- 套用名稱:立方體計算器
- 套用平台:mobile
- 套用版本:1.3.12
- 運行環境:Android 1.5
- 套用類型:其他軟體類
立方體計算器Cube Calculator是一款輕量級的計算器套用。
* 數學表達式的計算
* 百分比(計算折扣,稅,小費和其他)
* 基數模式(HEX/BIN/華僑城)
* 時間計算(兩種模式)
* 計算歷史記憶
* 數字分組結果
* 對數和三角函式(度和弧度)
* 顏色主題(皮膚)
* 大按鍵
* Improved view of the history and the help screens
* Added ability to disable operations priority (2+2*2=8)
* New theme Linum (PRO-version only)
* Added ability to set up the number of digits in HEX/BIN/OCT mode
* Added some functionality for BACK button (back to the normal mode)
* Done other fixes and changes
Main in previous versions:
* More numbers of lines for the expression bar
* Digit grouping in the expression bar
* Added ability to edit locked records。
* 數學表達式的計算
* 百分比(計算折扣,稅,小費和其他)
* 基數模式(HEX/BIN/華僑城)
* 時間計算(兩種模式)
* 計算歷史記憶
* 數字分組結果
* 對數和三角函式(度和弧度)
* 顏色主題(皮膚)
* 大按鍵
* Improved view of the history and the help screens
* Added ability to disable operations priority (2+2*2=8)
* New theme Linum (PRO-version only)
* Added ability to set up the number of digits in HEX/BIN/OCT mode
* Added some functionality for BACK button (back to the normal mode)
* Done other fixes and changes
Main in previous versions:
* More numbers of lines for the expression bar
* Digit grouping in the expression bar
* Added ability to edit locked records。