- 中文名:程亮
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:武漢大學
- 學位/學歷:工學博士學位
- 專業方向:雷射雷達與攝影測量數據集成處理及套用
- 職務:南京大學地理信息科學系副主任
- 職稱:教授
- 發表論文數目:12篇(截至2019年7月)

- CHENG Liang, WANG Yafei, ZHONG Lishan, DU Peijun, LI Manchun. 2015. Technical Framework of Feature Extraction Based on Pixel-level SAR Image Time Series. IEEE JSTARS. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2391112.
- CHENG Liang, LI Shuang, MA Lei, LI Manchun, MA Xiaoxue. 2015. Fire spread simulation using GIS: aiming at urban natural gas pipeline. Safety Science, 75:23-35.
- CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, WU Yang, CHEN Yanming, LI Manchun. 2015. Shiftable Leading Point Method for High Accuracy Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar Data. Remote Sensing. 7(2):1915-1936.
- CHENG Liang, MA Lei,CAI Wenting,TONG Lihua, LI Manchun, DU Peijun, 2015.Integration of hyperspectral imagery and sparse sonar data for shallow water bathymetry mapping, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 53(6):3235-3249.
- CHENG Liang, ZHANG Wen, ZHONG Lishan, DU Peijun, LI Manchun, 2015.Framework for Evaluating Visual and Geometric Quality of Three-dimensional Models, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.
- CHENG Liang, WU Yang, WANG Yu, ZHONG Lishan, CHEN Yanming, LI Manchun*, 2015. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Large Multilayer Interchange Bridge Using Airborne LiDAR Data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(2): 691-707.
- JIANG Penghui, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, ZHAO Ruifeng, DUAN Yuewei, 2015. Impacts of LUCC on soil properties in the riparian zones of desert oasis with remote sensing data: a case study of the middle Heihe River basin, China, Science of the Total Environment. 506:259-271.
- MA Lei, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, MA Xiaoxue. 2015. Training Set Size, Scale, and Features in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis of Very High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 102:14-27.
- CHENG Liang*, WANG Yafei, LI Manchun, ZHONG Lishan, WANG Jiechen, 2014. Generation of Pixel-Level SAR Image Time Series Using a Locally Adaptive Matching Technique. Photogramemtric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 80(9): 839-848.
- CHENG Liang*, TONG Lihua, WANG Yu, LI Manchun*, 2014. Extraction of Urban Power Lines from Vehicle-borne LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing, 6(4):3302-3320.
- CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun, WANG Jiecheng, 2014. Automatic Registration of Coastal Remotely Sensed Imagery by Affine Invariant Feature Matching with Shoreline Constraint. Marine Geodesy, 37(1):32-46.
- CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, 2014. Extracting Parking Lot Structures from Aerial Photographs. Photogramemtric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 80(2): 151-160.
- CHENG Liang, ZHANG Wen, WANG Jiecheng, LI Manchun*, ZHONG Lishan, 2014. Small Core, Big Network: A Comprehensive Approach to GIS Teaching Practice Based on Digital Three-dimensional Campus Reconstruction. Journal of Geography in Highly Education, 38(1):119-135.
- JIANG Penghui, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, ZHAO Ruifeng, HUANG Qiuhao, 2014. Analysis of landscape fragmentation processes and driving forces in wetlands in arid areas: A case study of the middle reaches of the Heihe River, China. Ecological Indicators, 46:240-252.
- CHEN Yanming , CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun, WANG Jiechen, TONG Lihua, YANG Kang, 2014. Multiscale Grid Method for Detection and Reconstruction of Building Roofs from Airborne LiDAR Data.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(10): 4081-4094.
- MA Lei, CHENG Liang*, HAN Wenquan, ZHONG Lishan, LI Manchun*, 2014. Cultivated land information extraction from high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle imagery data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8(1), 083673.
- CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, LI Manchun Li, LIU Yongxue, 2013. Semi-automatic Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Using Building Corner Matching with Reliablity Check. Remote Sensing. 5(12), 6260-6283.
- CHENG Liang*, MA Lei, YANG Kang, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*, 2013. Registration of Mars remote sensing images under the crater constraint, Planetary and Space Science, 85:13-23.
- CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, CHEN Yanming, ZHANG Wen, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*.2013. Integration of LiDAR Data and Optical Multi-view Images for 3D Reconstruction of Building Roofs. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(4): 493-502.
- CHENG Liang, ZHAO Wei, ZHANG Wen, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*, 2013. Building region derivation from LiDAR data using a reversed iterative mathematic morphological algorithm. Optics Communications, 286: 244-250.
- CHENG Liang, YANG Kang, TONG Lihua, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*, 2013. Invariant triangle - based stationary oil platform detection from multi-temporal SAR data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7(1), 073537.
- CHENG Liang, TONG Lihua, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun*, 2013. Fusion of laser scanning data and optical high-resolution imagery for accurate building boundary derivation. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7(1), 073570. doi:10.1117/1.JRS.7.073570.
- TONG Lihua, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, WANG Jiechen, DU Peijun, 2013. Integration of LiDAR data and orthophoto for automatic extraction of parking lot structure. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(2): 503-514.
- WANG Yafei, CHEN Zhenjie, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, WANG Jiechen, 2013. Parallel scanline algorithm for rapid rasterization of vector geographic data. Computers & Geosciences, 59: 31-40.
- MA Lei, CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun*, 2013. Quantitative risk analysis of urban natural gas pipeline networks using geographical information systems. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26(6):1183-1192.
- CHENG Liang*, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, CAI Wenting, CHEN Yanming, YANG Kang, 2012. Remote Sensing Image Matching by Integrating Affine Invariant Feature Extraction and RANSAC. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 38(4): 1023-1032.
- CHENG Liang, GONG Jianya, LI Manchun, LIU Yongxue, 2011. 3D Building Model Reconstruction from Multi-view Aerial Imagery and Lidar Data. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 77(2): 125-139.
- LI Manchun, CHENG Liang*, GONG Jianya, LIU Yongxue, ChEN Zhenjie, ChEN Gang, ChEN Dong, SONG Xiaogang, 2008. Post-earthquake Assessment of Building Damage Degree Using LiDAR Data and Imagery. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 12(S2): 133-143.
- CHENG Liang*, GONG Jianya, YANG Xiaoxia, FAN Chong, 2008. Robust Affine Invariant Feature Extraction for Image Matching. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 5(2): 246-251.
- 2014年,獲得國家科技進步獎二等獎;
- 2014年,獲得國家教學成果獎二等獎;
- 2014年,獲得南京大學青年五四獎章;
- 2013年,獲得教育部科技進步獎一等獎;
- 2013年,全國大學生“挑戰杯”決賽交叉創新一等獎 指導教師;
- 2012年,獲得全國高校GIS新銳獎。