- 中文名:程誼
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:壤氮素循環及其農業與生態環境效應
- 任職院校:南京師範大學
2009/12—2010/09,加拿大埃爾伯塔大學,訪問Scott X. Chang
2007/09—2009/11,中國科學院南京土壤研究所,碩博連讀 蔡祖聰
在Earth-Science Reviews、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Global Change Biology等SCI期刊發表論文30多篇,其中第一/通訊作者SCI論文25篇(1區期刊17篇,2區Top期刊3篇)。並發表中文綜述5篇,其中2篇為《土壤學報》新視角與前沿論文。主持3項國家自然科學基金項目、2項國家重點研發計畫項目子課題和1項德國EuroChem Agro GmbH技術服務項目。擔任土壤學領域老牌權威期刊《EUR J SOIL SCI》副主編、Top期刊《AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON》編委、《農業環境科學學報》特邀責任編輯、《同位素》編委、並獲農業環境科學學報(2次)、植物營養與肥料學報優秀審稿人。
Ø 主持在研項目
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目:我國典型茶園土壤自養和異養硝化作用及其微生物驅動機制,主持,在研(2020.01-2023.12);
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目:外源碳對旱地土壤硝態氮同化速率的影響及其作用機理,主持,在研(2017.01-2020.12);
- 德國EuroChem Agro GmbH技術資助項目:新型肥料及硝化抑制劑的農學和環境效應評價,主持,在研(2017.01-2019.12);
- 國家重點研發計畫項目子課題:肥料氮素遷移轉化過程與損失阻控機制,主持,在研(2017.07-2020.12);
- 國家重點研發計畫項目子課題:農田氮磷徑流流失污染與防控機制,主持,在研(2017.07-2020.12).
Ø 著作論文
[1] Sun X, Liang B, Wang J, Cheng Y*, Scott X. Chang, Cai ZC, Müller C, Zhang JB. 2020. Soil N transformation rates are not linked to fertilizer N losses in vegetable soils with high N input.Soil & Tillage Research, Accept.
[2] Cheng Y, Wang J, Wang JY, Wang SQ, Scott X. Chang, Cai ZC, Zhang JB*, Niu SL*, Hu SJ*. 2020. Nitrogen deposition differentially affects soil gross nitrogen transformations in organic and mineral forest horizons.Earth-Science Reviews, 201, 103033.
[3] Zhang Y, Dai SY, Huang XQ, Zhao Y, Zhao J*, Cheng Y, Cai ZC, Zhang JB*. 2020. pH-induced changes in fungal abundance and composition affects soil heterotrophic nitrification after 30 days of artificial pH manipulation. Geoderma, 366 (2020) 114255.
[4] He XX, Chi QD, Cai ZC, Cheng Y, Zhang JB*, Müller C. 2020. N tracing studies including plant N uptake processes provide new insights on gross N transformations in soil-plant systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141, 107666.
[5] Cheng Y, Wang J, Scott X. Chang, Cai ZC, Müller C, Zhang JB*. 2019. Nitrogen deposition affects both net and gross soil nitrogen transformations in forest ecosystems: A review.Environmental Pollution, 244, 608–616.
[6] Wang J, Sun N, Xu MG, Wang SQ, Zhang JB, Cai ZC, Cheng Y*. 2019. The influence of long-term animal manure and crop residue application on abiotic and biotic N immobilization in an acidified agricultural soil. Geoderma, 337, 710–717.
[7] Zhang Y, Liu SY, Cheng Y*, Cai ZC, Müller C, Zhang JB*. 2019. Composition of soil recalcitrant C regulates nitrification rates in acidic soils. Geoderma, 337, 965–972.
[8] Liu SY, Chi QD, Cheng Y*, Zhu B, Li WZ, Zhang XF, Huang YQ, Müller C, Cai ZC, Zhang JB*. 2019. Importance of matching soil N transformations, crop N form preference, and climate to enhance crop yield and reducing N loss. Science of the Total Environment, 657, 1265–1273.
[9] Cheng Y, Wang J, Sun N, Xu MG, Zhang JB*, Cai ZC, Wang SQ. 2018. Phosphorus addition enhances gross microbial N cycling in phosphorus-poor soils: a N study from two long-term fertilization experiments.Biology and Fertility of Soils, 54, 783-789.
[10] Wang J, Zhang BB, Tian Y, Zhang HC, Cheng Y*, Zhang JB. 2018. A soil management strategy for ameliorating soil acidification and reducing nitrification in tea plantations. European Journal of Soil Biology, 88, 36-40.
