- 中文名:秦光照
- 出生日期:1991年
- 畢業院校:德國亞琛工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:機械與運載工程學
- 任職院校:湖南大學
2015/08 – 2018/08 德國亞琛工業大學 機械工程 (導師:胡明)
2012/09 – 2015/07 中國科學院大學 凝聚態物理
2007/09 – 2011/07 鄭州大學 套用物理學
2019/09 – 至今 湖南大學 汽車車身先進設計製造國家重點實驗室 教授
2018/09 – 2019/08 美國南卡羅萊納大學 機械工程系 博士後
學術期刊編輯:SCIREA Journal of Energy、SCIREA Journal of Materials
美國物理協會(American Physical Society, APS)會員
美國材料協會(Materials Research Society, MRS)會員
1.16th International Heat Transfer Conference(傳熱領域最具影響力會議)
2.International Program Committee for 2018 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials
1. Physical Review Letters
2. Physical Review Materials
3. Physical Review Applied
4. Physical Review B
5. Nanoscale
6. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7. Journal of Applied Physics
8. Scientific Reports
9. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
10. ChemistrySelect
11. Computational Condensed Matter
12. Physics Letters A
13. The Journal of Physical Chemistry
14. Materials and Design
15. Solid State Ionics
16. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
17. Applied Physics Letters
18. Surface and Coatings Technology
19. ACS Applied Electronic Materials
20. Energy
21. Superlattices and Microstructures
22. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
23. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
課題組在微納熱管理領域擬開展研究方向包括但不限於以下幾方面 :
1.Guangzhao Qin, Development of machine learning based interatomic potential for multiscale modeling of thermal management of electronics using Boron Arsenide (BAs), $5,000.00, 01/07/2019 – 30/09/2020, ASPIRE – I, TRACK 2, USC Office of the Vice President for Research;
1.Guangzhao Qin and Biyao Wu, Realizing low thermal conductivity by bond nanodesigning, RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0366, 0.24 Mio. core-h), 01/10/2018 – 31/09/2019;
2.Guangzhao Qin, For the fundamental understanding of the negative Poisson's ratio in graphene, RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0288, 0.24 Mio. core-h), 01/02/2018 – 31/01/2019;
3.Guangzhao Qin and Huimin Wang, Strained modulated thermal transport in penta-AlN2 by first-principles calculation, RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0250, 0.24 Mio. core-h), 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2018;
4.Guangzhao Qin, First-principles study of phonon transport in monolayer gallium nitride (GaN), RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0223, 0.24 Mio. core-h), 01/06/2017 – 31/05/2018;
5.Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu, Electric field modulated phonon transport in two-dimensional materials, RWTH Cluster (No. jara0168, 2.00 Mio. core-h), 01/05/2017 – 30/04/2018;
6.Guangzhao Qin, Huimin Wang, and Ming Hu, Phonon transport in Al-doped ZnO film from first-principles, RWTH Cluster (No. jara0160, 1.35 Mio. core-h), 01/11/2016 – 30/10/2017;
7.Guangzhao Qin, Huimin Wang, and Ming Hu, Strained modulated phonon transport in monolayer ZnO by first-principles calculation, RWTH Cluster (No. rwth0148, 1.2 Mio. core-h), 01/08/2016 – 31/07/2017;
8.Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu, Phonon transport in two-dimensional phosphorene based on first-principles calculations, JURECA, Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) (Project ID: JHPC38, 0.7 Mio. core-h), 01/05/2016 – 30/04/2017;
JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (Google Scholar total citation: 1160; h-index: 13)
(Co#-)First-author & Corresponding author*
1.Zhehao Sun, Kunpeng Yuan, Xiaoliang Zhang*, Guangzhao Qin*, and Dawei Tang*, Different response of thermal conductivity by enhancing interlayer force in bilayer graphene versus graphite, accepted by JAP;
