Kuroi wana no sasayaku mirai o mezashi tomo ni yukou..
羅馬音: Voice in the Dark! 日文: Voice in the Dark! 英文: Voice in the Dark!
Yami no ~FORIA~ 闇の旋律―フォリアー The ~Melody~ of Darkness
Shinju no kizuna ubae 真珠の「kizuna」奪え that steals the bonds between your pearls.
Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark!
Saa! Hajimaru utsukushiku karei na SHOU さあ!はじまる美しく華麗なショウNow! Let's begin magnificently beautiful show!
Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark!
Uta ni nosete 歌にのせて Our song is brought forth
Kodama suru yami no chikara! こだまする闇の音色! with the echo of the power of darkness!
Heiwa nante maboroshi 平和なんて幻 Peace is nothing more but an illusion
Kgami ni utsuranu mayakashi
鏡に映らぬまやかし falsely reflected off the surface of a mirror.
Nami no ito wo karamasetara hiki ushio ni naru 波の糸をからませたら引き潮になる A string made of waves entwines around one another bundling, and becomes a tide.
Kokoro ni aru maryoku wo ITAZURA na biyaku ni kaete 心にある魔力をイタズラな媚薬に変えて The demonic energies in our hearts change into a prank-filled vigor.
Yowai mono wo madowasete yuku deshou 弱い者をまおわせてゆくでしょう Surely, it would bewilder those who are weaker than us.
Voice in the Dark!
Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark!
Kuroi nami to kanadeau kono MERODII 黒い波と奏であうこのメロディー A black wave gently plays this melody we sing.
Voice in dark!agami ni utsuranu mayakashi 鏡に映らぬまやかし falsely reflected off the surface of a mirror.
Nami no ito wo karamasetara hiki ushio ni naru 波の糸をからませたら引き潮になる A string made of waves entwines around one another bundling, and becomes a tide.
Kokoro ni aru maryoku wo ITAZURA na biyaku ni kaete 心にある魔力をイタズラな媚薬に変えて The demonic energies in our hearts change into a prank-filled vigor.
Yowai mono wo madowasete yuku deshou 弱い者をまおわせてゆくでしょう Surely, it would bewilder those who are weaker than us.
Voice in the Dark!
Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark!
Kuroi nami to kanadeau kono MERODII 黒い波と奏であうこのメロディー A black wave gently plays this melody we sing. Voice in dark!
voice in the Dark!
Voice in the Dark! Ai wo tomete katachi naki kusari to nare! 愛を止めて形なき鎖となれ! It stops all love, and becomes a chain with no shape Uzumaku RIFUREIN de... 渦巻くリフレインで That eddy's about you, within this refrain. Shinju no kizuna ubae 真珠の「kizuna」奪え and steals the bonds between your pearls. "Omoi" nante suteteru “想い”なんて舍ててる Throw away these "feelings" you have. Yume miru shoujo no dokuhaku 夢見る少女の獨白 They're nothing more but a soliloquy that a dreaming Sakebi nante dare ni mo todokanai
girl would shout out, that reaches no one but themselves. Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Saa! Hajimaru utsukushiku karei na SHOU さあ!はじまる美しく華麗なショウ Now! Let's begin magnificently beautiful show! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Uta ni nosete 歌にのせて Our song is brought forth Kodama suru yami no chikara! こだまする闇の音色! with the echo of the power of darkness! Ai ni mamorareteiru SHIAWASE NA MONOTACHI 愛に守られているシアワセノモノタチ The happy people who think they can protect their love "Tsutawaru" to shinjiteiru hitomi ga mabushii 「伝わる」と信じている瞳がまぶしい believe too much in their "communication" and are blinded by such. Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Kuroi nami to kanadeau kono MERODII 黒い波と奏であうこのメロディー A black wave gently plays this melody we sing. Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Ai wo tomete katachi naki kusari to nare! 愛を止めて形なき鎖となれ! It stops all love, and becomes a chain with no shape Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Saa! Hajimaru utsukushiku karei na SHOU さあ!はじまる美しく華麗なショウ Now! Let's begin magnificently beautiful show! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Voice in the Dark! Uta ni nosete 歌にのせて Our song is brought forth Kodama suru yami no chikara! こだまする闇の音色! with the echo of the power of darkness! Kanashiki yami no ~FORIA~... 悲しき闇の旋律―フォリアー。。。 The heart-shattering dark ~Melody~... Hageshiku tsuyoku atsuku... 激しく強く熱く。。。 Becoming fiercer, stronger, and hotter... Uzumaku RIFUREIN de... 渦巻くリフレインで。。。 Eddying about you, within this refrain... Kanashiki yami no ~FORIA~... 悲しき闇の旋律―フォリアー。。。 This heart-shattering dark ~Melody~...截圖