1978-1982: 中山大學生物系本科畢業,理學學士。
1987-1990: 中科院水生所研究生畢業,理學碩士。
1982-1985:中國農科院上海獸醫研究所從事家畜弓形體病免疫生化研究 (實習研究員)。
1985-:中科院水生生物研究所從事魚類分子遺傳與遺傳育種研究, 主要是細胞工程育種魚類的分子遺傳分析, 經濟魚類天然種群的遺傳分析,魚類實驗動物的基因組和遺傳特性分析(助理研究員、副研究員、研究員)。
四大家魚”的一些研究空白,建立了相關的育種技術,為實現鱅等大型鯉科魚類的遺傳改良奠定了堅實基礎。相關研究成果多次在魚類遺傳和基因組學方面的國際性學術研討會上報告 (2012, 國際水產遺傳大會XI,多和試良美國奧本;2014,國際植物動物和微生物基因組研討會鍵捆紙,新加坡;2015,國際水產遺傳大會XII,西班牙聖地亞哥德孔波斯特拉)。承擔並完成多項國家級課題;發表SCI收錄論文50餘篇, 獲授權發明專利1項,申請發明專利2項。曾獲中國科學院自然科學二等獎(排名第3)。
Wang XH, Yu X, Tong J.* 2016. Molecular characterization and growth association of two Apolipoprotein AIb genes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Intl J Mol Sci 17: 1569
Liu HY, Fu BD, Pang MX, Feng X, Wang XH, Yu XM, Tong J.* 2016. QTL fine mapping and identification of candidate genes for growth-related traits in bighead carp (Hypophthalmichehys nobilis). Aquaculture, 465: 134-143.
Sun Y.H., Li Q.*, Wang G.Y., Zhu D.M., Chen J., Li P, Tong J.* 2016. Polymorphisms in Myostatin gene and associations with growth traits in Ancherythoculter nigrocauda. Chin J Oceanol Limnol (in press)
Fu B.D.,Wang XH, Feng X, Yu X, Tong J.* 2016. Comparative transcriptome analyses of two bighead carp groups with extremely different growth rates. Comp Biochem Physiol D, 20: 111-117.
Fu B.D., Liu H.Y, Yu X.M, Tong J.* 2016. A high-density genetic map and growth related QTL mapping in bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis). Sci Rep, 6: 28679
Zhu C., Tong J.*,Yu X., Guo W.J. 2015. Comparative mapping for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) against model and non-model fishes provides insights into the genomic evolution of cyprinids. Mol Genet Genomics, 290: 1313-1326
Feng X., Wang X.H., Yu X., Zhang X.F., Lu C.Y., Sun X.W., Tong J.* 2015. Microsatellite-centromere mapping in common carp through half-tetrad analysis in diploid meiogynogenetic families. Chromosoma, 124: 67-79.
Tong J.*, Sun X. 2015. Genetic and genomic analyses for economically important traits and their applications in molecular breeding of cultured fish. Sci China: Life Sci, 58: 178–186.
Feng X, Yu X, Pang M X, Liu H Y, Tong J*. 2015. Molecular characterization and expression of three preprosomatostatin genes and association analyses with growth traits in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Comp Biochem Physiol B, 182: 37-46
Feng X., Yu X., Tong J.* 2014. Novel single nucleotide polymorphisms of the Insulin-like growth factor-I gene and their associations with growth traits in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Intl. J. Mol. Sci.,15: 22471-22482
Zeng C., Liu X.L., Wang W.M., Tong J.G., Luo W., Zhang J., Gao Z.X.* 2014. Characterization of GHRs, IGFs and MSTNs, and analysis of their expression relationships in blunt snout bream, Megalobrama amblycephala. Gene, 535: 239-249.
Feng X., W.J. Guo, J.L. Kang,Yu X., Tong J.* 2014. Development and characterization of novel microsatellite markers in yellowcheck (Elopichthys bambusa). Conserv Genet Resour, 6: 725-727.
Zhu C., Tong J.*, Yu X., Guo W., Wang X., Liu H., Feng X., Sun Y., Liu L., Fu B. 2014. A second generation genetic linkage map for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) based on microsatellite markers. Anim Genet, 45: 699-708
Feng X., Yu X., Fu B., He S., Tong J.* 2014. Development of 159 transcript-associated microsatellite markers in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Conserv Genet Resour, 6: 111-113.
