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竇凱(1988—),男,安徽合肥人,博士,副教授,碩士研究生導師,本科創新班導師,廣州大學第十屆“最受學生歡迎的老師”(2018),年度科研學術新銳(2018、2019)。擔任廣州大學青少年心理與行為中心·行為決策課題組負責人。主要研究領域集中在青少年非理性決策行為(如冒險行為、攻擊行為等)、人類合作行為的促進與維持機制、問題性電子設備使用等。主持國家自然科學基金青年項目、廣東省自然科學基金面上項目等課題10餘項。近年來以第一作者/通訊作者身份在《Computers in Human Behavior》《Journal of Happiness Studies》《Children and Youth Services Review》《International Journal of Psychology》《心理學報》《心理科學進展》《心理科學》等期刊發表學術論文50餘篇。榮獲廣東省第九屆哲學社會科學優秀成果二等獎(2021)、亞洲社會心理學會2019年Misumi最佳論文獎、廣東省第五屆高校(本科)青年教師教學大賽二等獎(2020)等。


  • 中文名:竇凱
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:安徽省合肥市巢湖市
  • 畢業院校暨南大學廣州大學安慶師範學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 職業:高校教師
  • 專業方向:心理學
  • 主要成就:廣東省第九屆哲學社會科學優秀成果二等獎(2021)
研究方向,論文著作 ,獲獎記錄,社會任職,


研究方向三:中、小學生發展指導 (套用研究)


(註:*通訊作者; #課題組學生; 登錄課題組網站可下載全文)
[54] Wang, L. X., Dou, K*., Li, J. B*., Zhang, M. C., & Guan, J. Y. (2021). The association between interparental conflict and problematic internet use among Chinese adolescents: Testing a moderated mediation model. Computers in Human Behavior, 122, 106832. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.106832
[53] Li, J. B., Dou, K*., & Liang, Y. (2021). The Relationship Between Presence of Meaning, Search for Meaning, and Subjective Well-Being: A Three-Level Meta-Analysis Based on the Meaning in Life Questionnaire. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(1), 467-489. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-020-00230-y.
[52] Wang Y. J., Chen, K. Y., Dou, K*., & Liu, Y. Z*. (2021) Linking Self-Control to Voluntary Behaviors at Workplace: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction. Frontiers Psychology, 12, 530297. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.530297
[51] Li, J. B*., Wang, Y. S., Sun, Y., Liang, Y., & Dou, K. (2021). Individual and interpersonal correlates of changes in college adaptation among Chinese freshmen: A longitudinal study. Current Psychology, published online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-01693-9
[50] Zhang, M. C., Wang, L. X., Dou, K*., Liang, Y*. (2021, inpress). Why victimized by peer promotes cyberbullying in college students? Testing a moderated mediation model in a three-wave longitudinal study. Current Psychology, Accepted. Preprint DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/6xrdt
[49] Li, J. B*., & Dou, K. (2021, inpress). Low Involvement and Ineffective Monitoring Link Mothers’ Work-Family Conflict and Adolescent Self-Control. Journal of Family Issues, published online. doi:10.1177/0192513x20942821
[48] Dou, K*., Lin, X. Q., & Wang, Y. J. (2020). Negative parenting and risk-taking behaviors in Chinese adolescents: Testing a sequential mediation model in a three-wave longitudinal study. Children and Youth Services Review, 119, 105631. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105631
[47] Dou, K., Wang, L. X., Li, J. B*., Wang, G. D., Li, Y. Y., Huang. Y. T. (2020). Mobile phone addiction and risk-taking behavior among Chinese adolescents: A moderated mediation model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 5472. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17155472
[46] Li, J. B., Yang, A., Dou, K*., Wang, L. X., Zhang, M. C., & Lin, X. Q. (2020). Chinese public's knowledge, perceived severity, and perceived controllability of COVID-19 and their associations with emotional and behavioural reactions, social participation, and precautionary behaviour: a national survey. BMC Public Health, 20, 1589. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09695-1
[45] Li, J. B., Yang, A., Dou, K*., & Cheung, R. Y. M. (2020). Self-Control Moderates the Association between Perceived Severity of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Mental Health Problems among the Chinese Public. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(13), 4820. doi:10.3390/ijerph17134820
[44] Liang, Y., Zhou, N., Dou, K., Cao, H., Li, J. B., Wu, Q., . . . Nie, Y. G.*(2020). Career-related parental behaviors, adolescents’ consideration of future consequences, and career adaptability: A three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67(2), 208-221. doi:10.1037/cou0000413
[43] Wang, G. H., Li, W. D*., & Dou, K*. (2020). Engaging in extracurricular sports increases life satisfaction among Chinese adolescents: Testing a moderated mediation model. Social Behavior & Personality, 48(8), e8993. doi: 10.2224/sbp.8993
[42] 聶衍剛, 彭小燕, 竇凱*, 馬禕晨. (2020). 自主欺騙決策過程與結果評價的ERPs研究. 心理科學, 43(6), 1391-1397.
