第二屆世界考古論壇會志(上海2015 英文版)

第二屆世界考古論壇會志(上海2015 英文版)

《第二屆世界考古論壇會志(上海2015 英文版)》是2017年12月1日中國社會科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Institute of Archaeology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences、Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage Administration、Shanghai Academy、Shanghai University。


  • 中文名:第二屆世界考古論壇會志(上海2015 英文版)
  • 作者:Institute of Archaeology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences、Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage Administration、Shanghai Academy、Shanghai University
  • 出版社中國社會科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787520314817


《第二屆世界考古論壇會志(上海2015 英文版)》是世界考古論壇中發布的論文集。
《第二屆世界考古論壇會志(上海2015 英文版)》有中外**學者的歷史學和考古學方面的文字,還有當年評出的十大世界考古發現的介紹,有大量的圖片。
《第二屆世界考古論壇會志(上海2015 英文版)》是一本了解世界考古學現狀的比較好的著作。


Preface Wang Wei
Addresses at the Opening Ceremony
Congratulatory Address by Wang Weiguang
Congratulatory Address by Yang Xiong
Congratulatory Address by Liu Yuzhu
Field Discovery Awards
Map showing the localities of Field Discovery Awards
Archaeological Investigation into the TusiSites in China's Southwest: Imperial Expansion and the Colonization of Frontiers and Borderlands
Zhou Bisu,Guo Weimin and Fang O.in
Exploring the Tunnel Underneath the Feathered Serpent Temple at Teotihuacan, Mexico
Early Urbanism in Europe? -The Case of the Trypillia Mega-sites, Ukraine
John Chapman and Bisserka Gaydarska
Revealing North America's First Native City: Rediscovery and Large-Scale
Excavation of Cahokia's East St. Louis Precinct
Thomas Eugene Emerson
The Dawn of Technology: 3.3-Million-Year-Old Stone Tools from Lake Turkana, Kenya
Sonia Harmand
Gravisca Emporion-the Port of the Etruscan City of Tarquinia: New Excavations
at the Sanctuary of Suris and Cavatha
Lucio Fiorini
Discovering the Harbor of King Khufu at Wadi eI-Jarf in Egypt
Pierre Tallet
A Very Early 'Palatial Complex' at Arslantepe, Malatya (Turkey): a New Trajectory to the Origin of the State
Marcella Frangipane
Recent Studies at Noyon Uul Burial Mounds: Unknown Facts of Life of Central
Asian Nomads
Natalia V. Polosmak
Five Thousand Years of Taiwan's Past Brought to Light by Rescue Archaeology
Cheng-hwa Tsang and Kuang-ti Li
Research Awards
Map showing the localities of research Awards
Catalhoyok: Important Anatolian Contributions to the Development of Early Societies lan Hodder
Population Genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia
Eske Willerslev
Three Global Human Migrations in Eurasia: the Origin of Humans and the Peopling of Southwestern, Southern, Eastern and Southeastern Asia and the Caucasus
Anatoly Derevianko
Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe (EUROEVOL)
Stephen Shennan
Teopancazco: a Multiethnic Neighborhood Center at Teotihuacan, Central
Linda R. Manzanilla
The Times of Their l ives: High-Resolution Radiocarbon-Based Chronological
Analysis of the European Neolithic, through Formal Modelling
Alasdair Whittle and Alex Bayliss
Cuello: the Economic and Social Origins of Maya Civilisation
Norman Hammond
The Origin and Spread of Broomcorn and Foxtail Millets
Zhao Zhijun, Martin Jones and Liu Xinyi
The Earliest Farmers in the Southwest
William Doelle, James Vint and Sarah Herr
From First Farmers to First Cities: New Insights into the Agricultural Origins of Urban Societies in Western Eurasia
Amy Bogaard and Amy Styring
The Great Temple Project: in Search of the Sacred Precinct of Mexico-Tenochtitlan
World Archaeology Keynote Lecture Series
The Archaeology of Contact and Cultural Diversity: Egypt, Nubia and Punt, 3500-1470 BCE
Kathryn Bard
The Materiality of the Colonial Encounter in South America: Resistance, Alliance and Ethnogenesis
Gustavo G.Politis
Ceramic Petrography as a Technique for Documenting Cultural Contact and Interaction in Prehistory
James B. Stoltman
The Silk Road Before the Han Dynasty
Wang Wei
Changing Connectivities at the Cross-Roads Between Africa and Europe: 150,000 Years of Prehistory at the Haua Fteah Cave, Libya
Graeme Barker
Trajectories of Settlement Growth: Contact, Diversity and Outcome in the Development of Low-Density Settlements
Roland Fletcher
The "Centrality of Central Asia" Revisited: Ancient Civilization Along the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor
Michael Frachetti
Eurasian Art Styles in the First Millennium BC
Christ Gosden
Southern Africa in Pre-modern Globalization
Innocent Pikirayi
Relevance of Ancient Cultural Heritage to the Modern Society-Aspirations and Future Challenges
Vasant Shinde
Castrum Inui: a Sanctuary for Two Ancestral Gods of Different Ethnic Groups
Mario Torelli
Public Archaeology Keynote Lecture Series
The Role of Public Archaeology in Three Contrasting Contexts: Thailand, Cambodia and China
Charles Higham
Archaeology and the Human Condition: the Significance of Prehistory
Colin Renfrew
The Early Florescence of the Chinese Economy in Light of Archaeological Discoveries
Lothar von Falkenhausen
Abstracts of Other Presentations
Postface Chen Xingcan and Jing Zhichun

