- 中文名:程海榮
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 畢業院校:中科院微生物研究所
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:研究員
- 2021.1-今 上海交通大學生命科學技術學院,研究員,博士生導滲訂精師
- 2013.1-2020.12 上海交通大學生命科學技術學院,副研究紋求腿笑員,2017年任博士生導師
- 2010.3-2012.12 上海交通大學生命科學技術學院,助理研究員
- 2008.1-2010.3 上海交通大學生命科學技術學院,博士後
- 2003.9-2006.8 中科院微生物研究所,博士生
- 2000.9-2003.8 廣西大學生命科學技術學院,碩士生
- 1994.9-1998.7 華中農業大學園林學院(園藝系),本科生
- 2016/2017/2018/2019年多次去波士頓、聖迭戈等地參加國際學術會議並做大會報告,介紹在功能糖醇領域的年度研究進展。
2、程海榮,呂霽烊,王犇,李德春,鄧子新。合成赤蘚糖醇的Yarrowia lipolytica酵母菌株及其用於生產赤蘚糖醇的方法。ZL201310382059. 授權
4. 程海榮;張樂彬;安瑾;李莉娟;王犇;李雲楓。合成低聚果糖的專用菌株及其用於合成低聚果糖的方法。申請號201510599954.3。 實審,申請公布日:2016.1.6
5. 程海榮;安瑾;張樂彬;李莉娟;王犇;李雲楓。合成低聚半乳糖的專用菌株及用於合成低聚半乳糖的方法。ZL201510600511.1. 授權公告日:2019.1.11
9. 程海榮,李莉娟,安瑾,張樂彬,王犇,李雲楓。合成海藻糖的專用菌株及其用於合成海藻糖的方法。專利號:ZL2015105999257。授權公告日:2018.10.23,授權公告號:CN 105219663 B
1. Functional cloning and expression of an NAD-dependent D-Arabitol dehydrogenase gene from Gluconobacteroxydans in Escherichia coli.Cheng HR, Jiang N, Shen A and Feng YJ.FEMS Microbiol Lett,2005,252 (1),35-42.(第一作者)
2. Extremely Rapid Extraction of DNA from Bacteria and Yeasts.Cheng HRand Jiang N.2006.Biotechnol Lett,2006,28(1),35-39.(第一作者) 截止2020.12.1,被中外科學論文引用500餘次。
3. Cloning, sequencing and characterization of the alpha-aminoadipate reductase gene (LYS2) from Saccharomycopsisfibuligera. Yan H, He P,Cheng HR, Shen A, Jiang N.Yeast,2007, 24(3):189-199.
4. Cloning, Purification and Characterization of an NAD-Dependent D-Arabitol Dehydrogenase from Acetic Acid Bacterium, Acetobactersuboxydans.Cheng HR, Li ZL, Jiang N, Deng ZX.Protein J,2009,28(6):263-272.(第一兼通訊作者)。
5. An improved 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay for evaluating the viability of Escherichia coli cells. Wang HW,Cheng HR, Wang FQ, Wei DZ, Wang X.J Microbiol Methods,2010,82:330-333.
6. Microbiological production of L-arabitol from xylitol mother liquor. Jiang MG, Wang B, Yang L, Lin SJ,Cheng HR.J MicrobiolBiotechnol,2011, 21(1):43-49. (通訊作者)
7. Comparison of methods for measuring viableE.colicells during cultivation: Great differences in the early and late exponential growth phages. Wang HW,Cheng HR, Wei DZ, Wang FQ.J Microbiol Methods,2011,84(1):140-143.