[41] 黃琪琪, 葉婉玉, 黃義婷, 竇凱*. (2020). 歧視知覺對異地就讀新疆生文化適應的影響:有調節的中介模型. 心理技術與套用, 8(9), 542-551.
[40] 竇凱, 黃義婷, 李菁菁, 聶衍剛*. (2020). 青少年親社會冒險行為量表的修訂及信效度檢驗. 中國健康心理學雜誌, 28(10), 1538-1542.
[39] 程丹俐, 竇凱* (2020). 同伴在場使青少年更愛冒險:來自腦科學研究的證據. 心理學進展, 10(7), 897-904.
[38] 王玉潔, 竇凱, 聶衍剛*. (2020). 同伴疏離與青少年社交焦慮:情緒調節效能感的中介效應. 教育導刊, (7), 39-43.
[37] Dou, K., Chen, Y, S*., Lu, J. M., Li, J. J., & Wang, Y. (2019). Why and when does job satisfaction promote unethical pro-organizational behaviours? Testing a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Psychology, 54(6), 766-774. doi:10.1002/ijop.12528
[36] Dou, K., Li, J. B., Wang, Y. J., Li, J. J., Liang, Z. Q., & Nie, Y. G*. (2019). Engaging in prosocial behavior explains how high self-control relates to more life satisfaction: Evidence from three Chinese samples. PLoS One, 14(10), e0223169. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0223169
[35] Li, J. J., Dou, K*., Wang, Y. J., & Nie, Y. G*. (2019). Why awe promotes prosocial behaviors? The mediating effects of future time perspective and self-transcendence meaning of life. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1140. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01140.
[34] Yu, C. F., Li, W. T., Liang, Q., Liu, X. L., Zhang, W., Lu, H., Dou, K., Xie, X. D., & Gan, X. (2019). School climate, loneliness, and problematic online game use among Chinese adolescents: The moderating effect of intentional self-regulation. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 90. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00090
[33] Li, J. B., Dou, K., Situ, Q. M., Salcuni, S., Wang, Y. J., & Friese, M. (2019). Anger rumination partly accounts for the association between trait self-control and aggression. Journal of Research in Personality, 81, 207-223. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2019.06.011
[32] Liang, Q., Yu, C., Chen, Q., Xie, X., Wu, H., Xing, J., . . . Dou, K. (2019). Exposure to Community Violence, Affiliations With Risk-Taking Peer Groups, and Internet Gaming Disorder Among Chinese Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Parental Monitoring. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2074. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02074
[31] Situ, Q. M., Li, J. B., Dou, K., & Wang, Y. J. (in press). Bidirectional Association Between Self-Control and Internalizing Problems Among College Freshmen: A Cross-Lagged Study. Emerging Adulthood, Published online. doi:10.1177/2167696819862174
[30] 聶衍剛, 利振華, 竇凱*. (2019). 預先承諾的理論解釋及其神經機制. 心理科學, 42(5), 1202-1208.
[29] 許丹佳, 喻承甫, 竇凱, 梁梓勤, 利振華, 聶衍剛. (2019). 父母自主支持與青少年未來規劃:基本心理需要與個人成長主動性的中介作用. 心理發展與教育, 35(1), 23-31.
[28] 王玉潔, 竇凱*. (2019). 同伴依戀與青少年抑鬱的關係:情緒調節效能感的中介作用. 中國健康心理學雜誌, 27(7), 1092-1095.
[27] Li, J. B., T. Vazsonyi, A., & Dou, K*. (2018). Is individualism-collectivism associated with self-control? Evidence from Chinese and U.S. samples. PLoS One, 13(12), e0208541. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0208541
[26] Dou, K., Wang, Y. J., Li, J. B., Li, J. J., & Nie, Y. G. (2018). Perceiving high social mindfulness during interpersonal interaction promotes cooperative behaviours. Asian Journal of Social Psychology(SSCI), 21, 97-106. doi:10.1111/ajsp.12210 註:該文榮獲亞洲社會心理學會頒發的Misumi Award (Misumi 最佳論文獎)
[25] Gao, T., Zhao, J., Dou, K., Wang, Y., Li, X., & Harrison, S. E. (2018). Impact of cognitive flexibility on rapid reading skills training outcomes for primary school students in China. School Psychology International(SSCI), 39(3), 273-290. doi:10.1177/0143034318773787
[24] 竇凱, 劉耀中, 王玉潔, 聶衍剛. (2018). “樂”於合作:感知社會善念誘導合作行為的情緒機制. 心理學報, 50(1), 101-114.
[23] 竇凱, 聶衍剛, 王玉潔, 劉耀中. (2018). 信任還是設防?互動博弈中社會善念對合作行為的促進效應. 心理科學, 41(2), 390-396.
[22] 利振華, 竇凱*, 聶衍剛. (2018). 遠離“誘惑”:預先承諾對跨期決策的調控機制及其神經基礎. 心理科學進展, 26(10), 1869-1877.
[21] 聶衍剛, 利振華, 竇凱*, 毛蘭平. (2018). 累了會說謊?自我損耗削弱誠信行為及其緩解機制. 心理與行為研究, 16(4), 525-533.
[20] 聶衍剛, 梁梓勤, 竇凱*, 王瑞琪. (2018). 青少年反應性攻擊和結果評價的ERPs研究:基於自我控制資源的視角. 心理科學, 41(1), 77-84.
[19] 李菁菁, 竇凱, 聶衍剛. (2018). 親子依戀與青少年外化問題行為:情緒調節自我效能感的中介作用. 中國臨床心理學雜誌, 26(6), 1168-1172.
[18] Wang, W. J., Dou, K*., & Tang, Z. W. (2017). The relationship between trait self-control, consideration for future consequence and organizational citizenship behavior among Chinese employees. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 58 (3), 341-347.
[17] Dou, K., Nie, Y. G*., Wang, Y. J., & Liu, Y. Z. (2016). The relationship between self-control, job satisfaction and life satisfaction in Chinese employees: A preliminary study. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 55(4), 797-803.
[16] Dou, K., Wang, Y. J., Li, J. B., & Liu, Y. Z*. (2016). Core self-evaluations, regulatory emotional self-efficacy, and depressive symptoms: Testing a mediation model. Social Behavior and Personality, 44(3), 391-400.
[15] Liu, Y. Z., Dou, K†*., Wang, Y., J., & Li, J. B. (2015). To bet or not to bet? The coding of bets modulates brain potentials in outcome evaluations. NeuroReport, 26(16), 958-965.
[14] Li, J. B., Nie, Y. G., Boardley, I. D., Situ, Q. M., & Dou, K. (2014). Moral disengagement moderates the predicted effect of trait self-control on self-reported aggression. Asian Journal of Social Psychology(SSCI), 17(4), 312-318.
[13] Nie, Y. G., Li, J. B., Dou, K., & Situ, Q. M. (2014). The associations between self-consciousness and internalizing/externalizing problems among Chinese adolescents. Journal of Adolescence(SSCI), 37(5), 505-514.
[12] 竇凱, 聶衍剛. (2017). 合作行為的神經機制及研究展望. 廣州大學學報(社會科學版), 16(12), 41-48. 註:被人大複印資料(2018年)全文轉載
[11] 劉耀中, 竇凱*. (2015). 人際控制感對合作行為的影響:一項囚徒困境的ERPs研究. 心理科學, 38(3), 643-650.
[10] 劉耀中, 張建良, 竇凱*. (2015). 結果評價中自我體驗與替代體驗的參照點效應:一項賭博遊戲的 ERPs 研究. 心理科學, 38(5), 1147-1154.
