The Research Paper
PartⅠResearch Paper Writing
Lecture One Choosing the Topic and Doing Library Research
Lecture Two Doing Empirical Research
Lecture Three Literature Review, Outline and Research Proposal
Lecture Four Writing the First Draft
Lecture Five Documentation(1)-Using Sources
Lecture Six Documentation(2)——Acknowledging Sources
PartⅡSample Research Papers
Works Cited


