



  • 書名:科技英語突破
  • 作者:翟天利 
  • ISBN:9787119011325
  • 頁數:148
  • 定價:14.00
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:1999-11
  • 裝幀:平裝


翟天利,英語副教授,高校教齡三十九年,並在美國、印度和伊拉克等國家從事英語翻譯工作數年。 歷任:西安理工大學外語部主任、北京信息科技大學外語系主任和北京培黎職業學院外語系主任


I. Scientiflc Reading: Welding
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Negligible, Considerable Substantial
(2) Melt, Molten Smelt
(3) Property
(4) Bring about, Produce Cause Give rise to
(5) Critical
(6) Conducive
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
(1) Maximum and Minimum
(2) Contents
V SapplemeBtary Readings and Exereises
Reading 1 Air Bearings
Reading 2 Ozone Depletion and Cancer
Unit2 I. Scientific Reading: Centrifugal Govemors
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Contact
(2) House, Accommodate
(3) Resist, Withstand
(4) Advantage
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
(1) The use of will oan asd may-
(2) Classification
V Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 The Birth of Stars
Reading 2 Landing on Venus
Unit3 1 Scientific Reading: The Petrol Engine
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scieutific Word-Study.
(1) Adopt
(2) Apply
(3) Exploit, Utilize, Employ
(4) Efficiency
(5) Attain, Achieve
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
(1) Methods
(2) Should
V Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 The Costs of Safety
Reading 2 Technology for Tunnellers
Unit 4
I. Scientific Reading: The Jet Engine
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Admit, Introduce
(2) Speed, Rate
(3) Capacity
(4) Evolve
(5) Generate
(6) Develop
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
(1) Purpose
(2) Requirements and Necessity
V Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 Agronomy in Guatemala
Reading 2 Patents and Inventions
Unit 5
I. Scientific Reading: Radioactivity
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Produce, Product, Production
(2) Consume Consumption
(3) Inject
(4) Eliminate, Get rid of
(5) Devise, Device, Instrument Apparatus
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
(1) Explanation of cause
(2) Problems, Difficulties and Solution
V Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 Fireballs
Reading 2 Genes in Action
I. Scientific Reading: Chain Reaction
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Tend, Apt, Inclined
(2) Impinge on, Encounter
(3) Deflect, Refract, Reflect
(4) Diverge Gonverge
(5) Induce Aspirate
(6) Expel, Exhaust, Eject, Discharge
(7) Propagate, Distribute
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
Ratio and Proportion
V Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 The Schoolroom in the Sky
Reading 2 Brightening up the Dashboard
I. Scientiflc Reading: Conductors and Conductivity
II. Access to Scientific Engiish
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Supply, Provide, Fit
(2) Equip, Install
(3) Allow for, Compensate for
(4) Work, Function, Operate, Run
(5) Control, Regulate
IV Practical Usage of Some Pattems
(1) Results
(2) Contrast
V Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 Solar Physics
Reading 2 The Brain Under Stress
I. Scientific Reading: Liquid Pumps
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Perform
(2) Limit, Restrict, Impair, Impose
(3) Effective
(4) Factor
(5) Stable Stabilize
(6) Maintain
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
(1) It is + adj + to
(2) It (is) + adj + that
V Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 Automating Transport
Reading 2 Homes for Refugees
I. Scientific Reading: Road Foundations
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Dispose of
(2) Affect (v); Effect (n)
(3) Deteriorate, Improve
(4) Potential
(5) Pipe, Tube, Rod
(6) Erode Corrode
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
Measurement and Calculations
V Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 Mycology and Food Storage
Reading 2 Do Tranquilizers Cause Birth Defects?
Unit 10
1. Scientific Reading: Suspension Bridges
II. Access to Scientific English
III. Semi-Scientific Word Study
(1) Value, Evaluate
(2) Subject, Subjected, Submit, Undergo Suffer
(3) Proceed, Procedure, Process
(4) Agree, Accord Conform Comply Consistent
(5) Modify
(6) Transform
IV. Practical Usage of Some Pattems
(1) In that . . ( points of view etc )
(2) Consider, Neglect
V. Supplementary Readings and Exercises
Reading 1 The Biological Clock
Reading 2 An End to Soil Problems
Key to Supplementary Readings and Exercises