2.Zhehao Sun, Kunpeng Yuan, Xiaoliang Zhang*, Guangzhao Qin*, Xiaojing Gong*, and Dawei Tang*, Disparate strain response of thermal transport properties of bilayer penta-graphene compared to monolayer, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 21, 15647 (2019);
3.Huimin Wang#, Guangzhao Qin#, Jiayue Yang, Zhenzhen Qin, Qiang Wang*, Yagang Yao*, and Ming Hu*, First-principle calculations of electronic, optical and thermal transport properties of monolayer MX (M=Ga, In; X=S, Se), J. Appl. Phys. 125, 245104 (2019);
4.Guangzhao Qin, Kuan-Rong Hao, Qing-Bo Yan*, Ming Hu*, and Gang Su*, Exploring T-Carbon for Energy Applications, Nanoscale 11, 5798 (2019);
5.Zhenzhen Qin, Guangzhao Qin*, and Ming Hu*, Origin of anisotropic negative Poisson's ratio in graphene, Nanoscale 10, 10365 (2018);
6.Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, and Ming Hu*, Lone-pair electrons induced anomalous enhancement of thermal transport in strained planar two-dimensional materials, Nano Energy 50, 425-430 (2018);
7.Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, and Ming Hu*, On the diversity in the thermal transport properties of graphene: A first-principles-benchmark study testing different exchange-correlation functionals, Comput. Mater. Sci. 151, 153-159 (2018);
8.Guangzhao Qin* and Ming Hu, The role of resonant bonding in governing the thermal transport properties of two-dimensional black phosphorus, arXiv:1801.04429 (2018);
9.Huimin Wang#, Guangzhao Qin#, Zhenzhen Qin, Guojian Li, Qiang Wang*, and Ming Hu*, Lone-pair Electrons do not Necessarily Lead to Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity: An Exception of Two-dimensional Penta-CN2, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 2474-2483 (2018);
10.Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu*, Thermal transport in phosphorene, Small 14, 1702465 (2018);
11.Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu*, Accelerating evaluation of converged lattice thermal conductivity, npj Computational Materials 4, 3 (2018);
12.Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu*, Thermal transport properties of monolayer phosphorene: a mini-review of theoretical studies, Frontiers in Energy 12(1), 87-96 (2018);
13.Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, and Ming Hu*, Anomalously temperature dependent thermal conductivity of monolayer GaN with large deviation from the traditional 1/T law, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195416 (2017);
14.Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Sheng-Ying Yue, Qing-Bo Yan, and Ming Hu*, External electric field driving the ultra-low thermal conductivity of silicene, Nanoscale 9, 7227 (2017);
15.Sheng-Ying Yue#, Guangzhao Qin#, Xiaoliang Zhang, Xianlei Sheng, Gang Su*, and Ming Hu*, Thermal transport in novel carbon allotropes with sp2 or sp3 hybridization: An ab initio study, Phys. Rev. B 95, 085207 (2017);
16.Jia-Yue Yang#, Guangzhao Qin#, and Ming Hu*, Nontrivial contribution of Fr?hlich electron-phonon interaction to lattice thermal conductivity of wurtzite GaN, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 242103 (2016);
17.Guangzhao Qin, Xiaoliang Zhang, Sheng-Ying Yue, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, Yang Han, and Ming Hu*, Resonant bonding driven giant phonon anharmonicity and low thermal conductivity of phosphorene, Phys. Rev. B 94, 165445 (2016);
18.Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Wu-Zhang Fang, Li-Chuan Zhang, Sheng-Ying Yue, Qing-Bo Yan*, Ming Hu*, and Gang Su*, Diverse anisotropy of phonon transport in two-dimensional group IV-VI compounds: A comparative study, Nanoscale 8, 11306 (2016); ESI Highly Cited Paper (TOP 100 cited articles published in Nanoscale in 2016);
