姓名: 秦大軍 性別: 男
職稱: 副研究員 學歷: 博士
2004年10月前往該所澳大利亞CSIRO Land and Water培訓,用C-14方法確定地下水年齡。
2003年2-8月前往澳大利亞CSIRO Land and Water研究所合作研究,重點套用CFC技術,Rn-222,C-14和硝酸鹽中氮和氧同位素開展水文學研究。
近五年來承擔和參與了三項國際合作項目, 承擔國家自然科學基金面上項目二項, 參加國家973項目三項, 橫向項目二項。首次將地下水CFCs測年技術和設備引入我國,建立了地下水CFC,3H和14C測年實驗室,成功開發出水中硝酸鹽氮和氧同位素和水中Rn-222等測試方法。
擁有土工試驗測試技術和相關設備。擁有高精度GPS RTK測試系統,進行現場精確定位,布點和測圖。
Dajun Qin, Zhanfeng Zhao, Liangfeng Han, Yunping Qian, Lu Ou, Zhongqiang Wu, Mingchuan Wang, 2012. Determination of groundwater recharge regime and flowpath in the Lower Heihe River basin in an arid area of Northwest China by using environmental tracers: implications for vegetation degradation in the Ejina Oasis. Appl. Geochem. DOI information
Dajun Qin, Yunping Qian, Liangfeng Han, Zhimin Wang, Chen Li, Zhanfeng Zhao, 2011. Assessing impact of irrigation water on groundwater recharge and quality in arid environment using CFCs, tritium and stable isotopes, in the Zhangye Basin, Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology
Dajun Qin. 2007. Decline in the concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113) in an urban area of Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment
Dajun Qin, Jeffrey V. Turner and Zhonghe Pang, 2005. Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater circulation in the Xi’an geothermal field, China. Geothermics
秦大軍, 龐忠和,Jeffrey V. Turner,翁修榮,趙耀東,徐小麗,劉濤, 西安地區地熱水和渭北岩溶水同位素特徵及相互關係.岩石學報
秦大軍.地下水CFC 定年方法及套用.地下水
Qin Dajun and Tao Shuhua, 2001, Isotope constraints on the hydraulic relationship on groundwaters in Xi’an area, Shaanxi Province, Science in China, suppl
Qin Dajun, 2001, 3H/3He and CFCs in groundwaters—application in tracing and dating young groundwaters, Science in China, suppl
Qin Dajun, 2001, Progress report of Contract No. 113700: Origins of salinity and impacts on fresh groundwater resources in Weinan area (North Wei River) of Guanzhong Basin, Shaanxi province (in English)
Xiu Xingwang, Cai Xinping and Qin Dajun, 2000, Fluids double fracturing Mechanism in the breccia pipe, Qibaoshan, Shandong, Science in China
Qin Dajun, Cai Xingping and Xu Xingwang, 1999,Fluid differentiation and gold mineralization, Chinese Science Bulletin
Qin Dajun, Cai Xingping, Wang Jie, Xu Xingwang, 1999, Geology and Geochemistry of Maoling gold deposit, Gaixian, Liaoning, Jounal of China University of Geosciences
Qin Dajun, Cai Xinping, Wang Jie, Chou Yibai, Qi Xueyi and Hao Rong, 1999. Characteristics of alteration and genesis of the Jinchangyu gold deposit. Jounal of Precious Metallic Geology
Qin Dajun, 1997. The coupled relationships between shear zone and deep deviced fluid and mineralization. Geology and Geochemistry
Cai Xingping, Qin Dajun et al., 1996, Origin of gold deposits in metallogenic areas of Eastern Shandong. In: Geology of main metalgenic belts in Northern part of China
Qin Dajun, 1996, Petrogenesis of the Laiyuan Complex, in Northern Taihang Mountains, Lainyuan, Hebai, China. In: China’s Postdocter’s Contribution to the 30th international Geological Congress, Petroleum Industry Press of China, Beijing
Qin Dajun, Mo Xuanxue, Den Jinfu, Lin Peiying, Shi, Lang, 1994. Equilibrium experiement on the Cenozoic rocks of Datong volcanic cluster. Acta, Petrologica Sinica
Qin Dajun, Mo Xuanxue, Lin Peiying, 1994. Constraints of phase equilibrium experiments on the origin of Cenozoic rocks in the Datong volvanic cluster. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica