





  • ·智慧健康醫療管理
  • ·信息系統使用和管理悼姜簽
  • ·數字經濟轉型與創新


  • 百人計畫研究員,簽炒浙江大學管理學院數據科學與工程管理學系, 2017-至今
  • 助理艱說歡教授, 香港城市大學商學院資訊系統系, 2012-2017
  • 博士, 新加坡國立大學信息系統系, 2012
  • 學士(榮譽),新加坡國立大學信息系統系,2006


  • 社交媒體與社會網路分析 (本科生)
  • 電子遙諒訂商務與歡漿淋電子政務 (本科生)
  • Social Media Marketing(研究生)
  • E-commerce and China's Experience(研究生)


  • Cui, T.,Tong, T., Teo H-H., andLi,J. (2020) “Managing Knowledge Distance: IT-Enabled Inter-Firm Knowledge Capabilities in Collaborative Innovation”,Journal of Management Information Systems,
  • Xu, Y., Tong, Y., Liao, S.S., Zhou, G., and Yu, Y. (2018) “Understanding Indirect System Use of Junior Employees in the Context of Healthcare”,Information & Management
  • Cui, T., Wu, Y., and Tong, Y. (2018) “Exploring Ideation and Implementation Openness in Open Innovation Projects: IT-enabled Absorptive Capacity Perspective”,Information & Management
  • Tong, Y., Tan, C.H., and Teo, H.H. (December 2017) “Direct and Indirect Information System Use: A Multimethod Exploration of Social Power Antecedents in Healthcare”,Information Systems Research,
  • Liu, N., Tong, Y., and Chan, H. C. (June 2017) “Information Seeking in Online Healthcare Communities: The Dual Influence from Social Self and Personal Self”,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,
  • Yang, X., Tong, Y., and Teo, H. H. (November 2015), “Fostering Fast-Response Spontaneous Virtual Team: Effects of Member Skill Awareness and Shared Governance on Team Cohesion and Outcomes”蘭妹榜拳,Journal of the Association for Information Systems,
  • Tong, Y., Tan, S. S-L, and Teo, H.H. (June 2015), “戀格檔束The Road to Early Success: Impact of System Use in the Swift Response Phase”,Information Systems Research,
  • Tong, Y., Wang, X., Tan, C. H., and Teo, H. H. (November 2013), “An Empirical Study of Information Contribution to Online Feedback Systems: A Motivation Perspective”,Information & Management,
  • Tong, Y., Yang, X., and Teo, H. H. (May 2013), “Spontaneous Virtual Teams: Improving Organizational Performance through Information and Communication Technology”,Business Horizons,會議論文 (節選)
  • Xu, Y., Tong, Y., Liao, S. S., and Zhou, G. “Understanding the Impact of Indirect System Use in hospital: A Control Perspective”,Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, Dec 2016.
  • Zhou, F., Tong, Y., Teo, H. H., and Tan, S. S-L “Overcoming the System Fit Challenge at the Initial Post-Adoption Stage: The Roles of Emotions in Users' Adaptation Behaviors”,Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, Dec 2016.
  • Xu, Y., Tong, Y., Liao, S. S., 'Enhancing Work Performance in Stable Post-Adoptive Stage: A System Use-Related Behaviors Perspective',Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Taiwan, 27 June - 1 July 2016.
  • Liu, N., Lu, Z., Chan, H.C., and Tong, Y. “Social Support Seeking In Patient-centric Online Healthcare Communities”,INFORMS 2016 International Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, June 2016.
  • Li, X., Tong, Y. and Wang, W., “MedC: A Literature Analysis System for Chinese Medicine Research”,International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH), Arizona, USA, November 2015.
  • Xu, Y., Tong, Y., Liao, S. S. and Yu, Y., 'Understanding the Impact of Indirect System Use on Task Performance in Hospital: An Agency Theory Perspective',Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Singapore, July 2015.
  • Jiang, J., Tong, Y., and Tan, S. S-L, 'Do You Retweet Heath Advice on Microblogging Platforms? The Effects of Health Topic and Website Design on Credibility Assessment.'Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, USA, Dec 2012.
  • Cui, T., Tong, Y., and Teo H. H., 'Can Information Technology Bridge Knowledge Distance in Organizational Open Innovation? An Absorptive Capacity Perspective.'Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, USA, Dec 2012.
  • Tong, Y., Goonawardene, N., Tan, S. L. and Teo, H. H. “The Impact of Job Rotation on Physicians’ System Use: A Situated Learning Perspective.”Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China, Dec 2011.
  • Wang, X., Yang, X., Teo, H. H., and Tong, Y. “IT Employees’ Organizational Identification: Examining its Antecedents and Impact on Turnover.”Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Saint Louis, Missouri, United States, Dec 2010.
  • Tong, Y., and Teo, H. H. 'Migrating to Integrated Electronic Medical Record: An Empirical Investigation of Physicians' Use Preference.'Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Phoenix, Arizona, United States, Dec 2009.
  • Tong, Y., Teo, H. H., and Tan, C. H. 'Direct and Indirect Use of Information Systems in Organizations: An Empirical Investigation of System Usage in a Public Hospital.'Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Paris, France, December 2008.
  • 主持: “Firm Rating in Online Business-to-Business Transactions”, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, (2016. 9 – 2018. 8).
  • 主持: “信息系統直接使用與間接使用—探索基於社會權力視角的前因及其對工作績效的影響”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), (2016.1 – 2018. 12).
  • 主持: “Managing the Paradoxical Impacts of Search Approach Openness through Information Technologies”, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, (2016.1 – 2017.12).
  • 參與: “自發虛擬團隊共同領導機制、團隊衝突與團隊績效的研究—跨層次縱向方法的視角”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), (2016.1 – 2019.12).
  • 主持: “Managing Conflicts in Spontaneous Virtual Team – A Team Governance Perspective”, CityU Strategic Research Grant, (2014.10 – 2015.9).
  • 主持: “Achieving Initial Success and Enduring Healthcare Service Improvement: A Multi-Method Exploration of Healthcare Information Systems' Impact in Asia”, CityU Strategic Research Grant, (2013.10 – 2014.9).
  • 主持: 'Research on Management of Healthcare Information Systems', CityU Start-up Grant, (2012.12 – 2015.11).
  • 主持: “Mobile-based Learning Discovery Curriculum”, CityU Start-up Teaching Grant, (2013.1 – 2014.6).
  • 參與: '提高自發虛擬團隊績效 - 社會網路的視角', NSFC,(2012.1 – 2014.12).