8. 用重組酶介導擴增技術快速擴增核酸。呂蓓, 程海榮, 嚴慶豐, 黃震巨, 沈桂芳, 張志芳, 李軼女, 鄧子新,林敏, 程奇。中國科學C輯,2010,40(10):983-988。
9. Xylitol production from xylose mother liquor: a novel strategy that combines the use of recombinant Bacillus subtilis andCandida maltosa.Cheng HR, Wang B, Lv JY, Jiang MG, Lin SJ, Deng ZX.Microb Cell Fact,2011,10:5. (第一作者)
10. From shake flasks to bioreactors: survival ofE. colicells harboring pGST–hPTH through auto-induction by controlling initial content of yeast extract. Jia LH, Cheng HR, Wang HW, Luo H, Yan H.ApplMicrobiolBiotechnol,2011,90(4):1419-1428.
11.ANovelMethodtoPrepareL-ArabinosefromXyloseMotherLiquorbyYeast-mediatedBiopurification.Cheng HR, Wang HW, Lv JY, Jiang MG, Lin SJ, Deng ZX.Microb Cell Fact,2011,10:43. (第一作者)
12. Ammonia-containing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO): An improved solvent for the dissolution of formazan crystals in the MTT assay. Wang HW, Wang FQ, Tao X,Cheng HR.Analytical Biochem,2012,421(1):324-326.(通訊作者)
13. Characterization of streptonigrin biosynthesis reveals a cryptic carboxyl methylation and an unusual oxidative cleavage of a N-C bond. Xu F, Kong DK, He XY, Zhang Z, Han M, Xie XQ, Wang P,Cheng HR, Tao MF, Zhang L, Deng ZX, Lin SJ.J Am ChemSoc,2013, 135(5):1739-48.
14. Functional role of β domain in theThermoanaerobactertengcongensisglucoamylase. Li ZL, Wei PY, Cheng HR, He P, Wang QH, Jiang N.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s00253-013-5051-2.
15. Genetically EngineeredPichia pastorisYeast for Conversion of Glucose to Xylitol by a Single-fermentation Process.Cheng HR,Lv JY, Wang HW, Wang B, Li ZL, Deng ZX.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2014, 98:3539-3552.(通訊作者)
16. Improving the Expression of Recombinant Proteins inEscherichia coliBL21(DE3) Under Acetate Stress: An Alkaline pH Shift Approach. Hengwei Wang, Fengqing Wang, Wei Wang, Xueling Yao, Dongzhi Wei,Hairong Cheng, Zixin Deng.PloS ONE,2014,9(11):e112777.(通訊作者)
17. Zhang L, An J, Li L, Wang H, Liu D, Li N,Cheng HR, Deng Z. Highly Efficient Fructooligosaccharides Production by an Erythritol-Producing Yeast Yarrowialipolytica Displaying Fructosyltransferase.J Agric Food Chem.2016,18,64(19):3828-37. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b00115.(通訊作者)
18. An J, Zhang L, Li L, Liu D, Cheng H, Wang H, Nawaz MZ,Cheng HR, Deng Z. An Alternative Approach to Synthesizing Galactooligosaccharides by Cell-Surface Display of β-Galactosidase onYarrowialipolytica.J Agric Food Chem.2016,18,64(19):3819-27. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b06138.(通訊作者)
19. Wang H, Li L, Zhang L, An J,Cheng HR, Deng Z. Xylitol production from waste xylose mother liquor containing miscellaneous sugars and inhibitors: one-pot biotransformation byCandida tropicalisand recombinantBacillus subtilis.Microb Cell Fact.2016,16,15(1):82. doi: 10.1186/s12934-016-0480-0.(通訊作者)
20. Ning Li, Hengwei Wang, Huilin Cheng, Dawen Liu,Hairong Cheng, Zixin Deng. An Integrated Approach to Producing High-purity Trehalose from Maltose by the YeastYarrowialipolyticaDisplaying Trehalose Synthase (TreS) on the Cell Surface.J. Agric. Food Chem.,2016,64(31), pp 6179–6187(通訊作者)
21. Li Lijuan,Wang Hengwei,Cheng Hairong,Deng Zixin. Isomaltulose production by yeast surface display of sucrose isomerase from Pantoeadispersa on Yarrowialipolytica.Journal of Functional Foods,2017, 32:208~217.(通訊作者)
22. Siqi Wang, Hengwei Wang, JiyangLv, Zixin Deng,Hairong Cheng. Highly Efficient Erythritol Recovery from Waste Erythritol Mother Liquid by Yeast-mediated Biopurification.J. Agric. Food Chem.,2017,65:11020-11028, Nov.doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04112.(通訊作者)。
23. Khan AZ, Shahid A, Cheng H, Mahboob S, Al-Ghanim KA, Bilal M, Nawaz MZ.Omics technologies for microalgae-based fuels and chemicals; challenges and opportunities.Protein Pept Lett. 2018;25(2):99-107. doi: 10.2174/0929866525666180122100722.
