

秦樹平,博士,博士生導師,教授。從事土壤反硝化方法學及反硝化脫氮機理研究。在國內外學術刊物共發表論文30篇, 第一或通訊作者SCI論文18篇,其中Environmental Science & Technology 1篇, Soil Biology & Biochemistry 7篇,Water Research 1篇,有關土壤反硝化方法學的核心技術獲發明專利兩項。主持國家基金面上項目兩項,青年項目一項。先後獲河北省與福建省傑出青年科學基金,獲中國土壤學會優秀青年學者獎、河北省科技進步獎與中科院院長獎,入選福建省引進高層次人才、中科院青年創新促進會會員與福建省土壤肥料學會理事。
1.Qin, S., Hu, C., Clough, T.J., Luo, J., Oenema, O., Zhou, S., Electrodes donate electrons for nitrate reduction in a soil matrix via DNRA and denitrification. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 2002-2012(環境科學一區top期刊).
2.Yuan, H, Zhang, Z., Qin, S.,* Zhou, S., Hu, C., Clough, T., Nicole Wrage-Mönnig, Shungui Zhou, Biochar’ s role as an electron shuttle for mediating soil N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 133, 94-96. (土壤學一區top期刊).
3.Qin, S., Clough, T., Luo, J., Wrage-Mönnig, N., Oenema, O., Zhang, Y., Hu, C., 2017. Perturbation-free measurement of in situ di-nitrogen emissions from denitrification in nitrate-rich aquatic ecosystems. Water Research109, 94-101(環境科學一區top期刊)
4.Qin, S.,Hu, C., Clough, T.J., Luo, J., Oenema, O., Zhou, S., 2017. Irrigation of DOC-rich liquid promotes potential denitrification rate and decreases N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio in a 0–2 m soil profile. Soil Biology and Biochemistry106, 1-8(土壤學一區top期刊).
5.Qin, S., Yuan, H., Dong, W., Hu, C., Oenema, O., Zhang, Y., 2013. Relationship between soil properties and the bias of N2O reduction by acetylene inhibition technique for analyzing soil denitrification potential.Soil Biology and Biochemistry66, 182-187(土壤學一區top期刊).
6.Qin, S., Yuan, H., Hu, C., Oenema, O., Zhang, Y., Li, X., 2014. Determination of potential N2O-reductase activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry70, 205-210(土壤學一區top期刊).
7.Qin, S., Hu, C., Oenema, O., 2012a. Quantifying the underestimation of soil denitrification potential as determined by the acetylene inhibition method.Soil Biology and Biochemistry47, 14-17(土壤學一區top期刊).
8.Qin,S., Pang, Y., Clough, T., Wrage-Mönnig, N., Hu,C., Zhang,Y., Zhou, S., Fang, Y., 2017. N2production via aerobic pathways can play a significant role in nitrogen cycling in upland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry108, 36-40 (土壤學一區top期刊).
9.Qin, S., Zhang, Z., Yu, L., Yuan, H., Clough, T., Wrage-Mönnig, N., Luo, J., Zhou, S., 2017. Enhancement of subsoil. Enhancement of subsoil denitrification using an electrode as an electron donor. Soil Biology and Biochemistry115, 511-515 (土壤學一區top期刊)
10.Haijing Yuan, Zhijun Zhang, Shuping Qin*, Shungui Zhou, Chunsheng Hu, Tim Clough, Nicole Wrage-Mönnig, Jiafa Luo, Ralf Conrad, 2019. Effects of nitrate and water content on acetylene inhibition technique bias when analysing soil denitrification rates under an aerobic atmosphere. Geoderma 334,33-36 (農林科學一區top期刊).
11.Qin, S., Ding, K., Clough, T., Hu, C., Temporal in situ dynamics of N2O reductase activity as affected by nitrogen fertilization and implications for the N2O/(N2O + N2) product ratio and N2O mitigation. Biology and Fertility of Soils 53, 723~727(農林科學一區top期刊)


