

《第十一屆世界礦山通風大會論文集(英文版)》是2018年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Xintan Chang。


  • 中文名:第十一屆世界礦山通風大會論文集(英文版)
  • 作者:Xintan Chang
  • 出版時間:2018年9月
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787030587299


The main goal of the Intemational Mine Ventilation Congress (IMVC) is to“promote and encourage exchanges among mine ventilation professionals, accel-erate the progress of engineering technology in mine ventilation, health and safety”Since 1975, IMVC has presented ten highly successful ventilation conferences,with participants from all major mining countries, including mine managers, miningengineers, practitioners and researchers from universities and research institutions,suppliers, and consulting companies. It is clear that IMVC has become a majorforum for exchanging information on best practces, research, and technologicaladvances, and for assessing progresses toward improved mine health and safetythrough better ventilation. The IMVC has made signifcant contributions to advancescientific and technological progress in mine ventilation worldwide and to facilitateexchanges and cooperation among all stakeholders.The 11th IMVC is jointly hosted by Xi'an University of Science andTechnology (XUST) and China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT).This is the first time in its 43-year history this Congress comes to China, whichwould not be possible without the efforts of Profs. Xintan Chang, Shugang Li ofXUST assisted by Profs. Deming Wang and Fubao Zhou of CUMT. ProfessorChang also chairs the Organizing Committee overseeing day-to-day administrativeactivities.


Part I Vent System Optimizatiom I
Part II Vent System Optimization II
Part III Mine Dusts and Control I
Part IV Mine Dusts and Control II
Part V Methane and Methane Control I
Part VI Methane and Methane Control II
Part VII Mine Explosions
Part IX Spontaneous Combustion I
Part X Spontaneous Combustion II
Part XI Underground Fire Control I
Part XII Underground Fire Control II
Part XIII Refrigeration and Cooling
Part XIV Climatic Control
Part XV Metal and Non-metal Mining
Part XVI Ventilation Modeling
Part XVII Mine Emergency Planning
Part XVIII Regulations
Part XIX miscellaneous Topics
Author Index