[11] She DL*, Zhang L, Gao XM, Yan XY, Zhao X, Xie WM, Cheng Y, Xia YQ*. 2018. Limited N removal by denitrification in agricultural drainage ditches in the Taihu Lake region of China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18, 1110-1119.
[12] Cheng Y, Wang J, Wang JY, Scott X. Chang, Wang SQ*. The quality and quantity of exogenous organic carbon input control microbial NO3 immobilization: A meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 115, 357-363.
[13] Cheng Y, Xie W, Huang R, Yan XY, Wang SQ*. Extremely high N2O but unexpectedly low NO emissions from a highly organic and chemical fertilized peach orchard system in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 246, 202-209, 2017.
[14] Cheng Y, Zhang JB, Zhu JG, Liu G, Zhu CW*, Wang SQ*. Ten years of elevated atmospheric CO2 doesn’t alter soil nitrogen availability in a rice paddy,Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 98, 99-108, 2016.
[15] Cheng Y, Wang J, Bruno M, Zhang JB, Cai ZC*, Chang SX*, Soil pH has contrasting effects on gross and net nitrogen mineralization neighboring forest and grassland soils in Canada. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 848-857, 9, 2013.
[16] Cheng Y, Wang J, Zhang JB, Müller C, Wang SQ*, Mechanistic insights into the effects of N fertilizer application on N2O-emission pathways in acidic soil of a tea plantation. Plant and Soil, 389, 45-57, 11, 2015.
[17] Cheng Y, Wang J, Zhang JB, Bruno M, Cai ZC*. The mechanisms behind reduced NH4and NO3 accumulation due to litter decomposition in the acidic soil of subtropical forest. Plant and Soil, 378, 295-308, 1, 2014.
[18] Cheng Y, Cai ZC*, Zhang JB, Lang M, Bruno M, Chang SX*, Soil moisture effects on gross nitrification differ between adjacent grassland and forested soils in central Alberta, Canada. Plant and Soil, 352, 289-301, 9, 2012.
[19] Cheng Y, Cai ZC*, Zhang JB, Chang SX*, Gross N transformations were little affected by 4 years simulated N and S depositions in an spen-white spruce dominated boreal forest in Alberta, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 262, 571-578, 5, 2011.
[20] Cheng Y, Cai YJ, Wang SQ*, Yak and Tibetan sheep dung return enhance soil N supply and retention in two alpine grasslands in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52, 413-422, 1, 2016.
[21] Cheng Y, Zhang JB, Müller C, Wang SQ*, N tracing study to understand the N supply associated with organic amendments in a vineyard soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 51, 983-993, 8, 2015.
[22] Cheng Y, Wang J, Wang SQ, Zhang JB, Cai ZC*, Effects of soil moisture on gross N transformations and N2O emission in acid subtropical forest soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50, 1099-1108, 6, 2014.
[23] Cheng Y, Cai ZC*, Chang SX*, Wang J, Zhang JB, Wheat straw and its biochar have contrasting effects on inorganic N retention and N2O emission in a cultivated Black Chernozemic soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 48, 941-946, 4, 2012.
[24] Cheng Y, Zhang JB, Wang J, Cai ZC, Wang SQ*. Soil pH is a good predictor of the dominating N2O production processes under aerobic conditions.Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 178, 370-373, 3, 2015.
[25] Cheng Y, Wang J, Liu Y, Cai ZC*. Litter decomposition reduces either N2O or NO production in strongly acidic coniferous and broad-leaved forest soils under anaerobic conditions.Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14, 549-557, 10, 2014.
[26] Cheng Y, Cai ZC*, Chang SX*, Wang J, Zhang JB, Effects of soil pH and salt on N2O production in adjacen,t forest and grassland soils in central Alberta, Canada. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13, 863-868, 2, 2013.
[27] Cheng Y, Wang J, Zhang JB, Wang SQ, Cai ZC*, The different temperature sensitivity of gross N transformations between the coniferous and broad-leaved forests in subtropical China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 61, 506-515, 11, 2014.
[28] Cheng Y, Wang J, Wang L, Wang SQ, Cai ZC*, The effects of temperature change and tree species composition on N2O and NO emissions in acidic forest soils of subtropical China.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 26, 1-9, 7, 2014.
[29] Wang J, Cheng Y, Zhang JB*, Müller C, Cai ZC, Soil gross nitrogen transformations along a secondary succession transect in the north subtropical forest ecosystem of southwest China. Geoderma, 280, 88-95, 2016.
