《科技漢語chinese for science and technology》是2020年西南交通大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是吳焱。本書教材注重實用性,重點強化學生閱讀與口語表達能力。該書每篇課文後都附有難度適中的練習以及與專業知識相關的拓展閱讀,以便於國際學生對常用的科技漢語辭彙、基本的表達進行深入的學習和理解。
- 中文名:科技漢語chinese for science and technology
- 作者:吳焱
- 出版社:西南交通大學出版社
- ISBN:9787564375911
《科技漢語chinese for science and technology》是2020年西南交通大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是吳焱。本書教材注重實用性,重點強化學生閱讀與口語表達能力。該書每篇課文後都附有難度適中的練習以及與專業知識相關的拓展閱讀,以便於國際學生對常用的科技漢語辭彙、基本的表達進行深入的學習和理解。
中國科技新聞學會(CHINESE SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNALISM,CSSTJ)成立於1988年1月,是由中國科學技術協會主管,由科技新聞傳播工作者、相關企事業單位和社會團體自願結成並依法登記的全國性、學術性、非營利性社會組織,也是世界科技記者聯盟的發起者和成員。據2024年4月學會官網數據,中國科技新聞學會...
《中國科學技術指標2014(英文)》是於2016年11月科學技術文獻出版社出版的一本圖書,作者是中華人民共和國科學技術部。內容簡介 Science and Technology (hereafter referred to as “S&T”) indicators represent quantitativemeans through which people can observe or measure S&T activities. S&T indicators can...
《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》由中國科學院自然科學史研究所和科學出版社共同創辦。辦刊歷史 2017年,《中國科學技術史(英文)》(Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology, CAHST)由中國科學院自然科學史研究所和科學出版社共同創辦,由中國科學院自然科學史研究所所長張柏春...
中國食品科學技術學會(Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology,CIFST)成立於1980年11月,是由食品工業科學技術工作者和與食品科學技術相關的單位自願結成的學術性的全國性的非營利性的社會組織,是中國科學技術協會的組成部分。截至2016年4月,中國食品科學技術學會共成立有19個分支機構。歷史沿革 1980年11...
CHAPTER 9 S&T activities in Chinese Association of Science and Technology(Omitted)CHAPTER 10 Scientific and technological achievements CHAPTER 11 Technology trade and high technology import & export CHAPTER 12 S&T and economic and social development CHAPTER 13 Chinese public understanding and attitudes ...
Standing Firm at Thirty:in Celebration to the 30th Anniversary of Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology Liu Dun Disciplinary Development of the History of Science and Technology in China Yuan Jiangyang Conference Address Roshdi Rashed History of Science at the Beginning of the 21...
Unit TwoScience & Technology in the PastLecture翻譯概論General Introduction to Translation12 TextScience and Technology in Traditional China中國古代的科學與技術25 Extended ReadingList of Chinese Inventions古代中國人的發明28 Unit ThreeLanguage of Science Lecture科技術語的翻譯Translation of Scientific Terminology...
otherwise specified. The Editorial Board wishes to acknowledge its gratitude for the guidance and assistance provided by authorities, experts and scholars of government agencies and institutions including the Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of...
《SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN CHINA: SELECTIONS FROM THE BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. VOLUME 6》是1992年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Su Dajun、Yang Li。圖書目錄 Preface CONTENTS General Articles Science Disciplines Science...
Assessment of Overall Capabilities of Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology 125 Institutions of Agricultural and Forestry Science Research in China 127 Composition of Personnel 128 Income and Expenditure 129 Assets and Debts 131 Research Subjects and R&D Activities 131 Technology Transfers and Writings....
As one of the eighteen field-specific reports comprising the comprehensive scope of the strategic general report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,this sub-report addresses long-range planning for developing science and technology in the field of water science.They each craft a roadmap for their ...