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  • 中文名:竇潔
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:南京醫科大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 專業方向:微生物學和免疫學
  • 職務:副教授 
竇潔,女,1971年出生,中國藥科大學微生物教研室 副教授
1997.9.—至今 中國藥科大學微生物學教研室 教師
2001.9.—2005.6. 南京醫科大學基礎醫學院免疫學專業 博士
2013.7.-2014.7. 美國聖路易斯大學醫學院 訪問學者
(1) Kai Chen, Jie Dou, Shirui Tang, Yishun Yang, Hui Wang, Hongqing Fang, Changlin Zhou. Deletion of the aroK gene is essential for high shikimic acid accumulation through the shikimate pathway in E. coli. Bioresource Technology, 2012 May 29; 119C: 141-147. (IF4.98)
(2) Zhenzhen Su, Jie Dou, Zhipeng Xu, Qinglong Guo, Changlin Zhou. A novel inhibitory mechanism of baicalein on influenza A/FM1/1/47 (H1N1) virus: interference with mid-late mRNAs synthesis in cell culture. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 10.6 (2012): 415-420. (SCIE)
(3) Lili Chen, Jie Dou, Zhenzhen Su, Huimin Zhou, Hui Wang, Weidong Zhou, Qinglong Guo,ChanglinZhou. Synergistic activity of baicalein with ribavirin against influenza A (H1N1) virus infections in cell culture and in mice.Antiviral Research,2011, 91(3): 314-320. (IF 4.439)
(4) Huimin Zhou, Jie Dou, Jing Wang, Lili Chen, Hui Wang, Weidong Zhou, Yunman Li, Changlin Zhou. The antibacterial activity of BF-30 in vitro and in infected burned rats is through interference with cytoplasmic membrane integrity. Peptides. 2011,32(6): 1131-1138. (IF 2.705)
(5) Wei Chen, Baowei Yang, Huimin Zhou, Lidan Sun, Jie Dou, Hai Qian, Wenlong Huang, Yicheng Mei, Jing Han. Structure-activity relationships of a snake cathelicidin-related peptide, BF-15. Peptide., 2011, Oct 8;: 22008732. (IF 2.705)
(6) Hui Wang, Mengyu Wang, Jing Chen, Ying Tang, Jie Dou, Jian Yu, Tao Xi,ChanglinZhou. A polysaccharide fromStrongylocentrotus nuduseggs protects against myelosuppression and immunosuppression in cyclophosphamide-treated mice. International Immunopharmacology,2011, 11(11):1946-1953.
(7) Mengyu Wang, Hui Wang, Ying Tang, Di Kang, Yu Gao, Mengyun Ke, Jie Dou, Tao Xi,ChanglinZhou. Effective inhibition of aStrongylocentrotus nuduseggs polysaccharide against hepatocellular carcinoma is mediated via immunoregulationin vivo. Immunology Letters,2011,141(1): 74-82.
(8) Jie Dou, Lili Chen, Ge Xu, Lei Zhang, Huimin Zhou, Hui Wang, Zhenzhen Su, Mengyun Ke, Qinglong Guo, Changlin Zhou. Effects of baicalein on Sendai virus in vivo are linked to serum baicalin and its inhibition of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase. Arch Virol., 2011, 156 (5):793-801.(IF 2.209)
(9) Ge Xu, Jie Dou, Lei Zhang, Lei Zhang, Qinglong Guo, Changlin Zhou. Inhibitory Effects of Baicalein on the Influenza Virus in Vivo Is Determined by Baicalin in the Serum. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 2010, 33(2): 238-243. (IF 1.811)
(10) 竇潔,蘇寶亮,張磊,許戈,趙德育,周長林。呼吸道合胞病毒SH蛋白免疫原性初步研究。蘇州大學學報醫學版,2009,29(6):22-25。