[30] Wang J, Cheng Y, Zhang JB*, Jiang YJ, Sun B, Fan JB, Zhang JB, Müller C, Cai ZC, Effects of 14 years of repeated pig manure application on gross nitrogen transformation in an upland red soil in China. Plant and Soil, 415, 161–173, 2017.
[31] Ma L, Cheng Y, Wang JY, Yan XY*, Mechanical insights into the effect of fluctuation in soil moisture on nitrous oxide emissions from paddy soil. Paddy Water Environ 15, 359–369, 2017.
[32] Cai YJ, Chang SX*, Cheng Y, Greenhouse gas emissions from excreta patches of grazing animals and their mitigation strategies. Earth-Science Reviews 171, 44-57, 2017.
[33] Wang JY, Chadwick DR, Cheng Y, Yan XY*. Global analysis of agricultural soil denitrification in response to fertilizer nitrogen. Science of the Total Environment 616–617 (2018) 908–917.
[34] Dai SY, Wang J, Cheng Y, Zhang JB*, Cai ZC*. 2017. Effects of long-term fertilization on soil gross N transformation rates and their implications. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16(12): 2863–2870
[35] Zhang JB, Cai ZC*, Cheng Y, Zhu TB. Denitrification and total nitrogen gas production from forest soils of Eastern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 2551-2557, 10, 2009.
[36] Zhang JB, Cai ZC*, Cheng Y, Zhu TB, Immobilization of Nitrate in anaerobic Forest Soils along a North South Transect in East China. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 74, 1193-1200, 6, 2010.
[37] Cai ZC, Zhang JB, Zhu TB, Cheng Y, Stimulation of NO and N2O emissions from soils by SO2 deposition. Global Change Biology, 18, 2280-2291, 2, 2012.
[38] Zhang JB, Müller C, Zhu TB, Cheng Y, Cai ZC*. Heterotrophic nitrification is the predominant NO3 production mechanism in coniferous but not broad-leaf acid forest soil in subtropical China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 47, 533-542, 2011.
[39] 顧江新,郭艷傑,張麗娟,王敬,王慎強,胡榮桂,張金波,蔡祖聰,程誼*. 2020. 果樹種植土壤N2O排放研究:認識與挑戰. 農業環境科學學報(約稿綜述),第4期待刊.
[40] 程誼,張金波*, 蔡祖聰*. 氣候-土壤-作物之間氮形態契合在氮肥管理中的關鍵作用. 土壤學報(新視角與前沿), 2019,54 (3), 507-515.
[41] 程誼,黃蓉,余雲飛,王慎強*.應重視硝態氮同化過程在降低土壤硝酸鹽濃度中的作用. 土壤學報(新視角與前沿), 2017,54 (6), 1326-1331.
[42] 程誼,賈雲生,汪玉,趙旭,楊林章,王慎強*.太湖竺山灣小流域果園養分投入特徵及其土壤肥力狀況分析,農業環境科學學報,2014, 33(10),1940-1947.
[43] 程誼,蔡祖聰*,張金波,N同位素稀釋法測定土壤氮素總轉化速率研究進展, 土壤, 2009, 41(2), 165-171.
[44] 程誼,張金波,蔡祖聰*,土壤中無機氮的微生物同化和非生物固定作用研究進展, 土壤學報, 2012, 49 (5), 1030-1036.
[45] 崔靜雅, 顏明娟, 吳曉榮, 王慎強, 倪康, 蔡祖聰, 張金波*, 程誼*,林地改為茶園對土壤淨硝化速率及N2O排放的影響,土壤,2017, 49(4),738–744.
[46] 吳曉榮,張蓓蓓*, 余雲飛,黃蓉,顏明娟,倪康,崔靜雅,王慎強,程誼*,硝化抑制劑對典型茶園土壤尿素硝化過程的影響。農業環境科學學報,2017,36(10),2063-2070.
[47] 張金波,程誼,蔡祖聰*. 土壤調配氮素遷移轉化的機理. 地球科學進展,2019,34(1):11-19.
[48] 王敬,程誼,蔡祖聰,張金波*,長期施肥對農田土壤氮素關鍵轉化過程的影響,土壤學報, 2016, 53 (2), 16-28.
[49] 黨琦,於涌傑,程誼,張金波*,過硫酸鉀氧化法測定溶解性有機氮含量和N 豐度方法研究,土壤, 2013, 45(6), 999-1002.