- 軟體名稱:空間憤怒
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:105.24MB
- 支持版本:iOS6.0及以上
一款飛行冒險類遊戲,遊戲有點像PC端的EVE遊戲模式,玩家可以在太空當中升級自己的飛船和裝備強化自己,接收更多的任務獲取更多的金錢,遊戲的另一個亮點就是遊戲當中全部為現實存在的星球而非憑空捏造出來,喜歡此類遊戲的玩家快來下載吧。 Your civilization is in danger and you are the commander of the most powerful ship on this side of galaxy. Enemies wanting your blood to conquer and destroy your world are emerging from Darkness. This is the time to fight, survive and kill them all. Do not be afraid, do not hesitate to pull the trigger! Fire!