[9] 竇凱, 聶衍剛, 王玉潔, 黎建斌, 沈汪兵. (2014). 自我損耗促進衝動決策:來自行為和ERPs的證據. 心理學報, 46(10), 1564-1579.
[8] 竇凱, 聶衍剛, 王玉潔, 黎建斌. (2014). 自我損耗促進冒險行為. 心理科學, 37(1), 150-155.
[7] 劉耀中, 張珺, 竇凱, 張豹. (2014). 重複經顱磁刺激治療強迫症的研究進展. 暨南大學學報(自然科學與醫學版), 35(2), 136-141.
[6] 竇凱, 聶衍剛, 王玉潔, 劉毅, 黎建斌. (2013). 青少年情緒調節自我效能感與主觀幸福感:情緒調節方式的中介作用. 心理科學, 36(1), 139-144.
[5] 竇凱, 聶衍剛, 王玉潔, 劉毅. (2013). 青少年情緒調節自我效能感的發展特點. 中國健康教育, 29(3), 207-210.
[4] 王玉潔, 竇凱, 劉毅. (2013). 情緒調節自我效能感量表的修訂. 廣州大學學報(社會科學版), 12(1), 45-50.
[3] 聶衍剛, 竇凱, 王玉潔. (2013). 衝動性與網路成癮:自我控制的中介作用. 寧波大學學報(教育科學版), (03), 7-12.
[2] 黎建斌, 聶衍剛, 曾敏霞, 竇凱. (2012). 自我控制失敗的心理因素、神經表達及互動作用芻議. 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版), 30(4), 44-50.
[1] 竇凱, 聶衍剛, 王玉潔, 黎建斌. (2012). 青少年情緒調節自我效能感與心理健康的關係. 中國學校衛生, 33(10), 1195-1197+1200.


[1] 2021年,廣東省第九屆哲學社會科學優秀成果二等獎(獲獎人:竇凱,劉耀中,王玉潔,聶衍剛)
[2] 2019年,榮獲亞洲社會心理學會Misumi最佳論文獎(獲獎人:竇凱,王玉潔,黎建斌,李菁菁,聶衍剛*)
[3] 2019年,廣州大學2018年度科研學術新銳(獲獎人:竇凱
[4] 2018年,廣州大學2018年度科研學術新銳(獲獎人:竇凱
[5] 2016年,第五屆全國教育科學研究優秀成果(獲獎人:聶衍剛,黎建斌,竇凱,司徒巧敏)
[6] 2016年,廣東省心理學會學術年會論文一等獎、三等獎(獲獎人:竇凱,王玉潔)
[7] 2016年,暨南大學優秀博士學位論文(獲獎人:竇凱;導師:劉耀中)
[8] 2016年,暨南大學優秀畢業研究生(獲獎人:竇凱;導師:劉耀中)
[9] 2014年,廣東省優秀碩士學位論文(獲獎人:竇凱;導師:聶衍剛)
[1] 2020年,廣東省第五屆高校(本科)青年教師教學大賽二等獎(獲獎人:竇凱
[2] 2020年,廣東省教育教學成果獎(基礎教育)二等獎(獲獎人:聶衍剛,邢強,丘毅清,劉百里,楊文登,竇凱
[3] 2021年,廣州大學第九屆校級教學成果獎(高等教育)一等獎(獲獎人:聶衍剛,孫楠,楊文登,竇凱,曾紅,路紅,陳少華)
[4] 2020年,廣州大學2018-2019學年本科課堂教學優秀獎二等獎(獲獎人:竇凱
[5] 2020年,廣州大學學科教學滲透心理健康教育優秀教學案例(獲獎人:竇凱
[6] 2020年,廣州大學第十屆青年教師課堂教學競賽決賽二等獎(獲獎人:竇凱
[7] 2018年,廣州大學第十屆“最受學生歡迎的老師” (獲獎人:竇凱
[8] 2017年,廣州大學教育學院青年教師課堂教學比賽一等獎(獲獎人:竇凱


[1] 中國心理學會婚姻家庭心理與諮詢專委會(籌)理事
[2] 中國心理學會經濟心理學專業委員會理事
[3] 廣東省學生髮展指導高中聯盟副秘書長
[4] 廣東省社會心理學會理事