24. Bilal M, Nawaz MZ, Iqbal HMN, Hou J, Mahboob S, Al-Ghanim KA, Hairong C. Engineering ligninolytic consortium for bioconversion of lignocelluloses to ethanol and chemicals.Protein Pept Lett. 2018;25(2):108-119.doi: 10.2174/0929866525666180122105835.(共通訊作者)
25. Huiling Cheng, Siqi Wang, Muhammad Bilal, Xuemei Ge, Can Zhang, Patrick Fickers andHairong Cheng. Identification, characterization of two NADPH-dependent erythrose reductases in the yeast Yarrowialipolytica and improvement of erythritol productivity using metabolic engineering.Microbial Cell Factories, 2018,17:133.(通訊作者)
26. 劉大文、程海榮、鄧子新。2018. 解脂耶氏酵母表面展示β-澱粉酶與α-葡萄糖轉苷酶及一步法由澱粉合成低聚異麥芽糖。生物工程學報,2018.(通訊作者)
27、王藝穎、程海榮*。2018. 解脂耶氏酵母細胞表面展示乳糖水解酶高效水解乳糖。中國生物工程雜誌,2018.(通訊作者)
28、Muhammad Bilal, Muhammad Asgher, Hairong Cheng*, Yunjun Yan, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal*. Multi-Point Enzyme Immobilization, Surface Chemistry, and Novel Platforms: A Paradigm Shift in Biocatalyst Design. Critical Review in Biotechnology, 2019, 39(2), 202–219. 共通訊作者。
29、Ping Chi, Siqi Wang, Xuemei Ge, Muhammad Bilal, Patrick Fickers, Hairong Cheng*. Efficient D-threitol production by an engineered strain of Yarrowia lipolytica overexpressing xylitol dehydrogenase gene from Scheffersomyces stipitis. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 149 ,107259. 通訊作者。
30、Yirong Xu,Ping Chi,Muhammad Bilal,Hairong Cheng*. Biosynthetic strategies to produce xylitol: an economical venture. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2019, 103, pp 5143–5160.通訊作者。
31、Muhammad Bilal, Shuo Xu, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal,Hairong Cheng. Yarrowia lipolytica as an emerging biotechnologicalchassis for functional sugars biosynthesis. CriticalReviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI:10.1080/10408398.2020.1739000. 共通訊作者。
32、Yirong Xu, Ping Chi, Jiyang Lv, Muhammad Bilal, HairongCheng. L-Xylo-3-hexulose, a new rare sugar produced by the actionof acetic acid bacteria on D-galactitol, an exception to Bertrand Hudson's rule. BBA-General Subjects, Published online:Sep26, 2020. Volume 1865, Issue 1, January 2021, 129740. 通訊作者。
33、Muhammad Zohaib Nawaz, Muhammad Bilal, Arslan Tariq,Hafiz M. N.Iqbal, Huda Ahmed Alghamdi & Hairong Cheng. Bio-purificationof sugar industry wastewater and production of high-value industrial productswith a zero-waste concept. Critical Reviewsin Food Science and Nutrition, DOI:10.1080/10408398.2020.1802696, Published online: 21Aug 2020. 共通訊作者。
