
程賢 ,男,2016年畢業於中國科學技術大學大學,獲管理學博士學位;2016年畢業於香港城市大學,獲信息系統專業博士學位。西南交通大學管理學院講師。


  • 中文名:程賢
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:西南交通大學
  • 職稱:講師
Journal / Working papers:
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; and Zhongsheng, Hua, “Measuring the Systemic Importance of Interconnected Industries in the World Economic System”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, accepted(DOI:10.1108/IMDS-10-2015-0442);
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; and Zhongsheng, Hua, “A Policy of Picking up Parcels for Express Courier Service in Dynamic Environment”, International Journal of Production Research, under review;
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; and Zhongsheng, Hua, “A Study of Contagion in the Financial System from the Perspective of Network Analytics”, Neurocomputing, under review;
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; and Zhongsheng, Hua, “A Combining Method for Time Series Forecasting: A DEA Approach based on Multi- accuracy Measures”, International Journal of Production Research, under review.
  • Conference Papers (Proceedings):
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; Zishan Liu and Mengshen Huang, “Focusing on Customer Relationship Management in Healthcare Context” (2016). The 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS, One of the top conferences of Information Systems area);
  • Xian, Cheng*; Xinbo Sun; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; Zhongsheng, Hua; XiaoLu Yang and Mengshen Huang, “The effect of diversification on financial contagion” (2016). The 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS, One of the top conferences of Information Systems area);
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; HaiChuan Zhao; Xinbo Sun; Zhongsheng, Hua and Yujing Xu, “A Study of Financial Contagion in Interbank System” (2016). The 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS, One of the top conferences of Information Systems area);
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; Yiteng Xu; Zhongsheng, Hua; and Yang Dai, “Contagion in a Financial System” (2015). The 24th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD, Rank A Conference);
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; and Zhongsheng, Hua, “A Study of Contagion in Financial System” (2015). The 9th PhD Student Workshop of USTC-CityU Joint PhD Collaboration Scheme;
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; and Zhongsheng, Hua, “Disaster management for networked system: focusing on mitigation” (2014). The 8th PhD Student Workshop of USTC-CityU Joint PhD Collaboration Scheme;
  • Xian, Cheng*; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; Dong, Wei; Dai, Yang; and Yang, Xiaolu. “Focusing on Centrality Measure in Emergency Medical Services” (2014). The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2014 Proceedings (PACIS, One of the top conferences of Information Systems area);
  • Dong, Wei; Liao, Stephen Shaoyi; Fang, Bing; Cheng, Xian; Chen, Zhu; and Fan, Wenjie. "The Detection of Fraudulent Financial Statements: an Integrated Language Model " (2014). The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2014 Proceedings, (One of the top conferences of Information Systems area);
  • Jin, Li; Xian, Cheng*; and Yang, Dai. “A Simulation Study for Emergency/Disaster Management by Applying Complex Networks Theory” (2013). International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science.