  • 2018 SIG Health of Association for Information Systems: Best Paper Award
  • 2016 國際信息系統年會(ICIS)Most Innovative Research-in-Progress Nominees
  • 2016 SIG Health of Association for Information Systems: Meritorious Mention Award
  • 2015-2016 香港傑出青年學者獎 Hong Kong Early Career Award
  • 主持: “Firm Rating in Online Business-to-Business Transactions”, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, (2016. 9 – 2018. 8).
  • 主持: “信息系統直接使用與間接使用—探索基於社會權力視角的前因及其對工作績效的影響”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), (2016.1 – 2018. 12).
  • 主持: “Managing the Paradoxical Impacts of Search Approach Openness through Information Technologies”, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, (2016.1 – 2017.12).
  • 參與: “自發虛擬團隊共同領導機制、團隊衝突與團隊績效的研究—跨層次縱向方法的視角”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), (2016.1 – 2019.12).
  • 主持: “Managing Conflicts in Spontaneous Virtual Team – A Team Governance Perspective”, CityU Strategic Research Grant, (2014.10 – 2015.9).
  • 主持: “Achieving Initial Success and Enduring Healthcare Service Improvement: A Multi-Method Exploration of Healthcare Information Systems' Impact in Asia”, CityU Strategic Research Grant, (2013.10 – 2014.9).
  • 主持: 'Research on Management of Healthcare Information Systems', CityU Start-up Grant, (2012.12 – 2015.11).
  • 主持: “Mobile-based Learning Discovery Curriculum”, CityU Start-up Teaching Grant, (2013.1 – 2014.6).
  • 參與: '提高自發虛擬團隊績效 - 社會網路的視角', NSFC,(2012.1 – 2014.12).


  • 2018 SIG Health of Association for Information Systems: Best Paper Award
  • 2016 國際信息系統年會(ICIS)Most Innovative Research-in-Progress Nominees
  • 2016 SIG Health of Association for Information Systems: Meritorious Mention Award
  • 2015-2016 香港傑出青年學者獎 Hong Kong Early Career Award