19.Guangzhao Qin, Qing-Bo Yan*, Zhenzhen Qin, Sheng-Ying Yue, Ming Hu*, and Gang Su*, Anisotropic intrinsic lattice thermal conductivity of phosphorene from first principles, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 4854 (2015); ESI Highly Cited Paper;
20.Guangzhao Qin, Qing-Bo Yan*, Zhenzhen Qin, Sheng-Ying Yue, Hui-Juan Cui, Qing-Rong Zheng, and Gang Su*, Hinge-like structure induced unusual properties of black phosphorus and new strategies to improve the thermoelectric performance, Scientific Reports 4, 6946 (2014); ESI Highly Cited Paper;
21.Li-Chuan Zhang, Lizhi Zhang*, Guangzhao Qin, Qing-Rong Zheng, Ming Hu*, Qing-Bo Yan*, and Gang Su*, Two-dimensional magnetic metal-organic frameworks with shastry-sutherland lattice, submitted to JPCL;
22.Chengxiao Peng, Guangzhao Qin, Lichuan Zhang, Guangbiao Zhang, Chao Wang, Yuli Yan, Yuanxu Wang*, and Ming Hu*, Dependence of phonon transport properties with stacking thickness in layered ZnO, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51, 315303 (2018);
23.Yupeng Shen, Fancy Qian Wang, Jie Liu, Yaguang Guo, Xiaoyin Li, Guangzhao Qin, Ming Hu, Qian Wang*, A C20 fullerene-based sheet with ultrahigh thermal conductivity, Nanoscale 10, 6099 (2018);
24.Yanguang Zhou, Zheyong Fan, Guangzhao Qin, Jia-Yue Yang, Tao Ouyang, and Ming Hu*, Methodology Perspective of Computing Thermal Transport in Low-Dimensional Materials and Nanostructures: The Old and the New, ACS Omega 3, 3278 (2018);
25.Zeyu Liu, Xufei Wu, Vikas Varshney, Jonghoon Lee, Guangzhao Qin, Ming Hu, Ajit K Roy, and Tengfei Luo*, Bond saturation significantly enhances thermal energy transport in two-dimensional pentagonal materials, Nano Energy 45, 1-9 (2018);
26.Huimin Wang, Guangzhao Qin, Guojian Li, Qiang Wang*, and Ming Hu*, Unconventional thermal transport enhancement with large atom mass: A comparative study of two-dimensional transition dichalcogenides, 2D materials 5, 015022 (2018);
27.Huake Liu, Guangzhao Qin, Yuan Lin, and Ming Hu*, Uniform strain dependent thermal conductivity of pentagonal and hexagonal silicene, submitted to PCCP;
28.Zhenzhen Qin, Guangzhao Qin, Bin Shao, Xu Zuo*, Unconventional magnetic anisotropy in one-dimentional Rashba system realized by adsorbing Gd atom on zigzag graphene nanoribbons, Nanoscale 9, 11657 (2017);
29.Yang Han, Yanguang Zhou, Guangzhao Qin, Jinming Dong, Douglas S. Galvao, and Ming Hu*, Unprecedented Increase of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Auxetic Carbon Crystals under Tensile Strain, Carbon 122, 374 (2017);
30.Sheng-Ying Yue, Xiaoliang Zhang, Guangzhao Qin, Simon R. Phillpot*, and Ming Hu*, Metric for strong intrinsic fourth-order phonon anharmonicity, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195203 (2017);
31.Huimin Wang, Guangzhao Qin, Guojian Li, Qiang Wang, Ming Hu*, Low thermal conductivity of monolayer ZnO and its anomalous temperature dependence, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 12882 (2017);
32.Zhenzhen Qin, Guangzhao Qin, Xu Zuo*, Zhihua Xiong*, and Ming Hu*, Orbitally driven low thermal conductivity of monolayer gallium nitride (GaN) with planar honeycomb structure: a comparative study, Nanoscale 9, 4295 (2017);
33.Wuzhang Fang, Li-Chuan Zhang, Guangzhao Qin, Qing-Bo Yan, Qing-Rong Zheng*, and Gang Su*, Layer dependence of geometric, electronic and piezoelectric properties of SnSe, arXiv:1603.01791 (2016);
34.Ying Pan, Ye Tao, Guangzhao Qin, Yuriy Fedoryshyn, Shyamprasad Natarajan Raja, Ming Hu, Christian Lukas Degen, and Dimos Poulikakos*, Surface Chemical Tuning of Phonon and Electron Transport in Free-Standing Silicon Nanowire Arrays, Nano Lett. 16 (10), 6364 (2016);
35.Sheng-Ying Yue, Xiaoliang Zhang, Guangzhao Qin, Jiayue Yang, Stephen Stackhouse, and Ming Hu*, Insight into the role of vibrational modes of organic cluster in ultra-low thermal conductivity of perovskite solar cells, Phys. Rev. B 94, 115427 (2016);