Zhu C.K., Sun Y.H., Yu X.M. Tong J.* 2013. Centromere localization for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) through half-tetrad analysis in diploid gynogenetic families. PloS One, 8: e82950.
Guo W., Tong J.*, Yu X., Zhu C., Feng X., Fu B., He S., Zeng F., Wang X., Liu H., Liu L. 2013. A second generation genetic linkage map for silver carp (Hypophthalmichehys molitrix) using microsatellite markers. Aquaculture, 412-413: 97-106.
Zhu C., Yu X., Fu B., Tong J.* 2013. Development of 201 tri- and tetra-nucleotide repeat microsatellites for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Conserv Genet Resour, 5: 755-758
Sun Y.H., Yu X., Tong J.* 2012. Polymorphisms in myostatin gene and associations with growth traits in common carp. Intl J Mol Sci, 13: 14956-14961
Liu L., Yu X., Tong J.* 2012. Molecular characterization ofmyostatin (MSTN) gene and association analysis with growth traits in the bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Mol Biol Rep, 39: 9211–9221
Zhu C., Cheng L., Tong J.*, Yu X. 2012. Development and characterization of new single nucleotide polymorphism markers from expressed sequence tags in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Intl J Mol Sci, 13: 7343-7353.
Wang J., Yu X., Zhao K., Zhang Y.G., Tong J.*, Peng Z.G.* 2012. Microsatellite development for the endangered fish species Megalobrama pellegrini (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) using 454 sequencing and high level cross-species transferability within Cultrinae. Intl J Mol Sci, 13: 3009-3021
王新華,俞小牧,馮建新,童金苟*. 2016. 黃河鯉全同胞家系的微衛星標記親子鑑定. 中國水產科學, 23:1023-1031.
龐美霞,俞小牧,童金苟*. 2015. 三峽庫區5個鰱群體遺傳變異的微衛星分析. 水生生物學報,39: 869-876.
童金苟*,孫效文. 2014. 魚類經濟性狀遺傳解析及分子育種套用研究. 中國科學:
生命科學, 44:1262-1271.
郭穩傑, 俞小牧, 童金苟*. 2014. 鱅Sox基因克隆及序列進化分析. 水生生物學報, 38: 664-668.
王瑾瑾, 童金苟, 張耀光, 彭作剛*. 2014. 厚頜魴兩個野生群體遺傳多樣性分析. 水生生物學報, 38: 975-979.
曾繁振, 俞小牧*, 童金苟. 2013. 三個鯉品種微衛星豐度與遺傳多樣性分析. 水生生物學報, 37: 967-973.
游翠紅, 童金苟*, 俞小牧. 2012. 大鱗副泥鰍Sox基因保守區的克隆與特徵分析. 華中農業大學學報, 31: 490-498.
譚新,童金苟*. 2011. SNPs及其在水產動物遺傳學與育種學研究中的套用. 水生生物學報, 35: 348-354.
Sun Y.H., Li Q.*, Wang G.Y., Zhu D.M., Chen J., Li P, Tong J.* 2016. Polymorphisms in Myostatin gene and associations with growth traits in Ancherythoculter nigrocauda. Chin J Oceanol Limnol (in press)
Fu B.D.,Wang XH, Feng X, Yu X, Tong J.* 2016. Comparative transcriptome analyses of two bighead carp groups with extremely different growth rates. Comp Biochem Physiol D, 20: 111-117.
Fu B.D., Liu H.Y, Yu X.M, Tong J.* 2016. A high-density genetic map and growth related QTL mapping in bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis). Sci Rep, 6: 28679
Zhu C., Tong J.*,Yu X., Guo W.J. 2015. Comparative mapping for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) against model and non-model fishes provides insights into the genomic evolution of cyprinids. Mol Genet Genomics, 290: 1313-1326
Feng X., Wang X.H., Yu X., Zhang X.F., Lu C.Y., Sun X.W., Tong J.* 2015. Microsatellite-centromere mapping in common carp through half-tetrad analysis in diploid meiogynogenetic families. Chromosoma, 124: 67-79.
Tong J.*, Sun X. 2015. Genetic and genomic analyses for economically important traits and their applications in molecular breeding of cultured fish. Sci China: Life Sci, 58: 178–186.
Feng X, Yu X, Pang M X, Liu H Y, Tong J*. 2015. Molecular characterization and expression of three preprosomatostatin genes and association analyses with growth traits in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Comp Biochem Physiol B, 182: 37-46
Feng X., Yu X., Tong J.* 2014. Novel single nucleotide polymorphisms of the Insulin-like growth factor-I gene and their associations with growth traits in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Intl. J. Mol. Sci.,15: 22471-22482
Zeng C., Liu X.L., Wang W.M., Tong J.G., Luo W., Zhang J., Gao Z.X.* 2014. Characterization of GHRs, IGFs and MSTNs, and analysis of their expression relationships in blunt snout bream, Megalobrama amblycephala. Gene, 535: 239-249.
Feng X., W.J. Guo, J.L. Kang,Yu X., Tong J.* 2014. Development and characterization of novel microsatellite markers in yellowcheck (Elopichthys bambusa). Conserv Genet Resour, 6: 725-727.
Zhu C., Tong J.*, Yu X., Guo W., Wang X., Liu H., Feng X., Sun Y., Liu L., Fu B. 2014. A second generation genetic linkage map for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) based on microsatellite markers. Anim Genet, 45: 699-708
Feng X., Yu X., Fu B., He S., Tong J.* 2014. Development of 159 transcript-associated microsatellite markers in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Conserv Genet Resour, 6: 111-113.
Zhu C.K., Sun Y.H., Yu X.M. Tong J.* 2013. Centromere localization for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) through half-tetrad analysis in diploid gynogenetic families. PloS One, 8: e82950.
Guo W., Tong J.*, Yu X., Zhu C., Feng X., Fu B., He S., Zeng F., Wang X., Liu H., Liu L. 2013. A second generation genetic linkage map for silver carp (Hypophthalmichehys molitrix) using microsatellite markers. Aquaculture, 412-413: 97-106.
Zhu C., Yu X., Fu B., Tong J.* 2013. Development of 201 tri- and tetra-nucleotide repeat microsatellites for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Conserv Genet Resour, 5: 755-758
Sun Y.H., Yu X., Tong J.* 2012. Polymorphisms in myostatin gene and associations with growth traits in common carp. Intl J Mol Sci, 13: 14956-14961
Liu L., Yu X., Tong J.* 2012. Molecular characterization ofmyostatin (MSTN) gene and association analysis with growth traits in the bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Mol Biol Rep, 39: 9211–9221
Zhu C., Cheng L., Tong J.*, Yu X. 2012. Development and characterization of new single nucleotide polymorphism markers from expressed sequence tags in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Intl J Mol Sci, 13: 7343-7353.
Wang J., Yu X., Zhao K., Zhang Y.G., Tong J.*, Peng Z.G.* 2012. Microsatellite development for the endangered fish species Megalobrama pellegrini (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) using 454 sequencing and high level cross-species transferability within Cultrinae. Intl J Mol Sci, 13: 3009-3021
王新華,俞小牧,馮建新,童金苟*. 2016. 黃河鯉全同胞家系的微衛星標記親子鑑定. 中國水產科學, 23:1023-1031.
龐美霞,俞小牧,童金苟*. 2015. 三峽庫區5個鰱群體遺傳變異的微衛星分析. 水生生物學報,39: 869-876.
童金苟*,孫效文. 2014. 魚類經濟性狀遺傳解析及分子育種套用研究. 中國科學:
生命科學, 44:1262-1271.
郭穩傑, 俞小牧, 童金苟*. 2014. 鱅Sox基因克隆及序列進化分析. 水生生物學報, 38: 664-668.
王瑾瑾, 童金苟, 張耀光, 彭作剛*. 2014. 厚頜魴兩個野生群體遺傳多樣性分析. 水生生物學報, 38: 975-979.
曾繁振, 俞小牧*, 童金苟. 2013. 三個鯉品種微衛星豐度與遺傳多樣性分析. 水生生物學報, 37: 967-973.