- 中文名:程麗華
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:浙江富陽
- 職業:浙江大學副教授

1.Jian-Ming Lv, Li-Hua Cheng (程麗華)*,Xin-Hua Xu, Lin Zhang, Huan-Lin Chen, Enhanced Lipid Production of Chlorella vulgaris by Adjustment of Cultivation Conditions, Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101, 6797-6804 (SCI, IF=4.253, TOP)
2.L-Hua Cheng (程麗華), Shih-Yang Yen, Li-Sheng Su, Junghui Chen*, Study on Membrane Reactors for Biodiesel Production by Phase Behaviors of Canola Oil Methanolysis in Batch Reactors, Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101, 6663-6667 (SCI, IF=4.253, TOP)
3.L-Hua Cheng (程麗華), Ya-Fang Cheng, Shih-Yang Yen and Junghui Chen*, Application of UNIQUAC and SVM to Ultrafiltration for Modeling Ternary Mixtures of Oil, FAME and Methanol, Chemical Engineering Science, 2009, 64(24) 5093-5103 (SCI, IF=2.136, TOP)
4.L-Hua Cheng (程麗華), Ping-Chung Wu, Junghui Chen*, Numerical simulation and optimal design of AGMD-based hollow fiber modules for desalination, Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research, 2009, 48(10), 4948-4959 (SCI, IF=1.758, TOP)
5.L-Hua Cheng (程麗華), Ya-Fang Cheng, Shih-Yang Yen, Junghui Chen*, Ultrafiltration of triglyceride from biodiesel using the phase diagram of oil-FAME-MeOH, Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 330, 156-165 (SCI, IF=3.203, TOP)
6.L-Hua Cheng (程麗華)*, Lin Zhang, Huan-lin Chen, Cong-jie Gao. Hollow fiber contained hydrogel-CA membrane contactor for carbon dioxide removal from the closed spaces, Journal of Membrane Science, 2008, 324, 33-43 (SCI, IF=3.203, TOP)
7.-Hua Cheng (程麗華), Ping-Chung Wu, Cho-Kai Kong and Junghui Chen*, Modeling and optimization of hollow fiber DCMD module for desalination, Journal of Membrane Science, 2008, 318, 154-166 (SCI, IF=3.203, TOP)
8.hua Cheng (程麗華), Lin Zhang, Huanlin Chen*, Congjie Gao, Carbon Dioxide Removal from Air by Microalgae Cultured in a Membrane-Photobioreactor, Separation and Purification Technology, 2006, 50(3):324-329 (SCI, IF=2.897, Cited by 15)