36.Sheng-Ying Yue, Xiaoliang Zhang, Stephen Stackhouse, Guangzhao Qin, Edoardo Di Napoli, and Ming Hu*, Methodology for determining the electronic thermal conductivity of metals via direct nonequilibrium ab initio molecular dynamics, Phys. Rev. B 94, 075149 (2016);
37.Yang Han, Jinming Dong, Guangzhao Qin, and Ming Hu*, Phonon Transport in Ground State of Two-dimensional Silicon and Germanium, RSC Adv., 6, 69956 (2016);
38.Huake Liu, Guangzhao Qin, Yuan Lin, and Ming Hu*, Disparate Strain Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Two-dimensional Penta-Structures, Nano Lett. 16 (6), 3831 (2016);
39.Yang Han, Guangzhao Qin, Christoph Jungemann, and Ming Hu*, Strain modulated electronic and thermal transport properties of two-dimensional O-silica, Nanotechnology 27 (26), 265706 (2016);
40.Han Xie, Tao Ouyang, éric Germaneau, Guangzhao Qin, Ming Hu*, Hua Bao*, Large tunability of lattice thermal conductivity of monolayer silicene via mechanical strain, Phys. Rev. B 93, 075404 (2016); ESI Highly Cited Paper;
41.Li-Chuan Zhang, Guangzhao Qin, Wu-Zhang Fang, Hui-Juan Cui, Qing-Rong Zheng, Qing-Bo Yan*, Gang Su*, Tinselenidene: a Two-dimensional Auxetic Material with Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity and Ultrahigh Hole Mobility, Scientific Reports 6, 19830 (2016);
42.Zhenzhen Qin, Zhihua Xiong*, Guangzhao Qin, Lanli Chen, Energetics and magnetism of Co-doped GaN(0001) surfaces: A first-principles study, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 224503 (2014);
43.Xiaoliang Zhang, Han Xie, Ming Hu*, Hua Bao*, Shengying Yue, Guangzhao Qin, and Gang Su, Thermal conductivity of silicene calculated using an optimized Stillinger-Weber potential, Phys. Rev. B 89, 054310 (2014); ESI Highly Cited Paper;
44.Zhenzhen Qin, Zhihua Xiong*, Guangzhao Qin and Qixin Wan, Behavior of aluminum adsorption and incorporation at GaN(0001) surface: First-principles study, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 194307 (2013);
1.Guangzhao Qin and Ming Hu*, In book: Two-dimensional Materials - Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Applications, Chapter: Diverse Thermal Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials: A Comparative Review, Editor: Pramoda Kumar Nayak, pp.199-217, InTech (2016), DOI: 10.5772/64298; (Accepted for indexing in the Book Citation Index in the Web of Science? Core Collection (BKCI). The Book Citation Index (BKCI) is the world’s leading citation index with multidisciplinary content from the top tier publications.) Reached 1000 downloads at 2018-11-27.
2.Guangzhao Qin?, Han Xie?, Hua Bao*, and Ming Hu, In book: Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook: Low-Dimensional Structures, Quantum Dots, and Nanowires, Volume One, Chapter: Two dimensional silicon, Editor: Klaus D. Sattler, CRC Press 2017, Pages 43-76, DOI: 10.1201/9781315153544-4;
1.Software Copyright (China 2014SR078775): Shuffle Player (sfplayer), a command line interfaced (CLI) media player written in BASH;
2.Software Copyright (China 2014SR099203): ProcLiterature, a software written in BASH for managing and citing literature through HTML browser;
2018年6月:德國亞琛工業大學最佳博士論文(拉丁文最高榮譽學位SUMMA CUM LAUDE)
2018年3月:《Computational Condensed Matter》傑出審稿人
2018年2月: 國際著名一區SCI期刊Nanoscale編輯部賀電
Congratulations from The Royal Society of Chemistry: ‘Diverse anisotropy of phonon transport in two-dimensional group IV-VI compounds: A comparative study’ [Nanoscale 8, 11306 (2016)] is one of the top 100 cited articles published in Nanoscale in 2016 based on Web of Science citations from January 2018
2018年1月: 國家優秀自費(非公派)留學生獎學金(全球500人次)
2014年9月: 中國北京,理論和高性能計算化學2014國際學術會議,最佳海報設計獎
2007年4月: 河南省三好學生