34、Wang Nan, Ping Chi, Yawen Zou, Yirong Xu, Shuo Xu, M.Bilal, Patrick Fickers, Hairong Cheng. Metabolic engineering ofYarrowia lipolytica for thermoresistance and enhanced erythritol productivity. Biotechnologyfor Biofuel, 2020, 13:176. 通訊作者。
35、Hira Munir, Asima Mumtaz, Robina Rashid, JawayriaNajeeb,Muhammad Talha Zubair, Sahar Munir, Muhammad Bilal, Hairong Cheng*.Eucalyptus camaldulensis gum as a greenmatrix to fabrication of zinc and silver nanoparticles:Characterization andnovel prospects as antimicrobial and dye-degrading agents. Journalof Materials Research and Technology, 2020,9(6):15513-15524. 共通訊作者。
9. 程海榮,李莉娟,安瑾,張樂彬,王犇,李雲楓。合成海藻糖的專用菌株及其用於合成海藻糖的方法。專利號:ZL2015105999257。授權公告日:2018.10.23,授權公告號:CN 105219663 B
1. Functional cloning and expression of an NAD-dependent D-Arabitol dehydrogenase gene from Gluconobacteroxydans in Escherichia coli.Cheng HR, Jiang N, Shen A and Feng YJ.FEMS Microbiol Lett,2005,252 (1),35-42.(第一作者)
2. Extremely Rapid Extraction of DNA from Bacteria and Yeasts.Cheng HRand Jiang N.2006.Biotechnol Lett,2006,28(1),35-39.(第一作者) 截止2020.12.1,被中外科學論文引用500餘次。
3. Cloning, sequencing and characterization of the alpha-aminoadipate reductase gene (LYS2) from Saccharomycopsisfibuligera. Yan H, He P,Cheng HR, Shen A, Jiang N.Yeast,2007, 24(3):189-199.
4. Cloning, Purification and Characterization of an NAD-Dependent D-Arabitol Dehydrogenase from Acetic Acid Bacterium, Acetobactersuboxydans.Cheng HR, Li ZL, Jiang N, Deng ZX.Protein J,2009,28(6):263-272.(第一兼通訊作者)。
5. An improved 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay for evaluating the viability of Escherichia coli cells. Wang HW,Cheng HR, Wang FQ, Wei DZ, Wang X.J Microbiol Methods,2010,82:330-333.
6. Microbiological production of L-arabitol from xylitol mother liquor. Jiang MG, Wang B, Yang L, Lin SJ,Cheng HR.J MicrobiolBiotechnol,2011, 21(1):43-49. (通訊作者)
7. Comparison of methods for measuring viableE.colicells during cultivation: Great differences in the early and late exponential growth phages. Wang HW,Cheng HR, Wei DZ, Wang FQ.J Microbiol Methods,2011,84(1):140-143.
8. 用重組酶介導擴增技術快速擴增核酸。呂蓓, 程海榮, 嚴慶豐, 黃震巨, 沈桂芳, 張志芳, 李軼女, 鄧子新,林敏, 程奇。中國科學C輯,2010,40(10):983-988。
9. Xylitol production from xylose mother liquor: a novel strategy that combines the use of recombinant Bacillus subtilis andCandida maltosa.Cheng HR, Wang B, Lv JY, Jiang MG, Lin SJ, Deng ZX.Microb Cell Fact,2011,10:5. (第一作者)
10. From shake flasks to bioreactors: survival ofE. colicells harboring pGST–hPTH through auto-induction by controlling initial content of yeast extract. Jia LH, Cheng HR, Wang HW, Luo H, Yan H.ApplMicrobiolBiotechnol,2011,90(4):1419-1428.
11.ANovelMethodtoPrepareL-ArabinosefromXyloseMotherLiquorbyYeast-mediatedBiopurification.Cheng HR, Wang HW, Lv JY, Jiang MG, Lin SJ, Deng ZX.Microb Cell Fact,2011,10:43. (第一作者)
12. Ammonia-containing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO): An improved solvent for the dissolution of formazan crystals in the MTT assay. Wang HW, Wang FQ, Tao X,Cheng HR.Analytical Biochem,2012,421(1):324-326.(通訊作者)
13. Characterization of streptonigrin biosynthesis reveals a cryptic carboxyl methylation and an unusual oxidative cleavage of a N-C bond. Xu F, Kong DK, He XY, Zhang Z, Han M, Xie XQ, Wang P,Cheng HR, Tao MF, Zhang L, Deng ZX, Lin SJ.J Am ChemSoc,2013, 135(5):1739-48.
14. Functional role of β domain in theThermoanaerobactertengcongensisglucoamylase. Li ZL, Wei PY, Cheng HR, He P, Wang QH, Jiang N.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s00253-013-5051-2.
15. Genetically EngineeredPichia pastorisYeast for Conversion of Glucose to Xylitol by a Single-fermentation Process.Cheng HR,Lv JY, Wang HW, Wang B, Li ZL, Deng ZX.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2014, 98:3539-3552.(通訊作者)
16. Improving the Expression of Recombinant Proteins inEscherichia coliBL21(DE3) Under Acetate Stress: An Alkaline pH Shift Approach. Hengwei Wang, Fengqing Wang, Wei Wang, Xueling Yao, Dongzhi Wei,Hairong Cheng, Zixin Deng.PloS ONE,2014,9(11):e112777.(通訊作者)
17. Zhang L, An J, Li L, Wang H, Liu D, Li N,Cheng HR, Deng Z. Highly Efficient Fructooligosaccharides Production by an Erythritol-Producing Yeast Yarrowialipolytica Displaying Fructosyltransferase.J Agric Food Chem.2016,18,64(19):3828-37. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b00115.(通訊作者)
18. An J, Zhang L, Li L, Liu D, Cheng H, Wang H, Nawaz MZ,Cheng HR, Deng Z. An Alternative Approach to Synthesizing Galactooligosaccharides by Cell-Surface Display of β-Galactosidase onYarrowialipolytica.J Agric Food Chem.2016,18,64(19):3819-27. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b06138.(通訊作者)
19. Wang H, Li L, Zhang L, An J,Cheng HR, Deng Z. Xylitol production from waste xylose mother liquor containing miscellaneous sugars and inhibitors: one-pot biotransformation byCandida tropicalisand recombinantBacillus subtilis.Microb Cell Fact.2016,16,15(1):82. doi: 10.1186/s12934-016-0480-0.(通訊作者)
20. Ning Li, Hengwei Wang, Huilin Cheng, Dawen Liu,Hairong Cheng, Zixin Deng. An Integrated Approach to Producing High-purity Trehalose from Maltose by the YeastYarrowialipolyticaDisplaying Trehalose Synthase (TreS) on the Cell Surface.J. Agric. Food Chem.,2016,64(31), pp 6179–6187(通訊作者)
21. Li Lijuan,Wang Hengwei,Cheng Hairong,Deng Zixin. Isomaltulose production by yeast surface display of sucrose isomerase from Pantoeadispersa on Yarrowialipolytica.Journal of Functional Foods,2017, 32:208~217.(通訊作者)
22. Siqi Wang, Hengwei Wang, JiyangLv, Zixin Deng,Hairong Cheng. Highly Efficient Erythritol Recovery from Waste Erythritol Mother Liquid by Yeast-mediated Biopurification.J. Agric. Food Chem.,2017,65:11020-11028, Nov.doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04112.(通訊作者)。
23. Khan AZ, Shahid A, Cheng H, Mahboob S, Al-Ghanim KA, Bilal M, Nawaz MZ.Omics technologies for microalgae-based fuels and chemicals; challenges and opportunities.Protein Pept Lett. 2018;25(2):99-107. doi: 10.2174/0929866525666180122100722.
24. Bilal M, Nawaz MZ, Iqbal HMN, Hou J, Mahboob S, Al-Ghanim KA, Hairong C. Engineering ligninolytic consortium for bioconversion of lignocelluloses to ethanol and chemicals.Protein Pept Lett. 2018;25(2):108-119.doi: 10.2174/0929866525666180122105835.(共通訊作者)
25. Huiling Cheng, Siqi Wang, Muhammad Bilal, Xuemei Ge, Can Zhang, Patrick Fickers andHairong Cheng. Identification, characterization of two NADPH-dependent erythrose reductases in the yeast Yarrowialipolytica and improvement of erythritol productivity using metabolic engineering.Microbial Cell Factories, 2018,17:133.(通訊作者)
26. 劉大文、程海榮、鄧子新。2018. 解脂耶氏酵母表面展示β-澱粉酶與α-葡萄糖轉苷酶及一步法由澱粉合成低聚異麥芽糖。生物工程學報,2018.(通訊作者)
27、王藝穎、程海榮*。2018. 解脂耶氏酵母細胞表面展示乳糖水解酶高效水解乳糖。中國生物工程雜誌,2018.(通訊作者)
28、Muhammad Bilal, Muhammad Asgher, Hairong Cheng*, Yunjun Yan, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal*. Multi-Point Enzyme Immobilization, Surface Chemistry, and Novel Platforms: A Paradigm Shift in Biocatalyst Design. Critical Review in Biotechnology, 2019, 39(2), 202–219. 共通訊作者。
29、Ping Chi, Siqi Wang, Xuemei Ge, Muhammad Bilal, Patrick Fickers, Hairong Cheng*. Efficient D-threitol production by an engineered strain of Yarrowia lipolytica overexpressing xylitol dehydrogenase gene from Scheffersomyces stipitis. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 149 ,107259. 通訊作者。
30、Yirong Xu,Ping Chi,Muhammad Bilal,Hairong Cheng*. Biosynthetic strategies to produce xylitol: an economical venture. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2019, 103, pp 5143–5160.通訊作者。
31、Muhammad Bilal, Shuo Xu, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal,Hairong Cheng. Yarrowia lipolytica as an emerging biotechnologicalchassis for functional sugars biosynthesis. CriticalReviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI:10.1080/10408398.2020.1739000. 共通訊作者。
32、Yirong Xu, Ping Chi, Jiyang Lv, Muhammad Bilal, HairongCheng. L-Xylo-3-hexulose, a new rare sugar produced by the actionof acetic acid bacteria on D-galactitol, an exception to Bertrand Hudson's rule. BBA-General Subjects, Published online:Sep26, 2020. Volume 1865, Issue 1, January 2021, 129740. 通訊作者。
33、Muhammad Zohaib Nawaz, Muhammad Bilal, Arslan Tariq,Hafiz M. N.Iqbal, Huda Ahmed Alghamdi & Hairong Cheng. Bio-purificationof sugar industry wastewater and production of high-value industrial productswith a zero-waste concept. Critical Reviewsin Food Science and Nutrition, DOI:10.1080/10408398.2020.1802696, Published online: 21Aug 2020. 共通訊作者。
34、Wang Nan, Ping Chi, Yawen Zou, Yirong Xu, Shuo Xu, M.Bilal, Patrick Fickers, Hairong Cheng. Metabolic engineering ofYarrowia lipolytica for thermoresistance and enhanced erythritol productivity. Biotechnologyfor Biofuel, 2020, 13:176. 通訊作者。
35、Hira Munir, Asima Mumtaz, Robina Rashid, JawayriaNajeeb,Muhammad Talha Zubair, Sahar Munir, Muhammad Bilal, Hairong Cheng*.Eucalyptus camaldulensis gum as a greenmatrix to fabrication of zinc and silver nanoparticles:Characterization andnovel prospects as antimicrobial and dye-degrading agents. Journalof Materials Research and Technology, 2020,9(6):15513-15524. 共通訊作者。