



  • 中文名:立即構建網站
  • 作者:吉姆·拜耶斯
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2007年6月1日
  • 頁數:195 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787506283298


在本書的指導下,讀者可以很快地使用Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition編寫程式。書中通過具體指導讀者如何創建第一個動態ASP.NET 2.0網頁,從開始到發布,從而逐步引導讀者掌握動態網頁的製作技巧。在本書中讀者還可以獲得大量的可視化實例。


Chapter 1 Introducing Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
What to Expect From This Book
Deciding Whether Visual Web Developer is the Product for You
What You'll Need for Testing
Choosing a Provider for Your Public Web Site
Dealing with ISO Image Files
Approaching the User Interface
Capter 2 Presenting the ASP.NET 2.0 Programming Model
Following a Web Page Through ASP.NET 2.0
A Hierarchy of Controls
Dealing with Events
Reviewing the Page Life Cycle
Categorizing ASP.NET Server Controls
Chapter 3 Creating a New Web Site
Choosing Where to Put the Working Copy of Your Site
Creating an Empty Web Site
Creating a File System Web Site
Creating a Local IIS Web Site
Creating a Remote IIS Web Site
Creating an FTP-Accessible Web Site
Chapter 4 Opening an Existing Web Site
Opening a Recently-Used Web Site
Opening an Arbitrary Web Site
Opening a File System Web Site
Opening a Local IIS Web Site
Opening an FTP-Accessible Web Site
Opening a Remote Web Site
Chapter 5 Copying Your Web Site
Specifying the Source and Remote Web Sites
Selecting and Copying Files
Chapter 6 Creating and Modifying Web Pages
Chapter 7 Working with Source Code
Chapter 8 Creating and Using Web User Controls
Chapter 9 Using Master Pages to Centralize Page Layout
Chapter 10 Using Cascading Style Sheets
Chapter 11 Controlling Appearance with ASP.NET Themes
Chapter 12 Linking the Pages in Your Site Automatically
Chapter 13 Creating and Connecting to Databases
Chapter 14 Displaying Database Information
Chapter 15 Maintaining Database Information
Chapter 16 Publishing Your Database




